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Everything posted by soulboy

  1. No probs, i'm not on twitter either i just bookmark his page here's link if you want it.https://twitter.com/pzj_1
  2. i know coz some random taig has seen the evidence, what a twat
  3. here is the link to ithttp://www.docdroid.net/dzbk/ipsa.pdf.html
  4. Pzj tweeted yesterday they now have proof that GCC lied about westhorn so expect update on FTH in next couple of days Here's hoping they now have the geotechnical report
  5. According to pzj today a complaint has been put to Association for Consultancy and Engineering about the shep report done on London Rd school.
  6. you're right but only because FOI's are being denied or FTH woulda had all the info they need by now.You would think that GCC would be dying to put this to bed by now if they had nothing to hide but their continual refusal to release info only adds flames to the fire.
  7. Another update on lennoxtown initiative today https://footballtaxh...-would-be-used/ plus a few tweets from pzj timeline today I have four freedom of information letters (sent to EC) all declaring from the GCC that lon rd school was never on the open market Replied to 0 times York john stevens @pzj_1 · 2h 'Over the following months we made considerable effort to find a new user for the school' HS. this is untrue as cfc had 'option to buy' Replied to 0 times York john stevens @pzj_1 · 2h 'raising several of the same points that you yourself have highlighted. A copy of our letter of 3 Sept 2012 is attached'. historic scotland Replied to 0 times York john stevens @pzj_1 · 2h HS 'At that stage we explained the importance of the building and commented on their ‘SHEP report’, (ON THEIR SHEP REPORT) Replied to 0 times York john stevens @pzj_1 · 2h LRS. HS ' The Council consulted us on the proposal in August 2012, before they reached their decision' Replied to 0 times York john stevens @pzj_1 · 2h Historic Scotland 'Although we found that none of the SHEP tests for demolition had been adequately met' their reply to me Replied to 0 times York john stevens @pzj_1 · 2h 'We are not satisfied that the normal tests for demolition, as set out in the Scottish HistoricEnvironment Policy, havebeen met. HS on LRS Replied to 0 times York john stevens @pzj_1 · 2h HS 'The building has been allowed to decay and no measures were taken to keep it watertight after the theft of the roof lead in 2011'. LRS Replied to 0 times York john stevens @pzj_1 · 2h I am writing to acknowledge your recent letter to _______ regarding the demolition of the London Road school and related matters. scot. gov
  8. new update today on FTH http://footballtaxhavens.wordpress.com/2014/06/24/lennoxtown-initiative-how-3-public-authorities-tried-to-hide-its-operations-from-the-public/
  9. Have to agree with this and if i had to put money on it then I'd say westthorn and london rd school are the best bets due to the fact it was a listed building and was pulled down due to an allegedly dodgy report.
  10. is there anything in sfa or spfl rules which says you have to state whether you own your own ground or not ?
  11. Well this has fuck all to do with state aid so we'll see if the mhedia get off their arses and find out why haughey owns the ground
  12. i'd bet up until pzj started tweeting about this about a week ago nobody knew Even the mhanks on his timeline were saying he was talking shite That's what I like about pzj he tweets something without proof gets the mhanks frothing at the mouth then week later posts the evidence . I'm sure the Scottish media will sitting having a meeting right now " right what will we do about this deeds story ?" 'I know get bomber on steps of ibrox to ask for them again.. That'll deflect from our beloved team '
  13. Yip willie haughey owns the ground oh dear and i saw a dhim on pzj twitter earlier this week say well if he did why is there a 1.3% depreciation in the accounts every year for it.http://footballtaxhavens.wordpress.com/2014/06/20/so-willie-haughey-owns-celtic-park-but-the-question-for-celtic-shareholders-is-why/
  14. Another guy on pzj timeline saying he has email from spfl saying they are also waiting for EU investigation to finish. If the EU investigation goes to full investigation then the sfa and spfl should start theirs immediately but because it's the scum they will drag their heels like fuck
  15. http://www.docdroid.net/dhs0/4665061-stevens2.pdf.html. Here is a document from an FOI by pzj to gcc . From reading it I'm not sure what the 'error' is was plot 2 not meant to be on the map and is still owned by gcc or was the error that gcc have ended up giving plot 2 to the scum for nothing can anyone shed any light ?
  16. I'm pretty sure there was a thread on here couple of years ago stating the scum have 3 companies and it was something like 1 of the companies has all the debt but no assets meaning if they decided to go into administration then creditors would get nothing as all assets inc players contracts are in one of the other companies allegedly pzj has just tweeted one of the companies balance sheet. http://www.companies...cument/21428407 now as you can see there is fuck all money really going in or out of this company .it states celtic fc limited is the parent company and is the other not still called pacific shelf ?
  17. pzj saying on twitter he's been asked to go to Belfast police station for a chat after some mhanky c**t complained about his twitter account.
  18. Guy who i worked with went to see him in concert and he invited questions from the audience and someone asked if he'd been asked to join the sex pistols , everyone in the audience laughed and Midge said "kind of, malcolm mclaren was putting together a band which after a few personnel changes became the sex pistols"
  19. PZJ is making up template letters just now for people to send to their mp's he's also making up one for Margaret Curran but needs people who live in the east end to send the template he's making up for her.
  20. it also states thisAn investigation against the Football Association of Serbia (FSS) might be opened within the coming days by the chief investigator for alleged breaches of the club licensing regulations in relation to the granting of the licence to the same club.
  21. they've been banned from europe due to maybe improperly getting a licence, Now i read this on pzj timeline where a tim posted it to him, was this a warning across his bows as the tims were bleating about our licence http://www.uefa.com/uefachampionsleague/news/newsid=2114180.html
  22. A quick google search of Mr Milligan doesn't reveal very much except for 1 report he put his name to in 2006 as the DV doing a report for the NHS in North Lanarkshire.So it would seem that since he's been the DV since at least 2006 he'll have been involved in a few if not all of the scums land deals with various public authorities.
  23. Saw this in the comments box on the FTH website given the fact that the DV for Glasgow also does the south west. so could james h milligan be the man as surely if there was quite a few DV then 1 person wouldn't have to cover 2 areas. http://www.voa.gov.uk/corporate/contact/Offices/scotland.html
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