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  1. what happened ? bye.

  2. Oh Dave..

    What have you done!

  3. My dad and brother were at the Fiji game just there and it was £10 and £5 for the 2 of them.
  4. We are going stale. The money I spend on the club wondering why I do it.
  5. I expect mine tomorrow or saturday at the latest. @TomRose9 Did you send away the RSC form or a personal one.
  6. Sent one off yesterday morining at 6.30 am so hope i get them tomorrow or saturday.
  7. They said ticket stubs would be valid at the replay. They are ripping us off.
  8. Should clubs not have a reserve fund incase this happens. I dount anything will change so I will just pay it.
  9. Its fine mate Rangersgary posted a thread that he done it and his was fine.
  10. When you cant get a game because of the crap lobby. The helicopters are a pain aswell.
  11. I will be going but my brother wont. Basically the same reason most people have on here for not going.
  12. Try out the guns. Pick you best and stick with it so you can unock all the add ons which help. Also gets your XP up which unlocks perks etc. Also in games try and find a postition to hit people rather than just running in.
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