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Colin Traive

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Posts posted by Colin Traive

  1. Was working in Aberdeen that weekend and watched the game as the only bear in hostile territory, the now defunct Rosemount Bar. Highlight was one gobby sheep talking up celtic’s chances beforehand and hearing a loud “BASTARD” when each of the first three goals went in. Was nipping my arm to stop myself ? 

    Never ever tire of watching that??

  2. I actually think Allan’s “tackle” was the worst I saw all season.

    Had that been on a player from any other team, the offender would have walked.

    Really sorry he was booked because, under insane SFA rules, that means no further retrospective punishment can be applied, not that Seamus O’Flaherty (or whatever the current compliance tim is called) would have seen much wrong with chopping a Rangers player in two.

    Hate to sound paranoid but week after week you see double standards and it gets to you after a while.

  3. Like so many they were driven by a relentless campaign of “Rangers = Evil” propaganda topped with years of petty jealousy and resentment at yet another hammering from the mighty. Normally reasonable people became rabid Rangers-hating fanatics almost overnight and they didn’t consider for a moment the consequences never mind the unfairness.

    As someone who has had Arabs say to my face : “cheat”, “robbing the taxman/NHS/army”, “you bought titles with money that you didn’t have” etc, I can honestly say from an ordinary Rangers fan to the ordinary United fans : GIRFUY sideways. 

    Your hatred has been your undoing so hell fucking mend you.

  4. 3 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

    You don’t get it do you?

    in fact you defeated your own argument with your first line really 

    How did I?:lol:

    My point is that supporters overreact and the “everyone can go” knee jerk is normal but not the basis for good decision making.

    I would hope that Gerrard can tell the difference between guys who will never make a worthwhile contribution (eg MOH, Dodoo) and those who have something to offer if coached properly (eg Dorrans, Murphy)

  5. Just now, K.A.I said:

    Not this stupid analogy again 

    Delia’s Duds still won stuff and beat Rangers this lot haven’t and never will - I’m amazed people can’t see how failure is ingrained in them and they are like a rot that needs gutted out and started again 

    At the point where a win against them would have narrowed the gap to three points, no one was saying they were all duds. There has been no direction or leadership for months and good players will look very ordinary with no organisation or plan.

    We need two very good centre backs, a natural leader and a combative striker. Sort that out, play McCrorie and Dorrans in their correct positions and then let’s see where we are.

  6. 1 hour ago, pcbear said:

    He certainly splits opinion, I  rate him as a player who was coming on to a game when he was injured, Dorrans has been a huge let down,after his 2 goal debut at Motherwell he has shown what he is capable of only in very fleeting glimpses.

    Dorrans has been played out of position. He should be an attacking midfielder with the two sitters coming from Jack, McCrorie and Rossiter who I believe may wel thrive under Gerrard 

  7. 1 hour ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

    Scum will play a team of fringe players coincidentally to rest main players for SC final.

    One nil sheep will actually add to the party atmosphere there knowing they're harming us too.

    One nil sheep. 

    My thoughts exactly. Key players rested for cup final.

    Having said that, the sheep are pish. Playing against one of our worst squads ever and getting handed a penalty for fuck all and they still couldn’t beat us.

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