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Everything posted by Stunels

  1. What a game this is btw, gonna be a long night for fat ange
  2. Spotted a raging jungle jim in youtube comments
  3. Will be a long night for st mirren as the pressure builds but the tims look poor
  4. Yeah fair actually, Brenda's record especially is shocking at Easter road
  5. Tough game for tims against st mirren midweek - dont expect them to lose at the piggery but could be a dodgy draw in it.
  6. Decent, now do the business tomorrow Rangers
  7. 100th minute goal, calling it now
  8. It would keep them at the centre of the news cycle for weeks - its an absolute non-option in the eyes of bheast fc board. The survivors may be adamant that they want liability but I can see the pedos squirming their way out of it and working a settlement. Strongly hope the class action lawyers hold firm and take it all the way.
  9. Despite our high point tally I still see our failures last season as Rangers inadequacies. A Rangers side with better recruitment and less mistakes wins the league after Beale took over. So yeah, all I ever look for is a stronger Rangers and if celtic are worse thats a happy bonus.
  10. Don't understand this attitude either - the only thing we should be hoping for is a strong Rangers next season
  11. They could honestly make anyone work with the amount of cash they throw at recruitment
  12. Its just a big wank off for fat ange had to put it off
  13. First time I'll listen to it after a year of avoiding it
  14. saw this when it was first posted before the coronation, 100% a pisstake
  15. His recruitment is dreadful. Their team right now suits him as they would only need to replace anyone who leaves this summer. However it is and always will be about what we do.
  16. Agree with this, think rodgers is snakey enough to go back there and act like nothing happened with their support. First bad result and theyd turn on him like a pack of rats too.
  17. yh that rodgers, think he'd be found out against a good Rangers regardless of any achievements down south
  18. I'd have Rodgers back, no chance does he get the free run he had last time. Beale winning the league with rodgers at the piggery would be perfect.
  19. Still hope he stays so hes there for the downfall and his career dies in glasgow.
  20. I wound them up big time with that post atleast
  21. Jakey tims defending the mess yesterday doing my fkn nut in. Posted to wind them up and theyve got me wound up. Reddit r/Glasgow is absolutely hoaching with tims hate that website.
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