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Everything posted by ianferguson

  1. Anyone daft enough to smoke these days is practically asking for cancer but I have sympathy for anyone who started years ago without the insight we have now . Can't be forgotten that at one point people actually thought it was good for you !!!
  2. Circumstances and fate have been very kind to Scott Brown, for to have played for Scotland and tims for so long with aggression and energy alone involves a lot of luck . Hard to believe of a man with his experience exactly how many times he goes chasing the ball and leaves a hole which gets exploited . happened in both Germany and Poland games at Hampden and both times it cost us dear,absolutely no brain.
  3. Wonderbhoy not even on the bench .
  4. Mcgregor was a credit to himself last season and while no David Weir he has been given a raw deal imo so delighted he's got a move he's happy with.
  5. Kiernan has potential but a bit raw and erratic for me though hopeful he'll settle down.
  6. Very harsh !had plenty good games at Ibrox and if you're talking bomb scares then I don't remember Ally signing Foderingham or Kiernan who seem to be works in progress, hopefully they'll settle down and regretful that McGregor will not get the chance to see how Warburton could improve him . One things for sure they're both nowhere near the finished articles.
  7. However he did sell 1st and most important goal after getting caught under the ball allowing Griffiths to head unchallenged.
  8. Trying my best to be objective here but everytime I think of the bhoy I come up with the same thought which is that he'll regret this big time and sooner rather than later. If he'd had this decision 3 years ago then no bear would have blinked an eye but under current circumstances it's a terrible decision all round. Can say in all honesty that he's not a good enough player to make this a successful move and though he could stroll the sphell I think he'll struggle to get a game and can only see him as back up but can't wish him any luck and expect him to be signing for Rotherham within eighteen months and telling us they were the only team he wanted to play for.Rangers meanwhile are on the up and though the bhoy has missed the bus there is no doubt it'll reach it's destination,so it's his loss big time.
  9. This guys behaviour is disgusting but equally disgusting is that the English allow him to get away with it. He's not showing respect for his Irish heritage he's pishing all over ours . He may be trying for hero status from the paddys but he may get a fat lip one night and he'll not get much sympathy from me or any other Brit he's shat on.
  10. Not the best argument m8,Maradona made the goals, scored the goals and made every player in his team better just by his presence. You'd be correct to say no one man can win the world cup but Maradona comes closest of all as Pele practically played in a world 11.
  11. You must be the youngest godfather ever.
  12. In Napoli's history they've won two league championships ,guess who played in both.Take Maradona out of 86 team and they don't win world cup,end of.
  13. Maradona for me, a leader of men and won a world cup on his own and an Italian championship with a provincial club and also played on shit parks where opponents could still kick the shit out of you. Messi a bawhair away though.
  14. For the millionth time the scum bring the Scottish game into disrepute by complaining it's rigged .They've had more penalties, less yellow cards and less red cards than Rangers in their history yet they still complain the establishment are pro Rangers? The establishment then banish Gers and let scum shoot fish in a barrel yet they still shout conspiracy when they can't beat inferior opposition. Their disgraceful vendetta towards referees which led to a strike should have been a watershed but sadly they've now created a situation where all credibility in Scottish football has gone forever. How come throughout the world of football every weekend we see referees making howlers yet scum are the only club who call it cheating ? Always cheated never defeated !! I've seen us lose a treble at Hampden in 1989 ,a referee award us a penalty against scum in 2011 only to change his mind though it was a stonewaller and I've seen a Robertson goal chalked off despite being three yards onside and that's off the top of my head but I'd never go down the paranoid victim route of the scum who have absolutely no class. And finally let's not think this is confined to their exploits in Scotland, because they've had umpteen episodes after going out of Europe and blaming the Referees too . They have no shame.
  15. In reply to a bear who questioned the tims disrespect for poppy day and how Rangers had marked it impeccably as usual, Delacunt replied patronisingly "good for you " ,I've never listened to the show since that day.Karmas a bitch.
  16. If the suspended player had actually effected the result by scoring when he came on , Legia would have went through 5-4 so uefa rules are flawed.How can it be that a team suffer expulsion for commiting a breach of rules yet an even greater breach of rules would have kept them in the competition ?
  17. The fact that Tic did'nt have the balls to answer Bonieks calls shows they had a guilty concience.We can question wether any other club would have done the same but it's obvious they put money before their sacred sporting integrity so they should be embarassed if not ashamed.There can be no doubt that despite trying to hide behind uefa Tic could have done the right thing and conceded the tie but chose cash before honour and they should expect to feel the disgust of football fans throughout the world including ex players .Tic have moaned for years about the rapid vienna tie yet they are happy to see the legia fans suffer a worse fate as they don't even get a rematch !!
  18. Could you stick to the f****** subject ! lol We are Neil Lennon bashing at the moment ,feel free to join in.
  19. This article is great reply to Mckennas pathetic attempt to disguise Lennons universal unpopularity as sectarianism rather than admit that Lennon is just an unlikeable man who loves to play the victim card .Put simply you reap what you sow !! Depending on where your sympathies lie may colour your view on which article is a true reflection on the subject but i'm comfortable with the Chris Graham point of view and feel strongly that Lennon has been one of the most divisive characters in the old firms history if not the most.Lennons biggest mistake when he arrived in Scotland was to be naive about the old firm hostilities and before he knew it he'd bitten off far more than he could chew .Good riddence to the wee shit stirrer but not goodbye because he'll soon be appearing on our tv screens ranting about how his teams defeat was everybodys fault but his , just as he told us everytime the mighty Tic lost ANOTHER cup to minnows.
  20. That'll be the guy who came on RC several times to say Rangers had acted in a disgraceful manner and should be ashamed for depriving local businesses of cash knowing full well it was Craig White.
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