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Everything posted by BlueJacketRFC

  1. Is the stocks still crazy low for the ps5? Was looking to buy one on new years day on the web and just could not find any. Looking to buy the digital version.
  2. Would love for AJ to get knocked the fuck out!
  3. Nah mate watch mostly every game and was down at Stamford bridge a few times he was a dodgy big bastard. Never really warmed to him that much. Kepa also hated him as soon as he came also. However i think Mendy is going to be brilliant for Chelsea in goal.
  4. Boy is going to be a star player in years to come.
  5. Exactly the same with me mate. I was always XBOX but moved over to PS few months ago and have been bashing out all the exclusives and it has been fun as hell. Spiderman and Days Gone are bloddy great fun 😂 Ended up loving them that much i got platinum for both haha.
  6. The lack of games makes me want to hold of a while. Might wait till January then watch some reviews on how people like it and what new games will be coming up. The release games do not get me excited tbf.
  7. Wont be able to afford it, Christmas coming up 2 young kids, still got to buy the rest of the Rangers kits for me and the kids, Still got to get the mrs some things and get all the new PS games like FIFA, Assassins Creed, Call of duty etc Sure most people will be in my boat.
  8. Exactly my thoughts mate, Mon the well.
  9. What was your favourite games on the old gen consoles? Fucking loved the Fable games and Godfather 1/2 and Mafia 2.
  10. I was a big gamer before my first child and continued to play it when but when my 2nd child came along i find it extremely difficult to find the time to game or even have the concentration for a long spell of time.
  11. Get adding me mate and we can play later or tomorrow or whenever since I am off for about 3 weeks haha
  12. Anybody fancy a game of this give me an add on XBOX ONE - BobbyJackets
  13. That wasn't supposed to be funny by the way.
  14. I went and ordered this 😂 and go to turn my sky box on and i get no satellite signal haha had it for hours now. Pishy Sky.
  15. anyone got a link for the game stuck in work 😟
  16. Aye its emotional 😂
  17. Hey Guys i went out and baught a xbox one today dont have any friends or have a clue how to work it 😂 get adding me i have fortnite and ufc 3 and a few others WATPBobbyRFC Cheers guys 🙌
  18. Imagine how painful your feet and legs/back would be after 90mins on that shite. Those pitches should be banned
  19. I know mate speak a lot on instagram. Seems like he had a moment of madness and is truely sorry
  20. I like Carra, Glad he is back the things i have done wrong that i learned from is unreal lol.
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