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Brackley Bluenose

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Posts posted by Brackley Bluenose

  1. 1 hour ago, spion kop said:

    He has been to Belfast a few times trying to hand out that edl shite outside Windsor after linfield games

    Haha mate I saw the cunt in Belfast not the 12th just gone but the one before. Guys off his nut 

  2. 4 minutes ago, 55Bear said:

    At least your on topic now ya wee nyaff

    And if you ever get a moment without your green and white tinted glasses on, have a watch of the challenge again. Dembawbag had no intention to play the ball, was looking at Hill. 

    At least we can count on you to back our players...

    Disagree with your ridiculous comment so I get the Tim treatment, are you five dickhead? 

    You've clearly not watched it back and you're making even more of a clown of yourself. There are 5 Rangers players plus the referee within 10/15 yards of the incident not one of them reacts as if a deliberate elbow has been flung. Any football fan will know that you can tell by teammates reaction if something untoward has taken place. 

    Dembele hasn't taken his eyes off the ball during the 50/50, get yourself some specs dickhead. 

    I hope Hill has gotten over such a terrible attack. Clutching at fucking straws because RK has been pulled up after SJ game. Just because we've been pulled up with that doesn't mean every infringement in a game of football is going to end up in a ban. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, 55Bear said:

    When has anyone said we were hard done by in this thread? And why are you going on about irrelevant shit. OP has rightly pointed out an infringement on one of our players that burst his mouth open. Does that not bother you? Stick to the point or don't say anything. Plenty other threads you can slag the team off in. 

    Burst his mouth open? Fucking drama queen, he was back on the pitch within two minutes, I'm sure Hill would be the first to say bumps and bruises like that are part and parcel of being a centre half. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, stevemac said:

    I personally thought we were much better today. We conceded but we still hung in there, played much more confidently than the midweek. A few daft decisions maybe cost us (waghorn, Forrester for example) but as frustrating as it was at times you have to look at the positives that we did play much better.

    FOD - top class. Not a lot he could do about either goal

    Hill - top drawer 

    Wilson and kiernan - much better than recently, wee bit shaky at times but didn't do a lot wrong.

    Tav - flashes of decent play, but overall poor today.

    McKay - top class. Taking men on, confidence under pressure, fantastic play today.

    Halliday and Holt - felt these two had there bad moments (more so halliday) but overall better than recent performances.

    Windass - excellent passing, movement, good drive.

    Miller was great, waghorn not so much. Felt waggy was ineffective today. 

    Let's hope 2017 is a better year 

    Mate I don't know what game you were watching. I'll give you that we were good until we scored, very good. However, after we scored we were absolutely dreadful. Praying for an equaliser at ibrox after being taught a football lesson in the second half was a new low. 

  5. Mate I'm glad you got this in before I did. Was he pissed? Didn't do anything right all game. The misplaced touches when he's trying to control the ball, the shit defending and just the general clumsiness. Awful, awful professional footballer. Hope he ever plays again 

  6. I hate how fickle some of our fans are. Fuck right off and support the lad, he's made a mistake tonight but he's really turned the corner of late. How many people make that kind of error he made tonight? I've seen it happen to John Terry, Rio Ferdinand and many more CBs far better than Kiernan. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Supersonic said:

    "You need to be aware that there is a great deal of monitoring of the betting markets. The football authorities work closely with specialist companies who are constantly reviewing data and betting patterns from betting operators.

    In addition, the FA have links with the betting operators themselves and with the Gambling Commission, the regulatory body for betting operators in this country.

    Remember, it’s your reputation, your responsibility and your career.

    All of these organisations are aware of our betting rules and advise the FA of issues that arise in the cash, telephone and online betting markets; The FA has the power to interview you and to require you to produce records such as itemised phone bills, betting account statements and bank statements.

    In summary, if you breach the betting rules, it is very likely that you will get caught. You will then be subject to The FA’s disciplinary procedures and, if found guilty, you will be subject to a range of sanctions including a warning, fine or a significant period of suspension"


    That's from the Pro Footballers Association site so I guess they just work hand in hand to combat players betting on match outcomes and whatever else.

    Thanks mate 

  8. I can't wait to find out what happened in all of this. Sean Dyche and MW have been reported in various outlets as being very good friends so if Barton's misdemeanours were as bad as warranting the treatment he received surely Dyche wouldn't then go and sign him almost as a fuck you to Warburton?!

    I still think it could have been handled so differently and dare say the incident was the kind of thing that happens at most clubs. 

  9. 18 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

    They are HIS players. His system is fucking rank. He is a greenhorn with a school book, relying on a system that HIS players cannot do. The whole fucking world sees that. He can't and that's what makes him a pish manager. He'd do much better getting back to being a trader.

    I didn't say they weren't his players. He has tried to make the system work with players that are incapable because he hasn't been given the money required to strengthen the team. I accept some of his signings have been poor and there's no hiding from that but I remember last season when people were waxing lyrical about his dealings in the transfer market. Every manager gets signings wrong from time to time look at some of the failures that Fergie had at united. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

    I don't know if I've posted this before in this thread. I see the wee star next to the title saying I've posted in this thread before but can't remember what I said and maybe my opinion has changed since last time I posted before.

    I think fraud is harsh. 

    I think him and Weir are not the great management team people think they are.

    They are ambitious and guilty of trying to adopt a revolutionary style of play that we can't possibly perfect with these average players we've got.

    You need 5-10 million pound players, even in Scotland, to play our style and execute it to perfection.

    We don't have them, or the funds to get them (it appears). We are trying to do it with cheap crap we've picked up in the English lower leagues and Scottish low level talent like Holt and Halliday.

    It cannot be done.

    Warburton's problem is not the fact he's a fraud but he's too stubborn. He never learns from his mistakes or adapts the team/formation to make it work when that needs done.

    Warburton could do something that would hold him in good stead while he still has a little bit of stock left with some of the support - that's being brave, coming out and saying he's not been backed the way the team and the fans deserve. He needs better players to pull off his ethos of play and put the ball right into King's court. Call him out on it.

    But to be fair and flip it, some of the purchases he's made any fan saying in reply that can he be trusted with 20 million to do it given the shite he's bought so far? .. I couldn't argue against that. 


    Couldn't agree more, he's trying to polish a turd. I thought at half time today, I still think he'll go on to have a very good career if he learns from his mistakes with us but he just won't be successful with us for the very reasons you mention - fundamentally, he hasn't got the players. I still think he'll manage England one day. I just don't think he'll be with us much longer. 

  11. 24 minutes ago, Gary Wilmot's Wedding Brek said:

    Said in the first post I'd have McInnes. Would also move heaven and earth to get Smith back, as he actually understands what is required of a Rangers side. 

    Get to fuck with the 'I told you so' pish, are you four? 

    As for Smith, the man is a legend and let him enjoy his legendary status. Why the fuck must we always look back? WS has been out the game for years. 

  12. 5 hours ago, Sonnybear1972 said:

    Looks like a wee boy having a kick about with his big brother and his pals!! He's a fuckin fairy

    Fucking hell when you think about it like that, that's a great analogy. Even when he wears his club suit it's like he's borrowed it off his Dad

  13. 17 minutes ago, TheLoudenTavernier said:

    It's embarrassing how badly it's been handled.

    He was sent home from training and told to report back on the Monday.

    Goes in on the Monday and suspended. Then the day before his suspension is up its extended by a week. Then when that week was up it's been extended further.

    And still nobody actually has any clue what's happening. Are we trying to pay him off? Are we trying to arrange a move for January? Are we considering bringing him back?

    It's a shambles.

    I agree mate. The whole thing has been a 'hate to say I told you so' to the club. Bouncing from suspension to suspension dragging over nearly 6 weeks now. 

    So much confusion in my eyes still as well! Was it a bad enough incident that he couldn't have just been suspended right at the outset? Still on full pay, so the incident that occurred couldn't have been deemed that serious at the time or he would have been suspended without pay? Not looking for answers here because we're all bored of going round in circles. I just hope we get to know the details in the fullness of time.

  14. 6 minutes ago, onwardsupwards said:

    If we need a PR guy to step in for our manager, then we need a new manager


    will Timothy Traynor be picking the team next?

    You're missing the point, every club has a PR officer that is paid to deal with situations like this, it's common place watch any presser with a manager. 

    I think in this case it's especially prevalent given the high profile nature of the Barton case and the fact that it's quickly turning into a legal situation. This isn't transfer gossip or conjecture, there are obviously legal ramifications. 

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