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Posts posted by dee9

  1. not talking about playing ability ,just who have you met who you have thought this guys a knob , for me it was henning berg at murray park a miserable git who hated signing autographs , he thought coz he was an ex man utd player everyone was selling his signature.neil mccann was also a tool ,

    Nuno capucho outside ibrox after a game! The guy was a ignorant bastard! :angry:

  2. Reckons the team is ready and will be

    Alexander, Boogy, Weir, Papac, Whittaker, Aaron, Naismith, Thompson, Davis, VELICKA, miller?

    Hes on drugs?

    This has to be a piss-take!

    Big DJs full of shit!

  3. Seen highlights of game vs pompey and read several match reports!

    Looks and sounds like Fleck had a very good game, if this lad keeps himself on the straight and narrow then we have one hell of a player.

    Also read somewhere last week that Fleck signed a boot deal with adidas at the age of 14 can anyone confirm?

  4. Just a quick post, did anyone see pedros turn on makalele yesterday then the through ball for boyd? He made the former Real and Chelsea star look like a tit!!!!! :praise:

    Also can anyone shead some light on what those bands the players had round there chests when they were swaping tops at the end of the game were?

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