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The Weaver

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Everything posted by The Weaver

  1. Rangers and Celtic would do well in the Premiership but the other teams would struggle. Then again if you gave Aberdeen or Hearts 40 million a year in TV money I wouldnt imagine they would be much worse than Wigan or Stoke. The TV deal in Scotland is crap and why the clubs accept it is mindblowing.Denmark which has the same population as Scotland pays 3 times as much and they have no match that sells internationally as the Old firm does.We just take anything thats flung at us and its about time that Rangers stand up and refuse to sign a new deal that will give us less than were worth.
  2. As star8 says it is remarkable that Scottish football continues to get the crowds at we do. It is down to the Old Firm though. Apart from Hearts it looks like our teams are losing their following. Aberdeen going down to 8000 9000 thousand,whats that all about,well apart from being shite and horrible fuckers in to the bargain.
  3. Spurs and Arsenal are great football teams but they dont win. Man U and Chelsea are not great on the eye but they win matches and I would imagine that Rangers would do the same.
  4. Obviously there are more teams that can beat each other but I dont think that the gap is as big as were told. Jelavic is the perfect example. You get goals in Scotland you will get goals in England. I have no interest in Steven Naismith going down south but he would be a revelation. Probably not at West Brom mind.
  5. not a fan of Hibs but is this guy for real? He has made a complete mess of being the manager there and now hes boasting that hes so wanted. Come on the guy is a cunt and a failure. Respect should be due but not from him.
  6. a brilliant article Ive just read and its in one of the top ho newspapers thinks that employing Lennon has wasted 20 years of trying to live with each other. The jist is that Celtic fans have been hoodiwinked to believe that their club cannot survive without the ginger cunt and his sectarian bullshit . I welcome the chase but if Celtic continue with Lennon, Im afraid that something will happen which wont look good on our club.
  7. I was talking to a mate the other night who lives over here but is originly from Leeds. He freely admits that he leaned towards Celtic in the past but now follows the Rangers results purely because Lennon is the most dispictable cunt every to show his face in British football. Not only us that hate him apparently.
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