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Everything posted by DMax399

  1. I'll give him less than a year and he will fail and get the bullet. Although it was unlikely he would ever be our new Manager, I'm very glad he isn't.
  2. Dembele at the tims without doubt. Everyone knows he is worth 90 squillion Dembele dollars.
  3. A player in the Warburton mould. Dodged a bullet there.
  4. They don't play for us anymore so it's largely irrelevant. Lets not forget how poor they were for us in the main when they did.
  5. I honestly believe that their core support has many more with leanings towards not only this type of behaviour, but also support for Irish Republican terrorist organisations than they want to or will admit to. If challenged by their board I suspect they will alienate many of those associated to this despicable organisation.
  6. It's amazing isn't it? No condemnation from the press or players claiming "cheat" but cue moral outrage at the Ross County player and the swift decision by the compliant officer thereafter. So predictable, but still so annoying.
  7. Durham has slated them in the past, so that is good enough for me. As for Sutton - there are no words to describe him.
  8. It's the Hibs man in him. Common thievery is in their DNA.
  9. The SFA and all clubs who have been implicated by recent (and historical) allegations should be investigated by a 3rd party. Anything less, is unacceptable and will not be fit for purpose. In addition, those found to have knowingly withheld information of abuse from the Police should be prosecuted. I doubt this will happen, but I will reserve judgement until the appropriate time.
  10. I thought that our " bunch of Hearts rejects, League 1 players etc" as referred to in their thread earlier did rather well today. This must annoy them no end.
  11. I think that home games would be interesting, but I don't really see how the constant travel would be sustainable for the guys who regularly travel away. More details would need to be published before deciding if this really is the way forward for our club.
  12. No real interest in the Manager or his team to be honest, and it is fair to say the SFA will select another waste of space when the time comes, but whoever it is should do the basics and pick players who are actually playing regularly for their club and are on form - not just because he likes them or they are good blokes. Oh, and stop spinning yarns like a politician. Just say it how it is. Which since 1998 has been dog poo.
  13. Poor judgement by them. You simply should not commit a 13 year old to that level of exposure (no pun intended) against fully grown men in a competitive game. It's laughable to be honest, totally unjustifiable but unfortunately unsurprising. You have to question their thinking behind the decision.
  14. Jim must have lost it. Why would you give up the various good looking female presenters he works with on Sky (even temporarily) to take the chance of coming face to face with fat boy Alan Brazil?
  15. I actually find this quite funny. Mainly, because I doubt half of the flag wavers even know where Palestine is. But also because they have an Israeli playing for them. I would imagine he was less than impressed with their flag display in the ground. They really are a desperate bunch, looking for any reason (no matter how unrelated to them) to be controversial. Will they repeat their support in the same way during the away leg in Israel? I suspect not, as the Israeli Defence Force will deal with them in a way they will never have experienced before.
  16. To be honest, I have no idea why you need a club doctor to go on the pitch for routine knocks etc. Why was she even on the pitch during that game? The whole situation after that is another matter, but in a way I agree with the comments made by Jose when he called the medical team naïve... they were.
  17. It is very fitting that they go down as we come back. Self-inflicted from their perspective but I am truly glad to see them go.
  18. Things just keep getting better and better.........................................
  19. Fair play to him, he certainly wasn't the worst player we had last year.
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