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Everything posted by BlueJacketRFC

  1. Get it right up him if hatred for our club fucked him in the end!
  2. Fucking Mochengladbach done me out of 90 quid haha, such an unlucky night for the coupons
  3. Got a coupon on for tonight if anyone wants to copy. Fiver treble Mochengladbach Monaco Middlesbrough And a Fiver Double BTTS & Winner Mochengladbach Monaco The Returns are not that great but not to shite either.
  4. Love Fortnite, Give me an add on PS Bobster-1872
  5. I really hope he does well and guides west ham in the right direction.
  6. Horrible to read and look at the photo horrible wee bastards. Thought Dean Shiels was a cracking player and done us a shift! Plus Dean was great with the fans
  7. Been a cracking event so far, the Prelims where awesome still shocked Micky Gall got leathered like that though. Some nice knock outs and fucked up doctor decisions
  8. I really hope Tj knocks his cunt in mate! Dont like Cody respect him as a fighter but want to see dillashaw win his title back
  9. I have played destiny since the days of the Dark Below DLC and have played ever since. Looking to see if any fellow Rangers fans play and are playing Destiny 2 when its released. As my misses works away and i have the wee one i find myself having more time to sit on my arse and play games ha ha. Looking to see if anyone was interested in creating a clan to get more out of Destiny 2 as its clan based with a reward system purely on clans. PSN ID - BCoatss1989
  10. Just wondering does anyone play destiny on the Xbox one ?
  11. Sounds like Chanrai is another Version of Craig Whyte Cant help but feel sorry for them Goodluck Pompey dark days ahead but you will get through it like we did
  12. Thanks very much for this LadyHawk very Impressed with this never thought it would have been that great And to Brian who uploaded one as well thanks very much guys !
  13. Looking for someone to make me a Gazza signature with him playing the flute and " GazzasOrangeFlute " going through it Thanks if anyone can make me one Cheers Bears !
  14. The Terraces are Backkk !!

  15. I Know from experience the lower SFL teams do take in " Cargo's " into the away grounds so Im sure i will be doing the same thing.
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