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Everything posted by Swagger

  1. There’s very little appetite for International football anymore. Its pretty much done
  2. But, but Scottish footballs brilliant again. Mind how Aberdeen showed Burnley a thing or two !! I’ve got the game on but couldn’t give a toss if it ends up 7 or 8.
  3. Aberdeen had one of the greatest results in Scottish football history last night don’t you know ? Very brave apparently.
  4. Absolutely- let’s the Tartan Army have a couple of days out though !! Good few of them off now to have zero interest in football till the next round of pointless games come around. The whole international thing is pish
  5. boring pish. Can’t stand International football
  6. Heading that way myself. Watch Rangers and a bit of English Premiership but even losing interest in the Champions League - it’s getting too predictable. Watch next to no Scottish football ( unless it involves us of course) as I couldn’t give a shit about it - I would love to see us leave Scottish football but we are probably stuck with it. As for that international shite ! Waste of time
  7. Anybody considering him for a managers job deserves all they get. Unfortunately for us we were the ones to find out to our cost how bad he was. Sunderland must be desperate
  8. Thousands of fake football fans packing their Scotland tops away till the next campaign. Back to domestic football now thankfully
  9. We are a poor side. The rest of the league are poor. A decent celtic side are being made to look like world beaters against us and the rest. Due to the nightmare last few years they have us right where they want us and there is no quick fix for us to get back anywhere near the top. Depressing as it is they have Scottish football completely tied up
  10. International football is pish. Thousands of Scottish fans trying to be more Scottish than the next. Tartan Army ? No thanks.
  11. International football is boring as fuck - couldn't give a toss if Scotland ever play in a tournament again.
  12. Nobody would start any trouble with the fabulous Tartan Army because remember everybody Loves them. They are just the best "crack"
  13. International football ? Rapidly losing its appeal. I'll watch the game but couldn't really care less who wins. What I can't be arsed with is the Tartan Army - it's become a case of one trying to be a bigger, better more passionate Scotland fan than the next. We'll be coming !!!! Fucking cringeworthy. I'm sure most of England see it as 3 points and not much more. Most of the Tartan Army are there to say hey look at me
  14. Shambles of a fucking club. Until the truth comes out I can't actually have a go at Barton. Shite on the pitch and a fucking mess off it. We are giving the rest of Scottish football a right fucking laugh. On a plus note I happened to be watching sky sports when the news broke that he was returning to training. Stuck it on here and it's got over 400 replies. Ive hit the big time baby ????
  15. Just the injuries but really want to see him back ASAP. Point is the 3 of them would surely have been starters but the combination of bad luck and the Barton nonsense has been a disaster
  16. Niko, Barton and Rossiter must surely have been seen by Warburton as first choice players this season - what a total disaster
  17. Sky sources saying he will train with an Academy team
  18. Yep that statement says to me that'll he'll be training away from the first team. I'll be shocked if he ever plays for the first team again
  19. Feel sorry for the tournament organisers. How are they gonna cope without the famous tartan army
  20. Wouldn't worry Lee the whole team'll be getting booed at this rate ????????
  21. If Wallace was booed then that's fucking terrible. Hope Wallace tells them to ram their pishy caps - international football's a side show to club football now anyway. Here's hoping the fabulous Tartan Army go home disappointed tonight
  22. The boy is quality. I would love to see him in a Rangers shirt.
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