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  1. "This has to be said about Rangers, as a Scottish Football club they are a permanent embarrassment and an occasional disgrace. This country would be a better place if Rangers did not exist." Ian Archer This is a good one.
  2. Fuck off Billy. We've achieved a world record. Lowest attendance for a cup game by the way.
  3. They've now compounded the issue by replacing the IRA man with a Dalek.
  4. http://sphotos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/6253_225099945506_2740241_n.jpg We shouldn't be too quick to judge.......
  5. Down my neck of the woods most teams played You'll Never Walk Alone over the tannoy. Surely not tonight.
  6. He was lying. The money came out of our coffers but paid by MIH (or MIM).
  7. Murray received, via an EBT, from Rangers, £6.3 million over the piece. Ogilvie's was substantially less. The common factor in both was that they actually understood how an EBT worked. Unfortunately for us, yer average football agent and their clients didn't, hence the side letters/agreements. This is why we find ourselves in the shyte we are in.
  8. Mibbe us being pish plays a bigger part. Ally, GTF!!
  9. As far as the EBTs are concerned, the annual accounts were signed off by the auditors, and HMRC accepted the auditors report, therefore HMRC cannot be criticised for what went on there. However, Whyte is a different matter. HMRC were by this time aware of the EBT position, the transfer of the business to Whyte and the fact that he and his board handed over sweet FA in taxes for nine months. HMRC are at fault here and have only themselves to blame. If I was Whyte though, my arse would be twitching in that what he has done by withholding the tax is a criminal offence and there is plenty of case law to back this up.
  10. Say we get 50,000 phone calls over the period and a similar number of texts both at £1.50. After paying for the premium lines, we are left with £100,000. The insurance company charges a premium based on the odds of someone actually managing to hit the bar, (unlikely). If the premium is £25,000 even, we still make £75,000 profit. That's roughly how it works.
  11. Whew! Six pages and still safe. Thanks guys.
  12. Good post. The reason I opened the thread is that I am actually in the VAT "industry" and deal regularly with the Tribunal. Whilst I accept that it is not completely a VAT issue with us, I am concerned about the timing of the STV announcement and the fact that the Tribunal is supposed to be issuing its decision imminently.
  13. I swear with the best of them mate, but I'm new here and don't want to end up getting warned that's all.
  14. First topic started and sorry in advance but these c**** have really got to be stopped. The report is a bit vague but no doubt they will be gunning for us. Two days just to discuss the effing thing without any decisions being made?? :wanker: Sorry, new to this forgot link: http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs/rangers/189216-spl-investigation-into-rangers-ebt-payments-allegation-to-commence/
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