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Everything posted by bauba30

  1. May I congratulate you on your sterling use of "harm reduction" and "deflection" So much hatred from one man! Who was at fault? Of course, if you could read you would know, as I have stated many times in this thread that this happened because of poor stewarding. If you watch the video on youtube today, you can see as Celtic celebrate in the corner, there are a bunch of Stewards arriving to get in between the crowd and the players, making it easier for a numpty elsewhere to get on the field Anyway, as I have stated, The guy first of all is at fault - cant get passed that - then Celtic are at fault for their action/inaction of the stewards - and lastly, Dida, for his actions Not harm reduction at all, realism. And deflection? Coming from you DA, the master of deflection, that is priceless. No, just being a realist here. Celtic will get fined for their stewarding, fine will be increased because of the contact the fan barely made The reasons that the punishment will not be more stringent IMO are Celtics recent good standing with UEFA and Dida's playacting.
  2. Cant do that CR - I could go out and assault someone on the street tonight - gonna lock me up for that?
  3. Its not comprable to our game against the Israellis in any shape or form . The incident you mention was an individual who was not even a Rangers supporter making a "political protest" not attacking an opposition player. Furthermore this is not the first of even the second time such an incident has happened when opposition players have been attacked by Celtic fans. I would suggest you use your own intelligence to work out why this is far more than just a break down in stewarding. Yet again an opposition player has been attacked by a Celtic fan at Parkhead. You still have failed to grasp the concept of the debate. Rangers cannot be held accountable for the actions of one supporter when he does not breach or break any UEFA rules or laws - merely breaks what for many would standards of decency with regard to behaviour. UEFA dont deal with standards of decency - they DO deal with pitch invasions. Give it up DA, you are making yourself look silly on this one. yeah, giving a nazi salute does not break any rules, except maybe rules of decency. Rangers FC know how it looked, most of the fans know how it looked. We also know how something liek that can reflect on our club. Against the Israelis we were fined for the breakdown in stewarding. Celtic will be fined also, I am sure of it, prossibly more becuase the fan was able to go right up to a player And come on - "Attack?" No idea where you grew up DA but where I come from that is more of a tickle than an Attack
  4. We were fined for a Celtic fan coming onto the pitch during one of our CL games.. the very least, they should be fined for the fan coming on + more for the attack. It was a UEFA Cup game. All due respect, that should not matter
  5. Yeah, Stewards and Police - that obviously was found wanting tonight Zoo's don't normally tend to have police and stewerds though bauba? They dont need to - the animals are scary enough
  6. Yeah, Stewards and Police - that obviously was found wanting tonight
  7. Because the focus of the debate is being lost. I couldnt care if Dida dived...its of little or no relevance. A Celtic fan...not for the first....or even the second time....has invaded the pitch and laid hands on a player of the opposition. Ironic that their current manager was a victim of such an attack. Furthermore if people wish to take strategic positions and issue moral judgments over certain incidents involving our own fans it - would be refreshing to see that applied consistently. If you dont like it SC - Im sorry but tough. The debate must focus on what happened...not who did it or why or how light it was. It was at Celtic Park and could have left Dida severely injured...it luckily didn't happen. I hear you, but when we start punishing people for what could have happened, we go down a slippery slope What I think will happen is they will focus on the absolutes. Stewarding breakdown, contact with a player = large fine
  8. Because the focus of the debate is being lost. I couldnt care if Dida dived...its of little or no relevance. A Celtic fan...not for the first....or even the second time....has invaded the pitch and laid hands on a player of the opposition. Ironic that their current manager was a victim of such an attack. Furthermore if people wish to take strategic positions and issue moral judgments over certain incidents involving our own fans it - would be refreshing to see that applied consistently. If you dont like it SC - Im sorry but tough. Where did I say that Celtic were innocent - Ive stated many times on this short thread that Celtic will get fined on this, as it is comparable with our incident against the Israelies last season. I see a similar punishment - I also condemned Dida's actions because to me Footy is an honest game and a game for men! (Sorry ladies) and he failed on both counts tonight - luckily the cameras caught him and revealed him for what he is I just cant beleive though that man of your obvious intelligence compares a break down in stewarding to giving a nazi salute - I just cannot beleive it. Oh by the way, was it you or your sidekick that said yesterday that Rangers could and should not be held accountable for the actions of one supporter. So, speaking of consistency - as you seem to like to do - should Celtic be held accountable for the actions of one supporter? BTW - my opinion, Celtic should announce tonight that the idiot has a life ban, however hard he "struck" - like Rangers did, send a message that this sort of thing is not to be tolerated
  9. Agreed - make no mistake, Celtic will get fined on this - but I bet you that UEFA will take their "fine record" into consideration lol. I reckon Milan do not want to take the matter further because they know how it looked on the TV when Dida went down.
  10. It would be refreshing bauba...if just for once......you managed to apply the same moral repugnance at the bad behaviour of Celtic fans as you do towards fans of our own club....instead of being merely dismissive of their behaviour. The incident tonight DOES fall under UEFA's remit unlike the moron making the Nazi salute. Quite. One leads, the other follows close behind. Need a breath mint David?
  11. It would be refreshing bauba...if just for once......you managed to apply the same moral repugnance at the bad behaviour of Celtic fans as you do towards fans of our own club....instead of being merely dismissive of their behaviour. The incident tonight DOES fall under UEFA's remit unlike the moron making the Nazi salute. What is more morally repugnant to you then, a nazi salute or a fan running onto the pitch. Now, neither are right to me but I get disgusted by the salute and actually quite gleeful over the other because Celtic will get punished If Dida had been a man tonight though and chased the Tim off into the arms of the police, we would be sitting here laughing at it. Basically, I think Dida has ultimately hurt himself and helped Celtic by the way he acted tonight, unless something comes up that we have all missed.
  12. Exactly - I can see Celtic being fined for letting the guy on the field, might be a larger fine as he did put his hands on the player, however feebly it was. Dida has to come under scrutiny also though
  13. I know dida has been prone to a dive or to, But I was thinking that as well. Did he have anything in his hand? They will get hammered for this and rightly so. Prone? What? What the crap? What do you base that on? Anyway, there is surely more to this than a dive. Sorry, dont see it, he was like Jesse Owens until he realized his team might benefit from play acting so then, all of a sudden, he feel to the ground. Hope he gets a long ban for that Quite simply this has surely gone on long enough - you are merely on here to wind people up Oh for goodness sake, will you stop this? What have I said that is wrong?
  14. I know dida has been prone to a dive or to, But I was thinking that as well. Did he have anything in his hand? They will get hammered for this and rightly so. Prone? What? What the crap? What do you base that on? Anyway, there is surely more to this than a dive. Sorry, dont see it, he was like Jesse Owens until he realized his team might benefit from play acting so then, all of a sudden, he feel to the ground. Hope he gets a long ban for that You really are trying to wind me up aren't you. Not at all - I hope Celtic get fined - and they will and I hope Dida gets a nice long ban
  15. I know dida has been prone to a dive or to, But I was thinking that as well. Did he have anything in his hand? They will get hammered for this and rightly so. Prone? What? What the crap? What do you base that on? Anyway, there is surely more to this than a dive. Sorry, dont see it, he was like Jesse Owens until he realized his team might benefit from play acting so then, all of a sudden, he feel to the ground. Hope he gets a long ban for that
  16. I don't buy this minutes thing. He'd stay down, but eventually get up. He didn't. He was stretchered off. Not even walking. He was carried. From the beeb 2135: Dida has made a right meal of that tap from a pretty soft looking Glaswegian. He's being stretchered off! No fan should come on a pitch, but no professional footballer should feign injury like that. Sums it up really He is trying to force the game to be replayed. What a tosser he is.
  17. Probably a small fine for the bad stewarding - similar to us against the Israelis. But Dida should get the book thrown at him - that was disgraceful
  18. I prefer the theory that they played just as good as we let them. For once lets actually sit back and enjoy our success instead of doing the usual Scottish Presbyterian thing of looking for a gloomy reason why we won that doesnt involve us! We won folks!! Enjoy it!
  19. Dying to get my first look at it - anyone got a link of the goal yet?
  20. Oh, it was good, but come on, we were crowned unofficial world champs that day!
  21. Wow - working in a bank here in Chicago - you have no idea the torture - following the game on text updates from Sportinglife.com and not being able to let out a "C'MON" or a YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Sheer torture Worth it now though!
  22. To think I almost got today off work to watch this and the cricket but I thought we would get stuffed in both so I went to work instead. BUT OH YES! What a result!
  23. 5000 I remember hearing. Sportinglife.com says approx 20,000 Scots
  24. Last week I posted some Lawn bowling stuff on here and mentioned I had the Chicago Championships to contend in over the weekend Well, I am now champion of Chicago - had a really good 2nd day of competition - arrived to find that the green had turned rock hard and had burnt so it was running ridiculously fast, conditions I have always enjoyed. Won my forst 2 games so played the last knowing that a tie would be good enough - went 12-0 up and coasted - played they last end 13-4 up and took the trophy So really chuffed at that - it came rather easily than I expected but still feels good So basically got the pairs final to play in now and a big touney in Milwaukee in October - The Chilli Bowl - where I will be going up against some of the best bowlers in the States - so if I can win the former and show well or win in the latter, then this season will have been a great success.
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