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Everything posted by WCPRANGERS1

  1. I have admitted to my own moment of stupidity but IMO we shouldn't be a "keep your mouth shut" society you see it countless times on buses etc people in fear to lift their heads on case there is a reaction and initially all I did was to ask them singing a horrible song about Dean Shiels. I will admit my WATP comment was a daft reaction but that does not defend the threats made towards me. People on here have also suggested that maybe I should report it to the police but IMO it would get nowhere guys weren't from Glasgow and it would be almost impossible to find them.
  2. Yeah true they would mate they were not from Glasgow and had a fife accent so it may not be the easiest jobs to track them down, was true hatred in that particular guys eyes
  3. Didn't actually think of that tbh mate could only think of what an utter cunt he was
  4. In this country.......I'd be the one lifted and done with sectarian breach!!!!
  5. I will admit that I was daft and a moment of madness my sole intention was to ask them to stop their singing , no harm there, the follow on comments an turning his attention to my son is what got to me I guess, however for that kind of reaction it is way over the line
  6. All of it true, it has actually made me sick to my stomach that people would threaten one person who has 2 kids sat in a pram
  7. On the bus coming home and quite a few of them got on at the forge and started singing their Dean Sheils song so I asked them to give it a miss. One in his 40's asked if I was a Killie fan as this was aimed at Sheils to which I gave the obvious reply and his "aw your a h** then" "no Rangers fan I didn't fight in the war" . Next he turns his attention to my oldest WILLIAM 17 months and says " aw is that Sellick your saying" to which I replied " no but he can say we are the people" .......cue timplosion and threats to smash my head in there and then, when I was leaving the bus the guy in his 40's stood up and gave a lovely gun salute.
  8. He could always join them up with the rescue package he has in place for halls sausages......solves two of his biggest loves in one fell swoop
  9. Their fans will Definetly buy in to this I mean I'm positive spl fans said they would help their clubs through troubled times.......btw if hearts end up in trouble do you think salmond will leave it be!
  10. Especially after slating Roberts for not doing it
  11. P.S. with this being general sports does it mean if we don't support a team/sportsperson mentioned on this forum we shouldn't post.......
  12. Although not the bears den this is still a forum which is on RANGERS media,there is understandably a HUGE amount of anger etc towards the association in charge of the Scotland football team but the manager himself, are we not entitled to an opinion when that manager states that our players are not capable of "stepping up" to play for Scotland......obsessed na......but we are entitled to our opinion,I may not support Scotland but this is an organisation and a football team that is meant to represent my country so I more than entitled to my say.
  13. I don't think the sfa could afford either as manager.....I have a feeling they might look at Davies
  14. The worst part is that we are the majority in this country and yet it is the minority who rule, the saddest part being that we let it happen, I have always been proud to be Scottish and would never deny a man like yourself his right to want to follow what he believes in......what some seem to forget is we do all have one common ground and as you quite rightly pointed out we should not surrender what we believe in
  15. No need for people to slate you for supporting the national team it is your choice after all but at the same time those who choose not to support that team are free to do so.....Rangers players I always want to do well at any level
  16. It's still not really the question though mate......yes there were people born here who have a pride to play for their country BUT in general the national team has been over no great benefit to Rangers, our own involvement however in Europe and the champs league HAS benifitted the national side. I have had many a discussion that the saltire is 3/4 of the union flag and that we are both Scottish and British but that does mean I should support that team, you could say I surrendered if I have supported them.....
  17. Gonna be slightly pedantic but he did ask what the country has done for the club not what it meant to players who represented the country......
  18. Beaten by a side that employs John hartson on its coaching staff...........
  19. Anyone think we could have a "tourney" with an entry fee that could go towards erskine or another charity??
  20. Mate even Owen has admitted he shoulda stayed on his feet.....I don't hate him,just laugh when players blame other nationalities for faults in the game, the difference is they are better at it!!!!
  21. "It's worse than 10 years ago with the influence of players coming from South America,Spain and Italy" said Owen......... This coming from one of the worst culprits and I'm sure the pen he won against Argentina was a good 14/15 years ago
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