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Posts posted by frommetoyou

  1. I have only posted twice before, so I do so only when necessary. I am writing with the benefit/curse of more than 20 years' experience in the international media game, having worked in the US, UK, Scotland (home country), Europe, Africa, Asia etc and now living in Canada.

    In my professional opinion, there is no doubt a case to be made against the BBC for bias when it comes to the coverage of the Warburton and Fulham story. For the BBC to have put up a story about this on their website during the Dumbarton game was a deliberate attempt to unsettle the team; for the same journalists to ask the same questions four times in succession ten days after they had first been given a straight answer, then again six days later and again a straight answer came back - this is, plainly put, harassment by the media.

    If this goes on for another year I could honestly see MW leaving a year early if (for instance) a Southampton/Everton etc were to come calling. Nothing to do with the club or the fans, just the way he gets treated by the press. And anyone who has followed Scottish media for any length of time will know very well he will not be the first to whom this has happened.

    Mods, feel free to merge with the witch hunt thread if this is where my thoughts should be. Thanks - TB

    Where the fuck have you been hiding?

  2. The bastards were cunning enough to get State Aid here.

    With the massive Irish populations over there, I would not be the least bit surprised if somewhere like Chicago beckons. And with the right political pressure, it would be possible to get "financial help" to set it up there.

    It would depend on the franchises already in place, but if there were an area without a major team, and a large paddy gathering, I am sure the wheels will be in motion.

    Everyone thinks of New York and Boston, but they are not the only places they moved to in huge numbers.


    Thye dye the local river green in Chicago, on Paddy's day, and they only make up 8% of the population.

    Maybe the Rangers should try for one. Scottish American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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