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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Seriously, look at the screen but not directly at the sig ... you would swear it was a big willy Maybe my dirty mind then but .... it does !!!
  2. Lorney ... Why do you have a dildo as your sig ???
  3. Ace

    Jelavic Sig.

    The border around Jelavic is a bit off but still a good attempt, kutgw
  4. Ace

    Amazing Black Ops Shot

    While it looks good, it is a pretty random & lucky shot.
  5. V1 for me, just a bit brighter means you can see more of the detail
  6. Ace


    It would be good if at the end of the process you repost the sigs but with the designers name under each, that way we can applaud them all.
  7. Ace

    Sotw2 Themes

    I think Muisc
  8. Ace


    No 8 for me
  9. Ace

    Lost The Urge To Play !

    I'm out seeing Harry potter tonight, maybe afterwards ... kick the wife up to bed ... lol. I have been playing HCTDM but it's not the same
  10. With myself .... Nah, recently I have found myelf not bothering with CoD, since they changed the game styles i.e. took away a dedicated HCHQ means I have to play through games like CTF which is just jammed full of campers and i hate it, so much so that I think this has caused my malaise with the game in general. The new maps are out soon and i'm even debating whether to get them. Anyone else feel the same?
  11. Ace

    New Wallpaper

    Ooohhhh, another for my growing collection
  12. Ace

    Pepe Manipulation

    What is the definition of a manipulation then ?
  13. Ace


    It's all good again. Just need to keep voting for it, might have to play the occasional ctf or domination, not alot we can do otherwis
  14. Ace

    Lorneys Portfolio,

    The 2 Cooper sigs are awesome Lorney
  15. Ace


    I suggested that, you trolling my posts for ideas Lorney Think its a great idea though
  16. Evening Times: Kris Boyd £40k per week Turk deal bit.ly/nwnoLv #RangersFC £1.75m transfer from Middlesborough
  17. Ace

    Problem With Ps3

    Probably somewhere in your settings. In work at the moment so can't help, sorry
  18. Ace

    Call Of Duty: Xp

    Gotta be honest, although it would be incredibly geeky, I would love it if this came over to the UK .. I would travel to it, if necessary.
  19. Ace

    Fingers Out

    We need the S.O.T.W back
  20. Flags = Hardcore capture the flag, domination & headquarters Bombs = Hardcore demolition, Sabotage and Search & Destroy
  21. I have just went onto Black Ops and the match types have changed When you select hardcore, you now get: Team Deathmatch Search & Destroy Free For All BOMBS FLAGS The last 2 are a mixture of bomb games (demolition etc) and flag games (capture the flag etc) and also, the last 2 don't allow the use of Second chance. No more HQ it seems !!! Pretty raging as HQ is what I played most.
  22. Ace

    Double Xp Weekend

    Across all systems including xbox
  23. Ace

    Double Xp Weekend

    In celebration of #Annihilation (and Freedom...), #CODBlackOps Double-XP/CP will be July 1 - 5 (10a PT start / end time). #AllPlatforms web • 29/06/2011 02:48
  24. J1mgg, i will be on tonight for some action (oo-err !!) Depends what rank you are, I see tons of folk using FAMAS .. its a good gun but burns through the ammo and no use for long range shots because of the recoil. I do like using the Galil (sp ??), great for long range and even better with a silencer. Mostly i use either AK74u, AK47 or Commando ... but i need to rank up to get them .. just prestiged.
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