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  1. Like
    Jonok reacted to Ted E Bayer in Clyde One Super Score Board   
    Keevins is fucking obsessed with 10* in a row. More than any Celtic or Rangers fan.
    I could t give a fuck about 10* in a row. The world knows it’s more like 5 in a row.
    To suggest they care more about 10 in a row than winning the Europa cup is mental!
  2. Like
    Jonok reacted to miracle in UEFA Nations League   
    That was some clearance he made from the Israeli penalty box.
  3. Like
    Jonok reacted to Essandoh in Officialdom Conspiracy 2020/21?   
    Cheating bastards. Andy Walker, lie under a bus you fc
  4. Like
    Jonok reacted to AlCapone in Officialdom Conspiracy 2020/21?   
    See all the surrender monkeys that think this is embarrassing well you are part of the problem. we  are competing against  fhilth who will kick,  scratch and play dirty all the way in the pursuit of nine in a row this season.  We need to call this out and highlight any injustice and put pressure on the referees to think twice before they make any contentious decisions against us. For a decade any referee has been hounded if they make an error against them,  hounded to the position thaT anytime they have a big call to make in one of their games they will sit on the fence and not take the risk of being wrong and all the shit that comes with it.
    we need to box clever and put pressure on those that make errors that affect us know that it will not go unchallenged.
    wise the fuck up and grown a set 
  5. Like
    Jonok reacted to SeparateEntityMyArse in Officialdom Conspiracy 2020/21?   
    I'm clear in saying I dont think refs sit huddled in rooms conspiring against us.  But looking after their careers, going with the flow, being scared to officiate freely for fear of recriminations, being a RC sympathiser, etc. More possible.
    I always ask for where 'incompetence' balances up. Refs decisions in our favour, the way Beaton and Clancy have been against. Never received a comparison yet.
    For folk to explain why we get players sent off for blowing kisses or cheering a goal or for a superman dive grabbing Morelos neck by the last man results with Morelos booked .....yet a scum player gets away card free with celebrating amongst the crowd as the "crowd didn't fall over".
    Top of fair play (and least suspensions) are the scum every season.  If folk want vids of shocking challenges they've got away with im happy to supply.
    I question why after all the compliance involvement against us, for the scum the only player ever retrosoectively done by CO for on field issued was Christie ( out injured coincidentally at the time😂).
    And finally. If there's no dodgy goings on then surely its a good thing to assess it all and demonstrate that?  The scum don't want VAR, there's a reason. If we put pressure on the scum come the turn if the year that reason will become clear on this thread.
  6. Like
    Jonok reacted to blueballss in Officialdom Conspiracy 2020/21?   
    3000 pager by May 2021, if not before
  7. Like
    Jonok reacted to SeparateEntityMyArse in Officialdom Conspiracy 2020/21?   
    For significant dodgy / dubious  and blatantly wrong decisions game changing in nature. And laws wrongly enforced type decisions...... Includes refs, matchday officials and Compliance Officer decisions and interventions.
    ***Post 1 will be updated after each game***
    For: 6
    Against: 17
    Game 1: Sheep away (Bobby Madden)
    Decent performance by Madden as far as big decisions, less so standard ones. Stonewall red for Considine foul on Arfield. Would like to have seen several angles and more analysis of 2 incidents. Firstly Hayes (77 mins) running and looking at Goldson and smashing him with elbow/shoulder without looking at ball. And last minute tackle on Alfie in the box with penalty shouts made.
    But nothing overly contentious 👍
    Game 2: St Mirren home (Andrew Dallas)
    Few St Mirren challenges that maybe warranted a yellow that wasn't given.
    St Mirren penalty. Their player stretched into box to shield the ball. Kamara was clumsy by making any contact. Soft, but most would probably not argue with a foul outside the box, so Imo as right leg in the box then its a softish penalty.
    1 in our favour, 0 against today
    Game 3: St Johnstone home (Euan Anderson)
    Not awarded penalty on Itten.
    Red for tackle on Roofe. Still images make it look worse than it did from the 2nd camera angle, where the leading leg goes over Roofe not through him. But based on the rule when a player lunges in its still a red.
    2 wrong decisions against us, 0 for.  
    Game 4: Livi away (Nick Walsh)
    Plenty time wasting, a booking for Morelos just because its him, no contentious decisions needing made.
    0 for or against.
    Game 5: Killie home (Clancy)
    Standard Clancy performance. That of a wee prick.
    No idea what Itten was booked for.  Blatant foul on Barker ignored (Barisic territory). Their forward blatantly grabs Goldson but not even spoke to. Time wasting allowed as it has been all season.
    I'm going to say there was a possible penalty where the defender extended his arms from his body, not in natural position and making body bigger then got hit on elbow. Not sern enough to say yes though
    0 for or against
    Game 6: Hamilton away (Collum)
    Cant criticise any of the yellows or the red but:
    1. Our 1st goal imo was offside. As it comes off Roofes head Hagi is offside imo
    Edit, came odd defender not Roofe
    2. Penalty not given for push on Roofe. A CF is entitled to keep his hands out to protect his space. Thats not pushing or commiting a foul. He was shoved in the back as he went for the ball. 100% penalty.
    0 for, 1 against.
    Game 7: Dundee Utd (Clancy)
    Zero protection offered by Clancy. Numerous bookable offences by Utd ignored. A terrible challenge leaving stud hole on Alfredo not even given as a foul. An obvious red simply ignored.
    0 for, 1 against.
    Game 8: Hivs (Don Robertson)
    Offside goal given.
    Porteous shape his arse and use his arm to obstruct Alfie in the last minute, that's a 2nd yellow and red for me.
    Hanlon on Hagi is a deliberate raised elbow to the face. Imo a red.
    3 against, arguably more
    Game 9: Motherwell (Bobby Madden)
    Shove in the back not shoulder to shoulder by Kamara. Soft, and their player anticipated and played for it, but I do think it was a foul so yeah penalty.
    Both penalties given spot on based on the current rules.
    0 against.
    1 for us today.
    Game 10: Ross County (Greg Aitken)
    Player should have been red carded at the penalty. Clear goal scoring chance, foul given, there's clear contact but no attempt to genuinely play the ball. Harsh for the lad but by letter of law should have been a red.
    0 for, 1 against.
    Game 11: Scum (Beaton)
    Very good refereeing performance. Let the game be about the players not him, carded rightly when necessary. 
    Game 12: Livi (Walsh)
    Nothing of note I can remember
    Game 13: Killie (Dallas)
    Stonewall penalty. No other big decisions 
    Game 14: Hamilton (McLean)
    8 nil thrashing, including blatant penalty, nothing contentious.
    Game 15: Sheep (Walsh)
    Missed blatant foul on Roofe for what should have been a penalty.
    0 for, 1 against.
    Game 16: Ross County (Beaton)
    Nothing for ref to get involved in but dealing with a bit of name calling.
    Game 17: Dundee Hivs (Mclean)
    Blatant red card elbow by Morelos, only given a yellow. Huge break early in 1st half.
    Foul on Goldson, arms wrapped round him and held, penalty wrongly not awarded.
    Possible hand to ball by their defender around 70th minute but Arfield was quite close as he flicked it so a 50/50 one.
    1 huge decision for, 1 against.
    *** Compliance Officer retrospective red for Morelos***
    Game 18: Motherwell (Don Robertson)
    Missed handball in build up to Motherwell goal.
    1 against
    Game 19: St J (Walsh)
    Deserved red card for O'Halloran. No overly big decisions of note.
    0 for or against.
    Game 20: Hivs (Collum)
    4 contentious penalty shouts yesterday.
    1. Tav. Imo he makes contact with their player's standing leg, the boy didn't bring him down. No pen 
    2. Boyle (?). Tav chasing him in the box, Nisbet sees this and pushes Tav slightly off balance into Boyle creating the contact. No pen.
    3. Hagi. His boot is high, but the ball is there to be won. He's not made the slightest contact with their player. Indirect free kick if anything, no penalty.
    4. Porteous. IMHO the biggest penalty shout. He isn't fully in control, his leg is resting on the ball whilst his foot takes out Roofe. Slow mo shows clear penalty 
    0 for, 1 against
    Game 21: St Mirren (Alan Muir)
    Elbow on Goldson debatable possible red. Arguably a yellow, but if the CO retrospectively acted in it (😂😂 I know, I know) it wouldn't shock anyone.
    0 for, 0 against * - asterisk for the Goldson one 😂
    Game 22: Scum (Madden)
    1.  Missed barge by thumb on Roofe should have been a penalty all day long.
    2.  Duffy tackle on Kent a red not yellow.
    Lennon full of excuses that red card shouldn't have been awarded to Bitton. It should, it was one big call Madden got correct.
    Brown play acting is simulation, I'm gonna check the rules but morally he should face retrospective CO action. 
    Game 23: Sheep (Beaton)
    Penalty for Rangers and red card fully justified. Main wrongly not red carded for foul on Borna.
    1 against
    Game 24: Motherwell
    Itten goal marginally offside. One for.
    Motherwell goal the man at back post ran towards ball and goal from offside position arguably becoming actively involved in play. Harsh as didn't touch ball or get in way of keeper so not including in scores.
    1 for, 0 against
    Game 25: Ross County (Anderson)
    Inconclusive whether penalty awarded occurred outside or on edge of box. No scores.
    Game 26: Hivs (Clancy)
    Missed Morelos incident. *Retrospectively deemed a red so one in our favour.
    Missed similar McGregor incident. Equal foul and actually committed after throwing Kamara to ground. One against.
    Porteous typically dangerous but not quite meritting reds.
    1 for, 1 against.
    Game 27: St J (Munro)
    Roofe probable red card.
    1 decision for 
    ***retrospective red***
    Game 28: Hamilton (Madden)
    Nothing of note.
    Game 29: St J (Robertson)
    Penalty for challenge in Tav not given.
    Nonsense claims over a challenge by Balogun that was outside the box that somehow ST J were robbed. Pish.
    1 against us.
    Game 30: Dundee Utd (Walsh)
    Nothing to talk of.
    Game 31: Livi (Beaton)
    Completed fixtures:
    Game 1: Bobby Madden
    Game 2: Andrew Dallas
    Game 3: Euan Anderson
    Game 4: Nick Walsh
    Game 5: wanker Nancy Clancy 
    Game 6: Collum
    Game 7: wanker Nancy Clancy
    Game 8: Don Robertson 
    Game 9: Bobby Madden
    Game 10: Greg Aitken
    Game 11: Beaton
    Game 12: Walsh
    Game 13: Dallas 
    Game 14: McLean
    Game 15: Walsh
    Game 16: Beaton
    Game 17: McLean 
    Game 18: Don Robertson
    Game 19: Walsh
    Game 20: Collum
    Game 21: Muir
    Game 22: Madden
    Game 23: Beaton 
    Game 24: Robertson
    Game 25: Anderson
    Game 26: wanker Nancy Clancy
    Gsme 27: Munro
    Game 28: Madden 
    Game 29: Robertson 
    Game 30: Walsh
    Game 31: Beaton.
  8. Like
    Jonok reacted to McEwan's Lager in Ricksen passed away   
    Testament to his fighting spirit that he survived much longer than most after diagnosis. 
  9. Like
    Jonok reacted to BLUEDIGNITY in Ricksen passed away   
    Sleep well  Fernando and Thanks for the Sweetest Title ever😥💙

  10. Like
    Jonok reacted to BLUEDIGNITY in Any charges for Legia for their Ibrox shenanigans?   
    Fuck all will happen to legia it's a eufa catholic thing and anybody doesn't get that yet they are as thick as fuck.
  11. Like
    Jonok reacted to Brackley Bluenose in If you want to stay sane...   
    Don’t ever read the fucking match thread. Place is full of cunts that make the most irrational, ill judged, downright embarrassing statements. 
    At 50 mins gone today the league was over and the team and Gerrard were hopeless. I hope they’re big enough to eat humble pie. 
    As David Edgar recently said “the kind of cunts you hear nothing from on a Friday but you never hear the end of them on a Monday morning.” 
  12. Like
    Jonok reacted to bluenose48 in Any charges for Legia for their Ibrox shenanigans?   
    In my previous post on this topic I stated that I had emailed UEFA re this. Seven days later no reply.
    However in their website there is two other cases of clubs being cited for Firework Displays.
    FK Cevena vs BSC young Boys. FK being cited and Royal Antwerp vs Alkmaar Royal Antwerp  and both for displays - Art.
    No mention of Legia for either the fireworks or their banner of the Pope.
    Yet we get ited and penalised for singing songs. No wonder we are paranoid.
  13. Like
    Jonok reacted to Burnbank Derry in Sectarian abuse and throwing punches and lighters....   
    A Bear got 5  months for singing the Billy Boys and scum like that gets community service. 
  14. Like
    Jonok reacted to Bad Robot in Our plight and international depression?   
    I’m watching Steven Davis, Red Hand flags, Rangers flags and the crowd doing the bouncy, it’s fkn magic 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  15. Like
    Jonok reacted to Docspawn in Any charges for Legia for their Ibrox shenanigans?   
    If get off Scot free from this then just WTF! 
    Its ok to intimidate fans and players with pyrotechnics, stop the game at any point that your team look to be on the ropes but a  song results in back dated fines, closures and threat of Europe expulsion. Yup that sounds fair!!!!!!!
  16. Like
    Jonok reacted to beararse in Jorg Albertz....   
    Stumbled upon this video of his 12 best Rangers goals tonight.
    What a player.....pity we've not got someone like him to rifle them in from distance.
  17. Like
    Jonok reacted to The Godfather in Investment   
    I’m the first to give it right to those who run us but in terms of providing the manager with players and funding then there can be no questions as to their backing.
    Well over £10 million in fees this summer alone is impressive.
    No excuses now, we have a team ready to go out and win something. Kent was the missing piece and one many including me thought was well beyond us.
    Well done to the club on this. 
  18. Like
    Jonok reacted to RM Monitor And Standards Officer in The Morning After.....   
    See if you've been outplayed and lost to quality you hold your hands up and take it. That was a disgusting gutless loss to a side who were average at best 
  19. Like
    Jonok reacted to StaunchLondonGer in At least Mcgregor can be relied upon   
    Thank fuck for him basically. Several first class reaction saves at close range that kept us in it.
    One of only a few that consistently deliver their A-game on the big occasions.
  20. Like
    Jonok reacted to Mr Soprano in Taigs to attack buses tomorrow Govan road   
    Good luck to them
    Sandbank Loyal RSC. You’ll notice us with our big flag. Please try us x
  21. Like
    Jonok reacted to EatDolphins in Legia Support.....   
  22. Like
    Jonok reacted to sausagetrunks in Legia Support.....   
  23. Like
    Jonok reacted to Blue Avenger in Legia Support.....   
    Just back. Thought they were a great set of fans. The pope picture was comedy gold.
    They defo added to the atmosphere.
    On the downside the pyro's were off. Not far from me a young lad about ten was choking and crying and his father was going absolutely mental, screaming his son had athsma. They both left, which was a bit of a shame.
    Could actually be life threatening , so a stadium closure called for. Oh wait a minute it wasn't singing, just life threatening. I note the taigs were at it again in Sweden with their pyro antics and plod waded into them. No doubt they will be commended by UEFA for their bravery.
  24. Like
    Jonok reacted to superallysbears in Legia Support.....   
    I thought uefa didn't like things to do with religion or politics, was that tiffo thing a picture of the pope? 
  25. Like
    Jonok reacted to RangersMedia in Legia Support.....   
    They were fucking class tbf 
    Outstanding support singing non stop and I'll never condone the use of flares but it looked spectacular
    Plus it had the added benefit of winding all of us up and created a rousing atmosphere which pushed our boys on 
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