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Posts posted by Ty

  1. All 360s come with a component cable, if in doubt use that.

    Newer standard Xbox's and all Elite's should come bundled with a HDMI cable, in which case use that instead. The difference is minimal mostly, but you'll notice more on the bigger TVs.

  2. Lol I remember years ago my mum borrowed my SNES for a few games on F-Zero. She ended up spending literally the whole day on it.

    My housemate's bird is a girl gamer, and not a bad one either. She kicks all our asses at Halo 3.

  3. The devil sold his soul to Cuellar

    If Cuellar was to ever have kids they'd be accidents. Not even the pill can stop Cuellar.

    McGayday once stood in a lift with King Carlos at the POTY awards. 3 mins later Aiden left, crying, without a scratch on him

    When Carlos was a kid, he made his mother finish his vegetables.

    King Carlos can leave a message before the beep

    You'll notice on the trip down to Manchester nobody overtaking Cuellar. That's because nothing gets by Carlos.

    His teeth aren't fucked, your teeth are fucked for not looking like his.

    Cuellar only wears shin pads to protect the other players

    I'd never get mad at a girl for thinking about Cuellar during sex, because I'll be doing the same thing. Incidentally your attraction to Carlos in no way affects your sexual orientation

    When Cuellar turns on an Xbox the screen just says "You Win" and turns itself off again.

    If Carlos was gay his name would be McGeady...

    Carlos only pretended to be injured in the last game to give the tims hope.

    Carlos once double teamed a girl....by himself

    As we all know the papers have covered McGregors various exploits with women. He's got nothing on Cuellar though, and the only reason the papers haven't listed his conquests is because it'd read like the casualty list of WW2.

    If you came home to find Cuellar shaggin your wife, it'd be the greatest day of your life.

    Carlos tells the ref when the match ends.

    When Carlos wants a laugh he watches McGayday run down the wing.

  4. Someone once asked Carlos which Champs League strikers he was scared of, he replied "what does scared mean?"

    Carlos once showed up late for training, Walter changed the clocks accordingly

    Professor X from X-Men once tried to read Cuellar's mind. He's now sitting in a wheel chair.

    Cuellar always tests positive for steroids. Not that he uses steroids, It's because steroids are made from Cuellar.

    ...and on the seventh day King Carlos said, "I'll take it from here."

    On the upcoming new FIFA game, a complete beginner playing as Cuellar can take the ball from Drogba, take it around Steven Gerrard, and put it past Cech. The developers agreed that this was the most realistic FIFA yet.

    If anyone ever asks "who's your daddy?", the answer's Carlos. Always.

    Putting McGeady in your back pocket is like riding a bike. Carlos Cuellar never forgets.

    Carlos Cuellar played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and won.

    Any football award for world's best player going is always followed with the disclaimer: *Aside from Carlos Cuellar. This includes striker and goalkeeper awards as well as manager, for managing to somehow not make McGeady look absolutely shite.

    If Cuellar somehow misses the ball, it's because he's planning on how to score in 5 mins time

  5. What would you do?

    I was reading that unless Gretna find a buyer before the end of the season they'll fold and that's pretty much the end of the club. So how would you deal if something like that happened to Rangers?

    Support another team, or just remember the good old days?

    Personally I love my football so I'd have to start watching another team, probably Arsenal.

    So what about yourselves, how would you deal with it?

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