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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Go to account management on the main menu of the PS3 and click that. Then go to transactions management, and then scroll down to services list. At the top of that list, I can't remember what it's called, but it's the welcome package. Click through a few options, they are straightforward, and you get taken to the choice of 5 games. Click 2 to download. There is a list of 5 to choose from, dependant on your location, Wipeout HD, InFamous, Little Big Planet, Dead Nation and Ratchet & Clank
  2. Ace


    To be fair, when you sit at the ruins, your spawn point, and don't move from there ... Well, camping is an effective tactic. You played well, well again one of your team was very effective. Still, good games and thanks for the challenge.
  3. Ace

    Call of Duty: MW3

    Well, we played you 5 v 3 and you lost, we played you 4 v 3 and you lost, in fact you never won a match. If I now ask you the question of "who's you daddy" what will you say .... lmao !!!
  4. Ace


    Sent you a pm for s&d tonight
  5. Ace

    Call of Duty: MW3

    Yeah, right .. sure we did. How many games did we beat you, 3 times if I remember and you scored 15 points out of a possible 600. As Mr KLB put and, and so succinctly too .... away & don't talk pish !!!
  6. Ace


    Sounds like I missed a good night
  7. Shocking decision from Hearts, I certainly wouldn't want to train with him, can't imagine what the hearts players who are parents are thinking of at the moment. Can you imagine the abuse (no pun intended) he will receive when he actually plays
  8. Is Vladimir claiming it's the mafia any worse than Whyte talking about 'Dark Forces'. The answer is yes but still ...
  9. Nokia N9 has just been launched
  10. To be honest, if you chose either an HTC, Samsung or iPhone then you will be sorted. Any of the three offer very similar deals and can all do more or less the same stuff. I have an iphone4 but would have chosen any of the other two quite happily.
  11. Ace


    I have most of those wallpapers too I agree with putting music on over the video, should be "Deerhunter" that way we couldbe watching the Gallery from Take Hart
  12. I love how you contribute to my wallpaper collection
  13. Ace

    Countdown is on

    Get your ass online. And Bob, stop playing inFamous when you should be playing Cod
  14. Couple of guys I know have it and think it is the best since sliced bread. Persoanlly, I don't know much about it.
  15. Ace

    Call of Duty: MW3

    Camp .. If we camped then how come we captured ALL the hq's. Just admit that the better team won on the night. Btw .. Calling me and by extension my teammates scumbags is a sign of a poor loser
  16. InFamous and Ratchet & Clank are permanent but the rest i.e. Burnout etc are tied to your 30 days PlaystationPlus account.
  17. Ace

    PS3 must have games

    I'm amazed CoD hasn't been mentioned, no matter what people say, it is still one of the most successful game franchises in history .... for a reason.
  18. Wipeout HD and InFamous Got burnout but it will run out when the 30.day trial of psPlus is finished
  19. Regarding sponsorship, Uefa have already caught that one ... the club cannot be sponsored by a company that is owned by the club;'s owner, so guys like Abrhamovic couldn't sponsor Chelsea for £50m/annum Personally, i think this is only locking in success with the bigger clubs, after all success breeds money which goes to turnover which means they can then spend more money on better players brining more success bring more turnover etc etc ad infinitum. It was a very clever ploy by the bigger clubs, making everyone think this is for the good of the game, but it's not really.
  20. Ace

    Call of Duty: MW3

    Maybe if you had better team-mates to play with it would be better Only jokin m8, Black Ops needs a refresh ... the new maps will help.
  21. Finally downloaded infamous, only took 7 hrs !!!
  22. Ace

    Call of Duty: MW3

    The game will cost what it costs, anything that we currently get for free i.e. online play, we will STILL get for free. The 'Elite' system will provide a way to link players together ... imagine a Facebook for Gamers, from what I have read I beleive the basic system will be free, the matching up with friends, comparing stats, creating clans etc will be free. The additional costs will be for extra things, similar to PlaystationPlus ... no idea what they would be providing for the fee but again, i imagine it would be things like new additonns for your gamer image, extra camoflage ... probably maps too. If you don't pay, you can still play exactly the way you are at the moment. Like most things, it's entirely up to you !!
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