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Colin Traive

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Posts posted by Colin Traive

  1. At it again with the “sports panel” at lunchtime.

    So much so that John Beattie did the old “I don’t pick the subjects” pish because apparently some Bears we’re giving them a hard time on Twitter 

    They are milking this so much, I’m just waiting for the weather totty to mention it:

    ”And next, today’s weather. Is this going to be a nice day to beat up your wife?...”

  2. Sent in a complaint (I know, I know) and asked why, in an hours worth of callers, not a single one called in to defend the principle of rehabilitation and second chance. They obviously vet the calls although they will no doubt deny this.

    The irony is that I was in two minds about signing him but, given the lobby of haters queuing up to have a go at him and us, I’m more on his side than I would have been without this latest hatefest. 

    As someone said earlier, he might well have behaved like a prick but he is now OUR prick so good luck son.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Gman36 said:

    Honestly, was that on BBC Scotland radio? Fucking hell.... 

    Never miss a chance to put the boot in but this was completely OTT. Most people listening to that programme wouldn’t know Flanagan if they met him but, thanks to the upright and super clean BBC, now they know he’s an evil cunt signed the disciples of Satan

  4. They’ve just spent ten minutes telling this sad wee shithole of a country how evil Rangers are endorsing abuse of women by signing Flanagan. Article included some American spokesbitch from Women’s Aid (or whatever) who couldn’t find Ibrox if you dropped her in Edmiston Drive going on about big bad Rangers and our responsibilities. 

    Now I have my own reservations about the guy but I knew that haters like BBC Scotland would be giving it both barrels. They didn’t disappoint.


  5. 43 minutes ago, KingKirk said:


    For me its smart management hes given him enough rope what will he do hang himself or drop this and move on.

    Yep. Wallace has not let SG down in any way so he’s rightly been given a clean slate. Up to him to take it or blow it.

  6. As things stand, we’re down to Morelos (who may or may not be swapped for Skrtel) and Windass as attackers. I’m assuming that Herrera will be handed into a charity shop or put on Gumtree if nobody will buy him so I’m disregarding him. Candieas and Murphy through the middle? Can’t see it to be honest.

    So even if Gerrard pulls a Katic type deal out of the hat for a striker, we still need cover. At 600/700k, Cummings would do for me. Hard to judge any player on last season’s car crash of a campaign but I think that, under proper direction and management, we could get more out of him.

    Biggest thing against offering him a deal is actually his close friendship with that cunt Allan. 

  7. This will very much come down to age but which player do you associate instantly when you think of Rangers numbers 1 to 11? Not necessarily the best ever to wear that number, just the one you think of straight away.

    1 - McCloy

    2 - Jardine

    3 - Greig

    4 - Gough

    5 - Numan

    6 - Ferguson

    7 - McLean

    8 - Gascoigne

    9 - Stein

    10 - Smith

    11 - Cooper

  8. 30 minutes ago, BLUEDIGNITY said:

    Correct, just like the dhurty bheasts when they get sussed with the weans they move them to another diocese or country as does corrupt city cooncil employees when caught, they move them to a job not as high up but hidden in the scheme of things, whit they like !

    Was thinking that too. Keep the police out of it, just move old Father Weangrabber to another parish. No victims, no fuss, no inquiries, no blame. Till a wee boy in the new parish summons up the courage to say “Mum, I’ve got a secret to tell you about the priest”

    Their church, their team, their culture - it is in their DNA

  9. Was once the token Scottish person in a company meeting and I used two words which London based colleagues said they’d never heard before. The words were “outwith” and “swithering” as in “unable to decide”. Had to explain both.

    Incidentally, my iPad tries autocorrecting both words as it doesn’t recognise them.

    That statement may well have been approved by Gerrard but it was written by a Scot.

  10. Sorry but a contract is a two way street.

    Our responsibility is to provide training, coaching and pay a salary.

    His responsibility is to present himself at his place of work in an appropriate condition to undertake his duties. 

    If he fails to make himself available due to his lifestyle, poor personal discipline, poor attitude, unwillingness to meet his responsibilities etc, then he is in breach of contract.

    If anyone is concerned about how we will be perceived if we cut this waster loose, don’t be. Those that hate us will hate us anyway with or without another motive.

    Get him to fuck.

  11. To be fair, would be a bit of class on the part of the club to say “X is returning to his parent club. We thank him for his efforts and wish him well for the future”

    Added bonus of actually letting the fans know what’s happening.

    Of course, could be that Gerrard is considering trying to make the deal permanent 


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