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Bobby Hume

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Everything posted by Bobby Hume

  1. Good post Pete ..... Support for the victims from their peers is something that is needed and should come without prompting ..... anything that helps the healing process for the victims is welcome, but more so when it comes from people close.
  2. Whether it brings pressure on the filth or not, it is a good thing it's at least being recognised and brought to light. I would love to see them punished ala Penn State, but will not hold my breath as they have evaded this horror story for so long. We live in hope though, and must give credit to those involved in seeking retribution for the victims of abuse by scum who prey on vulnerable children.
  3. I have no problem with his behaviour and his attitude, and like you I respect his honesty and his telling it like it was, and not allowing people like English to distort his stay with us with fairy stories. He just wasn't anything to write home about as far as playing for us goes, but credit to him for putting the truth out there in the other case.
  4. I love your sense of humour BBB, I had forgotten all about the blessing in disguise that was St. Jon, and thank him for his miraculous conversion deeds amongst our support, such a pity he didn't do it on the park goal wise. I wish him well in his new parish and hope he converts a few at Raith Rovers, but loses his shooting boots when up against us.
  5. All joking aside, but if I recall correctly, he only really played well when he played against us, so forgive me if I don't get all gushy about him, as he never did anything of great notice when with us.
  6. Yeah MW has shown that he will only have players of a certain standard in and around the Club, and Darren just doesn't measure up to that standard. I do however have every confidence he will be picked up soon by another club, and thank him for his time with us ,as he was an honest trier, and I wish him all the best ......... except against us.
  7. Well done from PZJ, nice to know that he is out there helping to bring this filthy hater to book.
  8. Yep, from "HIvs Rumours" ........ The clue being rumours, it's been rumoured they used to be called " Hivs Stupid Rumours", but dropped the stupid bit due to members not being able to concentrate due to being stupid..... but that could just be a rumour.
  9. Ah! but I always cover my ears ....... so that I don't hear what I am reading.
  10. Wonder if they will re-release "Crying in the chapel" for all these sad, sad bastards. The ICT fans should re- release "You win again" for all their happy, happy fans.
  11. Couldn't have happened to a dirtier bastard, deserves all the shite coming his way.
  12. Will laugh like a drain when the ASA tell the herald to pull this advert for making false claims that DF himself has come out and said he didn't make, and that he was misquoted. Hard to imagine I know, but I will love it if we somehow manage to beat them in the semi, and then go on and win the cup, not bad for a "new" 142 year old club. "The Quintessential new 142 year old British club", some might say. If those poor kids in Malawi have any guidance at all, they should move on and look elsewhere for nourishment as the only thing they will get fed by these scumbags is bullshit.
  13. That's right, you just carry on with that theory and see how many Rapists you get freed back into society to Rape again, once you pass the bar. None I suspect. Also trying to defend the indefensible in your argument shows what a shit Lawyer you would be, surmising that would be the route you were alluding to achieve. I can assure you that you would be better off on a life of benefits, as you would not make a coin as a defence lawyer. As academic proficiency does not seem to be your strong suit. Do you own a suit? Most probably....... for court appearances?.......Most probably......Defendant?.... Yeah, Most probably. Possibly a stint of voluntary work in Rape counselling would help you to understand the life of a victim of this atrocious act of "Violence", and then you may be humbled and have an understanding of just how lucky you are in this world. But somehow I believe you are far to entrenched in your delusional world, that you wouldn't even benefit from that eye-opening experience. So were you there? Were you one of the camera crew? Bet you wish you were Eh? Now do me a favour and fuck right off, as previously asked of your gallant Rapist (Convicted by a jury of his peers to date / pending appeal?) Mate, who will be nowhere near my club. Thank fuck.
  14. Union Man............ All rape is a "violent assault" on women, it does not have to be a visible account, the act in itself is an" assault", and the mental anguish that is everlasting to the victim is just that, and is due to a Violent Assault. You are kidding yourself on if you don't see that. IF this person Is found to be innocent , it will still not take away the fact that the physical attack of rape is an act of violence as much as it is sexual......... Therefore it is a "Violent Assault". You must live in that perfect world where violent actions are all forgiven, and that retaliation does not happen, here's a heads up.....it does. I know that there are laws to protect the innocent, and I abide by them, and subscribe to that ethic, but.... IF...... (There's another heads up)......... someone I loved was to be the victim of a "Violent Assault"..... for example RAPE, then all those laws would fly out the window, and I would pursue the culprit, who no longer fell under that jurisdiction in my opinion at the time, and I would follow my course of action, and further, I would be prepared to take the consequences of my actions with no qualms as I personally would not be able to continue until I did. Now you have a good day, and don't FFS Rape anyone tonight, or perhaps, (Heaven forbid) get Raped yourself, as you would be totally "Fucked" as you would be in a terrible quandry as to who to defend........ you or the gallant Rapist, who would you choose?
  15. Of course you would be right in your assumption, and it would also follow that I would have to wait more than six weeks to carry out my further assault on this Rapist....... who..... Has spent time in jail, and Has managed to avoid a drug habit, and will hopefully be in gainfull employment again, escaping the life on benefits and further rapine activities (are they criminal?), and will be accepted into polite company.......... Whereas me, the man who had the temerity to break his face and bones would be deemed untouchable......... What a wonderful world we inhabit. (See what I did there)........ Who knows, maybe someone can open a thread about how we should all be Handwringers..... and proud. (Nudge, nudge, wink, wink).
  16. Oh! Hello, have we been introduced, Go back and read your own post, and when you have, perhaps you will realise that whatever condition a person is in, it is Still not the right of the rapist to sexually assault the victim. This crime is an act of violence towards a woman, and will affect her forever, not so in this case the perpetuator, ever, as he showed no remorse. My personal take on how retribution/justice should be carried out, is my reaction to this type of crime.... IF I had a daughter, and I do not think I would be alone in this type of reaction. I surmise that most fathers would feel this way, if they cared. Your assumption that I have been brought up badly, and that my parents could in some way be responsible for my "violent tendencies", could not be further from the truth, but that is your opinion, a wrong one, but your's all the same. I would not normally condone violence, but IF I were in this position, I do believe that I would systematically pursue the violent actions I laid out in my previous post. And that I assure you, would have nothing to do with bad parenting. If anything it would be the polar opposite of your assumption, as I, like all my siblings, had the benefit of a loving Mother and Father, who taught me to respect other peoples' rights, and not to encroach on these rights. The rapist has none of these rights as he annulled them with his heinous actions. Quite likely your parents taught you the same, but somewhere along the road you have deviated from their teachings ,and now championing rapists can now be added to the utter disappointment they must harbour when they see how you have turned out God help any female who unfortunately finds herself in this position, IF you happen to be on the jury, or heaven forbid the judge. Therefore let us all be thankful that you are not a father, as your daughter would be raped with impunity. You have a nice day........ and fuck you too.
  17. He can fuck right off, if it was the daughter of any of the ones saying he deserves a chance to play again, would they be so lenient. If it were my daughter or sister I would brick the cunt's face, then drive him into the woods break his arms and legs, and six weeks after, when the casts came off I would do it all over again.
  18. Me too, it's so...... it's well..... it's just so .......good.....no it's better than just good....... it's...........no bad. There ye are a said it.
  19. Well done again VB's, a great article with a sense of humour, but very serious undertones, outlining the underhanded tactics these "Irish catholic Glaswegians" will go to, to abuse the powers they were elected to uphold.
  20. Shurly, shoorly, surly, hat, tat, thet, wood, wude, weed, bee, B, krassi. If you catch my drift.
  21. Ha! Ha! Ha! More like a square go.
  22. Oh! He knew all right, he also knew all the victims and all the cover-up artists who doubled as "Undercarpet Sweepers'", and duly secreted, and diverted the evidence from harming the reputation of the guilty (Well Proven) parties within the forever to be shamed, but not named, scumbag bheasts' from the east.
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