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Everything posted by Fiogh

  1. Barca Valencia next, looking forward to this havent seen barca since there opening day defeat to Numancia, hear they are playing some exquisite stuff.
  2. TBF Keane did a good job getting them from the foot of the championship to the premier but his spending and player choices were horrific after that. Newcastle have been f*cked for years, they always strike me as a club with players who dont want to actually play for them, just happy to take the inflated wages and teams are happy to punt thier overpriced average players to them.
  3. 3-3 now! great strike from rossi, shite defending again.
  4. 3-2 now. Getafe's defence looks as shaky as ours under le guen when crosses come in. Really watchable game.
  5. Villareal 3 nil down at home to Getafe. 2nd Half looks like they're gonna throw everything forward. ha ha what a comedic goal villareal just got there, been coming though.
  6. Was it not just to wind up Man Utd?
  7. Anyone watchin this? Think sunderland are trying to break the record for number of players in the box at any one time
  8. Doin a really good job at burnley by all accounts. And plenty of scots in his team too.
  9. He was just unlucky with the other strikers that were around at the time, real 'Golden Age'.
  10. Not a big Milan fan myself, Lazio have always been my team! Still think Italian football has gone downhill since the haydays of football Italia on c4.
  11. They drew 3-3 with Bilbao. The first El Classico match is on the 14th of December, taking place at the Camp Nou. About all I can hope from Mallorca these days is that we don't get relegated, keep bringing through players that we can punt for a profit nad keep causing the odd shock! I have no affinity for Barca or Realmadrid, but one of my mates is a huuuuuuuuuge Barca fan so always support Real just to see him lose it.
  12. WTF i saw two guys swapping shirts and assumed it was finished? They were clearly just homosexuals.
  13. What was the Mallorca score? Whens the first El Classico BTW?
  14. Yeah, Turkish football has had some amount of investment in recent times, Fenerbache especially. Im really desperate to get to a game at the Ali Sami Yen. I can't stand Fenerbache really, their fans are just so up themselves. Sure, they had a summer budget of around €100M, but they got totally carried away with things, with even some of the pro-Fener element of the Turkish media speculating that they were going to sign players like Ronaldinho, Fabregas and Eto'o. Also, they pay Roberto Carlos €4.2M a year. When there's such a thing as third world poverty going on, that's enough to hate any team. Bigot To be fair Turkish football looked like a bit of a mix of - up and coming turkish stars, Unheard of South Americans and past it foreigners whenever I'd seen teams in champions league/UEFA Cup. Still not a bad game from what I saw.
  15. Also whats the craik with those big advertising things around the halfway line? is that just on the TV?
  16. Was in turkey last summer, absolutely mental about football. Looks like a good game so far. Not watched any turkish football I dont think.
  17. Who got FB 2nd? just tuned in there, stadium is packed!
  18. Made a pleasant change from Chicks Cliches anyway Not that I read his column very often
  19. Seems like an intersting guy http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/7690933.stm Among the favourite vices of sports journalism is the need to individualise success and failure. It is inevitable that has applied to Maradona. You cannot compete with genius. You must embrace it and enjoy it. Maradona was the great reference point of that team and it is true that the memory enhances his image at that time while reducing that of the collective unit but it was a great team of mature players who could live, on and off the pitch, with the genius of Diego.
  20. I now live in england so dont get any of the scottish teams in europe on TV. Happy days!
  21. Couldn't care less. We know what they are like, hence the ambulance chasers banner. Can't pull the wool over everyones eyes for good.
  22. yes every game is it about there own fans or just famous ppl they write it about? dont really see whats wrong if i died and my mates put 'R.I.P Fiogh' on the scoreboard at ibrox. Maybe a bit morbid for a sports arena i agree. have you not just answered your own question. don't see whats wrong . maybe a bit morbid for a sports arena aye but i dont see how that fits in with your ambulance chasers comment? unless your suggesting they only do it to garner sympathy from the media and other teams, which i doubt as this is the first ive ever heard of it. yes i am Fair enough, i agree they are ambulance chasers but dont really see that this is part of it. agree to disagree so it would seem, respect your viewpoint. WATP!
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