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Posts posted by bluewhitevanman

  1. Juergen will be taking Stevie G aside and whispering in his ear “ I’ve got a goalie for u Stevie if ur interested”  that guy looks genuinely upset. I think it was Stevie G or lampard that said something like if your at the standard to play in a champions league final you shouldn’t make mistakes like that. That keeper isn’t at that level, I don’t watch much English football now but sure I’ve heard on the radio that he’s dodgy and I’m sure  the magnificent bastard said yesterday that karrius has a mistake or 2 in him when he was talking about him on talksport 

  2. 3 hours ago, Howsitgoing said:

    There is some of them you can have a level headed conversation with, few and far between I grant you but there is nothing in that story that says he wasn't being genuine and everything he said was fair enough.

    Mate 100% as u say there is some (not many) that u can have a normal conversation with. The guy is 40 and says being a young boy in the Souness revolution on through 9 in a row he used to come out games saying to himself when are we ever going to beat Rangers etc and was telling me that’s why he’s trying to get his lad to enjoy the good times while they are here because the times could be changing with Stevie G. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, NixonRFC said:


    Sounds like he's paying you lip service mate, remember my old man would always tell his mate how much potential his team had when in actual fact he knew we'd be untouchable, full circle now.

    He could be but its some of the things he says and tbh I think it’s Stevie G and who he could potentially attract that have got some of their support scared. As the boy says himself no one at sellic be it management players fans or the board  know how to react to a proper challenge and he is genuinely worried  that they will  fold as they havent had anything to worry about since he became manager 

  4. 8 minutes ago, 2nd Flute said:

    If Gerrard gets a few Bob to spend, then yes, a lot will start shittin themselves, but I think the cunts are that used to winning, and us fucking things up, most think it's a treble treble next year.

    This double treble was unthinkable really but a treble treble can’t hsppen under Stevie G’s watch. I’ve been extremely critical of our board but if this works then they deserve any credit that comes their way. I so want SG to be the one lifting the league title next may. 

  5. Wee story here so guy at work a (wan a thaim) says to me u watching the cup final tomorrow and I said no way I wouldn’t open the blinds if they were playing out the back door n he was laughing n started talking about cants that go on his supporters bus he was saying that he stays round the corner from the catholic school but he sent his 2 kids to the non denominational and when some of the scummy cunts on his bus have had a few drinks they say to him wit ye dain sendin yir wains there and is that no a proddy school etc and says he’s actually had rip roaring rows way cunts that are 30/40/50/60 year old about it. Scumbags no matter the age of them. He was also saying that when his boys are at the football with him the boys hardly celebrate even when playing us when they score because they say that they don’t remember Rangers beating them apart from the penalties and he said to his boys that it goes in cycles and said we are due to start beating them but his oldest boy says no chance as we don’t have the players. He said that he’s spoke to some of them at the piggery and the “sensible ones” are honestly para about the players that we might be able to sign because of Stevie G and some admitted that if Stevie G gets enough money  then it has the potential to a sensational appointment. The other thing he mentioned was that he has heard some of the tramps saying that if Gerrard starts to look like he’s giving a challenge then Brenda will look to get back down south.

    I realise that most of u won’t be interested in what he was saying but thought I would share it with u anyway. 

    Does anyone think that they are secretly shittin themselves about Stevie G?? 

    Btw he’s had a ST for that place for about 25 year so he definitely goes home and away but seemed to want to engage in conversation about it 

  6. I would urge anyone who loves listening to anything Rangers to sign up to it £1 a week it is really and I think if it takes off the way I think it could then it could really be amazing. All about the Dick advocaat years the 9 in a row even things like the history of the stadium there’s a thing called when the seagulls follow the trawler about the EPL and much more. 

  7. 4 hours ago, The Ibrox Derry said:

    I subscribe to H&H at £4 A month and the amount of quality content is phenomenal. Roughly about 4 shows a day. That's kicking on 120 shows a month for 4 quid. Absolute bargain.

    I’m the same mate. I think it’s quality. I’m a white van man so I scoot about listening to everything then jump on to the archives. 1 of the guys voices used to get on my tits as he sounded like someone from bbc sportsound but I’ts not as bad now 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

    Na - even I realise we need to move on! Although 2 old firm games and the board throw him under a bus twice - so I have some sympathy for him! 

    Definitely agree re the board but that brings us back to the board not being fit for purpose. At least u see that Murty isn’t the man a bit late mind u. Any preference for the new man 

  9. 1 hour ago, jintybear said:

    I'm going to be honest I wasn't expecting that today. More fool me.

    I know u won’t believe me here jinty because I’m saying it now but I honestly knew we were going to get scudded I just had a horrible feeling walking up to that stadium thing they’ve got and the feeling wouldn’t shift. When I was walking back to the car a boy about 11 was about to cry or had been crying (not jokin either) and I tapped the top of his head n said don’t worry wee man we’ll be back on top again soon and I could tell he was thinking aye right no chance, it got me thinking as I’ve boys 12,7 who go and 18 month old who will when he’s a bit older but when I seen that wee boy the day I thought none of them will remember a decent Rangers team and probably don’t think they will ever see a good Rangers team. Our board need to change that quickly 

  10. Just now, GT66 said:

    I think he'll be a good player, and I was pissed we let him go when we are paying cunts like Pena 20+k a week

    I'm assuming they'll be relegated, but hope they wont.

    Same here hope they stay up not that I take an interest in bundesliga but that wee connection always has me wanting them to do well. I think if they can get him better technically then he will be back playing in England in a couple of seasons 

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