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    sonofbear reacted to Courtyard Bear in Congratulations To Aberdeen, Dundee United, Hearts, Hibs, Motherwell, St Mirren et al...........   
    Honestly hate every other cunt in Scottish football with a passion. 
  2. Like
    sonofbear reacted to tannerall in Congratulations To Aberdeen, Dundee United, Hearts, Hibs, Motherwell, St Mirren et al...........   
    For allowing celtic to achieve a stranglehold on Scottish football and preventing you all achieving any success at all. It really was just about the Rangers you short sighted cunts. Payback time.
    You poor deluded bastards, did you not realise there was no gain for you at all when you voted the greatest Sottish football team out of the top league and killed all competition in the process ?
    Yes Karma is a bitch and I'm sure you you are suffering from it, but the difference between Us and You is we kept our integrity and our fan base, whilst you like the cellic lost yours and the last few years of Scottish football have been meaningless, also reflected by the total lack of success outwith Scotland at club and national level.. 
    And you know what ? It's our turn now. Time to sit back and watch us achieve in a few seasons what you failed to do in 7 years. 
    We are back. You failed to destroy us, our revenge will be sweet.
  3. Like
    sonofbear reacted to Guardian in One Club so much shame   
    Surely to God there is some competent investigative journalist in the UK that sees a right good story here? 
    A lot of the legwork been done and links made etc. It just needs somebody to run with it. 
    You can bet if it was Rangers, the Scottish media would be all over it, the SFA would be writing new rules and we would be villified the world over. 
    They have always been more relentless than us when it comes to fighting dirty and its time we ditched lofty nonsense about us being above that. 
    We are being presented with a once in a lifetime chance to bury them over this. We can't let them bury it again. Torbetts trial has them in the spotlight and we must force the SFA to act. With enough pressure they can't back down or sweep it under the rug. 
    We may never get another chance. 
  4. Like
    sonofbear reacted to graeme_4 in One Club so much shame   
    If we could shut this down and reference key aspects; informed police, investigated and sacked perpetrator, supported victim and thrown a slight dig in about that’s how it should be dealt with, we’d be backing the filth up against a wall (figuratively). 
    The silence lets them spread rumours, inuendo and lump us in with their horrible club. 
    We should be battering the ball back at them with some heat on it. 
  5. Like
    sonofbear got a reaction from Ben10 in One Club so much shame   
    Be good if someone could make it into a YouTube vid and get it worldwide.
  6. Like
    sonofbear got a reaction from geneva_ger in One Club so much shame   
    Be good if someone could make it into a YouTube vid and get it worldwide.
  7. Like
    sonofbear reacted to Courtyard Bear in BBC Article   
    Once again we had an investigation. 
    He was sacked and police informed of his conduct. What more do you want the club to do ffs. 
    It’s all public knowledge where he came from what he got up to at those clubs and that those clubs did nothing to try and stop him, you want to investigate why none of those clubs got included in tonight’s hatchet job. 
  8. Like
    sonofbear reacted to Courtyard Bear in One Club so much shame   
    Isn’t laid out the best which the blogger admits so it takes a bit of back and forth to get the whole picture. 
    But fuck me when you get it sorted it’s unbelievable, why isn’t this woman winning a BAFTA instead of that wee snivelling cunt Daly. 
  9. Like
    sonofbear reacted to Smile in One Club so much shame   
    should be added to every story and tweet that the dirty filth at the BBC run about us.  
  10. Like
    sonofbear reacted to The Dude in Fight the sfa   
    I have plenty of constructive ideas to fight our corner.
    First one - which wouldn't do much but would certainly give them an idea of the strength of feeling amongst fans - would be to have a small protest at a wee event the SFA are hosting this weekend. I'm sure thousands of bears at Hampden before, during and after the Cup Final would cause them a massive headache.
    I'd stop giving a penny to other clubs in this country. No tickets, no increased allocations, no players on loan, no teams sent to play them in testimonials. Nothing.
    Provide the absolute minimum required for any SFA/SPFL events. If we have to provide players for events send youth players along.
    Stop the cosy wee arrangements we have with celtic over votes on the SFA/SPFL boards. (we stand a candidate/they dont and vice-versa).
    I'd go out of our way to highlight every transgression by every club in the country - regardless of how petty - if necessary release statements every month highlighting said issues that haven't been dealth with.
    Bin the PR guru who is more interested in fighting battles with his former colleagues on our dime than doing his job.
    Release the 5WA, in its entirety, and lay bare quite the hurdles we had to agree to jump through to get our licence.
    and probably most importantly, hire executives from outwith the Scottish football bubble who doesn't care about ruffling some feathers just because it might hurt who they play golf with.
  11. Like
    sonofbear reacted to Bluekev in New kit delay ?   
    Just looking at the Twitter feed it's quite obvious that the SLO is yet another Rangers wage thief as it's apparent he hasn't got a fucking clue what's going on with the club or supporters and is another one rimming the board.
  12. Like
    sonofbear reacted to Copland bear in Fight the sfa   
    Fight? No time to destroy the bastards, withdraw from the Scottish cup next season for starters.  Get Stevie G on the blower and tell him to concentrate on the job, players he wants, Europe and the league.   Tell them to ram their cup up their arse .
    Then the board want to ask clubs are they for or against this motion , those for us being punished refuse any ticket allocation and state if they sell to Rangers fans for any game involving us  then they are legally responsible for those fans attending and not Rangers football club.
    When is the new tv deal due?  Refuse to sign it and refuse our games to be shown live at Ibrox , stop the blue pound now fellow bears , spend it on our new strips, season books, sellout Europa league qualifiers all 3 of them hopefully and hopefully make the group stages, and if you have any spare cash left after that for football then treat yourself to hospitality at Ibrox.
    People say we can't do this or that? The club are weak ? Etc etc , its bloody simple spend your money on Rangers and don't give any of our haters a single penny.  
    Then we will see who standing at the end of it all as charity begins at home.   
  13. Like
    sonofbear got a reaction from Gman36 in New kit delay ?   
    Shambolic  Can do fuck all right.
  14. Like
    sonofbear reacted to jintybear in Club statement on Sfa nonsense.   
    We have been punished more than any other club, probably in the world - certainly in Scotland,  for being run by crooks. We have served our time, paid our fines and more. The 5wa was a joke. By signing that at the time we ensured that the top flight were financially well off while we single handedly ensured the lower leagues were financially set up for years to come. We had to look after ourselves with no help from anyone. All this while crook after crook took what they could from us.
    Finally things are looking up for us and instead of congratulating us on our achievements - not many clubs would have survived  -  still the greedy bastards, that are our governing body, want more.  
    Jealousy is a disease and these arseholes are riddled with it.
  15. Like
    sonofbear reacted to markem in PR war   
    3 separate Headlines I’ve seen this morning. 
    1 - A player being called a fenian bastard. Implication we are all bigots. 
    2 - The Neely story. Implications are obvious.  
    3 - The SFA Charges. Iplication we are cheats and the consequences could be including massive fines and we can’t sign players. 
    All 3 headlines this morning.  Coincidence? Is it fuck. After 8 months the SFA apply those charges last night.  After how long that Neely story is regurgitated and the MOH story thrown into the mix. 
    I’m not going to take apart the individual stories, anyone with a brain can see what’s going on with all 3.  It’s so obvious.
    Over the past few weeks there has been a huge shift in the positive press we have been receiving (mostly if not exclusively beyond our borders).  High profile English journalists talking positively about our club, on a fairly consistent basis.  Yet here we are this morning with our very own ‘3 Billboards’ - a blatant attempt to shift the narrative.   Bad Rangers - stay away, disassociate yourself.  
    The club cannot allow this to go on and token retaliation statements isn’t enough. If we do not have a PR team able to represent us in what is a PR war then we have to get that in place at whatever cost.  There is a genuine propoganda machine very effectively attacking us and the impact of these types of headlines should not be underestimated. 
    Wake up Rangers.  We have to fight back. What I’ve said here isn’t anything that the majority of us haven’t been saying for some time however it’s time, it really has to be.  
  16. Like
    sonofbear reacted to big blue Fin in BBC Article   
    I don't know, maybe It's just me but this story feels wrong somehow. I know we employed this paedo creep thanks to the Leith tarriers not warning anyone he was a nonce but was this "David" ever on our books? Did this actually happen? I'm pretty sure that a youngster getting fucked up the arse for the first time is going to scream the fucking place down and attract attention. I certainly know that at age 11 if a guy had told me drop the shorts and bend over I'd have been like "aye that'll be right!", and walked out.
    The one thing I don't understand is why the fuck he would have a season ticket after that. 
    No the thing stinks in my opinion.
  17. Like
    sonofbear reacted to BloodRunsBlue in Club statement on Sfa nonsense.   
    Its time we, The Rangers fans,  use our immense muscle and tell the rest of Scottish football to
    back the fuck off or we will boycott every fuckin away match next season.
    And more importantly, we need to stick together. The fact we as a support base are always fuckin split is the reason they get away with this kind of shite.
  18. Like
    sonofbear reacted to STEPPS BOY in Club statement on Sfa nonsense.   
    If Rangers really want to fuck them, tell them they wont agree to new TV deal.
    BT would go ballisitic now we have their boy in charge.
  19. Like
    sonofbear reacted to KWBear in Our players hanging about with Scott Allan in Dubai..   
    I'm not surprised by it, I remember seeing Barry Ferguson out on the piss with John Hartson in glasgow years ago. Saw Craig Moore out with one of their players as well, can't remember who it was right enough but it's been happening for years. What fucking pisses me off is these fuckwits spreading it all over social media without a fuck being given. 
    If they are pals behind the scenes then its unavoidable, but to be peddling it online and openly having a laugh with scum players after a horrific season in which we have been embarrassed in perpetuity, is a fucking piss take. 
    Agree with the cunt on twitter who gave that no-mark goalkeeper of ours a hard time, and for name dropping that fat blowhard mouthpiece cunt Dean Windass an all. For me, half of Josh's problems stem from his dick of a dad who is endlessly whoring his son out on social media to all and sundry in the fucking hope that Real Madrid come in for him. Fuck off Dean. And fuck off Wes for the snide reply to a fan who has dug you out for acting the cunt. Fuck off the lot of these cunts, just hope Gerrard has a spine and the autonomy to ship these nobodies out to whatever lower league english club will take them. 
    bet your bollocks to a barndance that not one of these hopeless, spineless cunts will be seen playing football at any relevant level once they leave Rangers. This linking of Windass to premier league teams is laughable, if he does sign for one of them it will be 6 months before he's on the bench and then getting shipped out on loan to the likes of Fleetwood for a league 1 scrap. 
  20. Like
    sonofbear reacted to big blue Fin in Planned Incompetence   
    Incompetence or cheating? 
    Why can't it be both?
    There is ample evidence this season to support the supposition that Scottish referees are incompetent, however there is equally as much evidence to support the idea that Rangers players are treated more harshly than everyone else in the league with two teams, namely hibs and celtic being treated leniently in comparison.
    There is a reason for this and plenty of people have already mentioned it. A decision goes against either of those teams then that team's fans, manager and the media are immediately on the referees back claiming how that ref gives them nothing. The results are there for people to see in black and white on the league table. These two teams cheat their way to victories and draws they don't deserve.
    Meanwhile in the Southside of Glasgow a former giant of the game maintains the position of dignified silence and the results for it are even clearer to see, players out injured due to thug tactics, players suspended due to referees who do not or choose not to apply the rules of the sport fairly, a third place finish which the fans lay at the feet of the revolving door management and poor players while blythly ignoring the fact that we have been bullied out of points against many teams this season. Now don't worry I'm not claiming our team are world beaters in fact some of them couldn't beat an egg but we lost points against the filth from Leith at the weekend and at the start of the season which would have seen us finish second. Similarly we dropped points against almost every other team which would have seen us closer, possibly even ahead of the taigs, although they may have been able to raise their game and still win the league. The point however remains that as a club we have been cheated by Scottish football.
    What is the reaction of our fans, or at least a significant portion going by this thread?
    Don't be a taig, don't complain, it all evens out.
    Well to each and every one of you I say FUCKING BULLSHIT!
    These decisions do not even themselves out, they never have in the past, they didn't this season and indeed they won't in the future.
    Enough dignified silence, that time is long gone it is dead and buried and should be forgotten. If a decision goes against us next season we should be clammering for explanations, if the same referees keep getting decisions against us wrong then we should be calling wholeheartedly for them to never be given a Rangers game again, every wrong call should be recorded and produced at the end of the season as a YouTube video and presented to any media outlet willing to give it airtime. 
    They use the system better than we do, their inbuilt belief of "victimology" serves them well far better than our "dignified silence" serves us.
  21. Like
    sonofbear reacted to Guardian in Planned Incompetence   
    Its not a conspiracy.
    Book a Hibs player....Lemon will challenge it publicly and create a shit storm.
    Book a celtic player Rodgers and Liewell will challenge it publicly and create a shit storm.
    Book a Rangers player......No noise, no challenge......nothing happens.....no fallout.
    Until we follow these things up, refs dont have to think twice about booking a Rangers player or not booking the opposition. Its not a conspiracy, the other teams now have refs making decisions they know they will have to justify later. They've made it not worth the bother and we should too.
    Our "turn the other cheek policy" just gets that one slapped anaw.
  22. Like
    sonofbear reacted to Howsitgoing in Lemon - too fat to fly   
    If motherwell can beat the scum itll be a double whammy for this deranged individual, might even be what finally puts him in a straight jacket. His beloved paedophile team losing the treble coupled with his 2nd team not getting a Europa place next season.
  23. Like
    sonofbear reacted to King Jela in Rossiter   
    Best player on the park. Hopefully it’s nothing serious. 
    Hope Scott Sllan is forced to retire early. Horrible, horrible, tarrier bastard. 
  24. Like
    sonofbear reacted to gsa in Windass thanking Miller   
    "Waldo and Kenny".
    Are done at Rangers.
    And everyone on here will be looking forward to next season and less than interested in the clubs worst ever captain and a celtic badge thumping rat. 
    Fuck off "Waldo and Kenny" and take "Andy Copland road Halliday", "Josh", "Tav", "Wes" and any one of the rest of the losers with you.
  25. Like
    sonofbear reacted to Courtyard Bear in Martin   
    Easily the worst defender I’ve seen in a Rangers jersey. 
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