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Everything posted by 16BlueSherbert90

  1. What? Just never can tell with @.Williamson. haha. Exactly.
  2. Haven't read through the thread, so apologies if already posted. Seen this on twitter.
  3. I haven't watched golf for years, but have been enjoying it lately. Still prefer the football though:) Fair play to Tiger. Would have liked to see McIlroy win it though.
  4. Odds would always be in favour of taigs given their track record. Could you see tombstone teeth getting a send off if the sheep shouted smelly fenian bastard at him and he reacted to it? The ref would probably send the sheep fans out the stadium first...
  5. still time for them to make a comeback...
  6. Vile cheating sheep bullyboys getting their entrails and spines ripped out and handed to them by vile cheating taig bullyboys and scummy ref shocker. Still gives me peeve that Rangers had the ability to do better than this pair and never stepped up to play when it counted.
  7. No shame in you admitting to being a troll. Well perhaps a little, but still. Anyway, back to topic and answer to your question....it would be good if Derek didn't bottle it, as much as I despise Aberdeen nearly as much as the taigs. Guess we will see what happens.
  8. Give it a rest trying to tell me or others what matters and what doesn't. It doesn't belong in here. End of story.
  9. Can't believe you posted this in BD. What is wrong with you?!
  10. Can only hope with all my might that lego suffers worse than this and this was vomit and hide behind open fingers material.
  11. How are you doing?  Keep fighting x

  12. You're late!  ?

    1. oxger


      Wasnt me lol 

      you want truth or flannel

  13. Good idea. When we find the footage against Katic yesterday, we all need to be sending it in also!
  14. Come on England! Think it's going to be a bit of dirty game with this lot though.
  15. I will be elated if England win! A big up yours to all the Anti-English/Anti-British. I will always be stumped why any UK member wouldn't want a British team to win. Politics and Commentators/Media aside.
  16. Hoping for England, but Croatia and Belgium are looking good.
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