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Davy Vandenbroucke

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Everything posted by Davy Vandenbroucke

  1. Why do I think this is a hoax? I know it probably isn't but I have this feeling that it is.
  2. You just keep going lower and lower, don't you?
  3. Well to be fair, I have played in other positions but I was rubbish. That was 2 years ago, might try another pos and I might be better this time.
  4. So is Postman Pat ya Numpty BTW Sin Cara sucks, he takes Steroids. Santino Marella FTW.
  5. Found one team that play in Glasgow. SDIF
  6. Yeah, I've heard of this. Looks great. Definitely needs more publicity.
  7. K. Btw Maxo says I'm rubbish because I once made a mistake when it was really the defenders fault for making a terrible pass.
  8. Personally I like both. PES is good, FIFA is good. In my mind no football game is 'better' than another. It just may have more features.
  9. I will create a PS3 Version of that if enough people are willing to join.
  10. Tell fog, he might get some of the league guys in.
  11. Would set this up if 8-9 people were willing to join.
  12. I would make an RM club on the PS3 if ye want.
  13. Btw does RMFC still exist? if so what do i put in on search for a club?
  14. I just noticed that lol. Still, it was hilarious when I first saw it.
  15. You're lucky, look at this poor lad. http://forums.downloadfestival.co.uk/m4313647.aspx
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