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Everything posted by stu54

  1. Mr Andrews is trying his best to fuck us up big time Oz
  2. waiting for yer maw or you can even call yer sisters best pal or brother or somebody related to you. Make a post dont put people down like you do.Be a man and make a post rather than snipe at people.
  3. Im from lanarkshire. And last week people were giving you a hard time. So you thought this was fine.
  4. Your fuckin obsessed with giving me a hard time.
  5. As for you post something. Dont just sit back and snipe at people. Why dont you say something. Not 1 post have i read from you.So if you cant post something wee all can read . Why dont you just fuck off the Bears Den Start a post today.Why not now. Because you cant you fuckin coward of a man.Go on start a post. Bet you you dont....
  6. No you Fuck off Cunt.Have you ever posted something.
  7. So there is something wrong saying they should not call themself British.Im sure most of there support would say that.But they are a few of our own who disagree with me.
  8. Goodness . This guy says after they got gubbed. About British teams , Did you ever hear him talking about his team as British . Thought not .
  9. Tosser saying British teams. Ask his fans dont think they call themselfs British
  10. Watching that press conference from popcorn teeth yesterday. I was so upset that he mentioned about British teams.Your not and never will be a British team. Says the tramp dressed up with a tracksuit that had nothing on it to say were a Scottish or a British team. The only thing it said is were irish.Dont ever say your British ya slimy so and so . .
  11. Its about them having a free reign. Did Rangers have a free reign where they could have a reserve team out the week before a CL Match.
  12. This was the best chance yous C===TS WERE EVER GOING TO GET.No Rangers in the league. If wee had that chance. Without yous in the league. wee would have 1 more european championship to our name.Get it right fuckin up ye .
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