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Sick of all the PC brigade


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Great, as long as folk remember that we were formed in Glasgow in 1872 by lads from the Gareloch, not in the shadow of Harland & Wolff's 'Samson & Goliath' as is often implied. The Ulster connection took hold in the 1920s (50 years into the club's existence), when the Belfast shipyard H&W opened a shipyard in Glasgow. As said before, not denying our heritage but it's definitely a case of the tail wagging the dog as far as I'm concerned.

Dougie to be honest thats a popular misconception. If you read the research by Graham Walker or Bill Murray in their books you will find that the historical event you refer to ( H & W) was not the catalyst to Rangers absorption of a Protestant identity.

It started way before that and seemed to be a response to the overtly Catholic/Irish identity of Celtic FC. In fact around the turn of the century Celtic were often referred to as "The Irishmen" by the popular press. The Scottish people yearned for a football club which reflected their culture in the same way Celtic represented the Irish/Catholic community. Rangers (probably for reasons based mainly around transportation) became that Scottish/Protestant platform.

Further proof exists from 1912 when the Home Rule crisis in Ireland was on the go. John Ure Primrose, a Rangers chairman, shared the same political platform as Edward Carson - lending his support to the cause and encouraging Glaswiegans to follow suit.

Prior to 1920 Rangers were playing charity matches to raise funds for The Orange Order.

Walker also comments on the emergence of the Union flag at Ibrox round about this time. Bear in mind that during this period we also had a World War and the Easter uprising.

Therefore its probably pretty fair to suggest that' given the foregoing evidence' that the shipworkers who came across to Scotland attached themselves to a club which already had a very strong Protestan identity rather than moulded such an identity themselves.

All good and well but if it hadn't been for the Govan ferry and the ineptitude of the Thistle board of the early 20th century we'd all be wearing red and yellow scarves. The fact that Rangers had a decent team and Govan was more easily accessible than Maryhill is a far bigger reason we are who we are.

Perhaps you missed this bit AM in your eagerness to respond.

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dont be a dick

ok just for you


happy with that or are you just arguing with people for the sake of it

It is quite clear that he has a giant chip on his shoulder and is arguing just for the sake of it.

You would actually think we were debating with an earl here!

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The reason i ask is because a lot of Rangers fans claim to be Protestant, but actually, they couldn't give a fuck about God, and only take the title "Protestant: because they think if you support Rangers, you have to be. And that it's just another opposite to Celtic.

I don't know any Rangers fan who thinks they 'have to be' Protestant. I know a lot of fans who, like myself, come from a Protestant background and are very proud of that, although they are not religious themselves. I don't see any problem with that, why do you...?

When did i say i have a problem with people coming from a Protestant background? If you've never met a fan who says they are a protestant, but don't believe in god, you need to open your eyes.

It's none of my business who believes in God and who doesn't.

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I wonder how many "Protestants" actually know what their religion is all about. Most just see it as another opposite to Catholic Celtic fans.

very true

takes nothing away from the true protestants though :clap:

Of course. I don't think I've ever met one though.

You've never met a church goer? <cr>

I've never met an actual Protestant Rangers fan.

And you say I need to open my eyes? Fuckin' 'ell!

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I dont know what age you are but religion for the most has been part of our club, but i feel you are one of the Murray babies. :)

My age is irrelevant mate.

I thought football was what was part of our club. Maybe I was wrong and being misled.... silly me <cr>

So is religion never had anything to do with our club, and do you know much about our old support. :)

Yeah. The Old support. Times have changed. We're all atheists now, there is no God, lets just get on with the Football.

Who's all atheists ? Speak for yerself pal!

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I know fine well what parade you were on about. What you seem to be struggling with is the idea that they actually aren't in anyway important now, they don't represent the Protestant tradition in Scotland and hold very little interest for the majority of Rangers fans.

I respectfully disagree AM. To suggest that they dont represent the Protestant tradition in Scotland is completely erroneous.

This is a regular march which has been undertaken for years by a percentage of the Protestant population of Scotland (The Orange and other Orders) and which is attended by members of the Protestant community who are not in any of the Orders.

An analogy can be drawn with the Boys Brigade where the participants are exlusively BB members but which is enjoyed by the whole Protestant community some of whom have no affiliation to the BB.

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You can be born a Protestant?

Of course you can, what else are you going to be if you are raised by to Protestant parents?

You can make your own decision, like i did, like I'm allowing my son to do. As much as i think all religion is full of shite, i know it's a serious decision to make. One that i can't make for anyone.

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I wonder how many "Protestants" actually know what their religion is all about. Most just see it as another opposite to Catholic Celtic fans.

very true

takes nothing away from the true protestants though :clap:

Of course. I don't think I've ever met one though.

You've never met a church goer? <cr>

I've never met an actual Protestant Rangers fan.

And you say I need to open my eyes? Fuckin' 'ell!

I have, that's why I'm an Atheist.

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Lets remember old traditions and values. They have their place, but football nonetheless is only football at the end of the day. Rangers though are an institution and in Scotland are more than just a football club to many fans.

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So to claim to be a protestant you need to attend church?

In the same sense, do you have to go to Ibrox to claim to be a Rangers fan?

Nah. You don't need a church to celebrate your faith. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that there are a lot of fans that claim to be a Protestant, Catholic or whatever, but in fact, they don't know anything about it. And when asked if they believe in God, they don't. They take the tag because it comes with Rangers/Celtic.

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alot of ppl mite not believe in god but say there protestent cus they were christened in a protestant church or watever.

Well, if they don't believe in it, why would they keep the title? Because it's the opposite to Catholic Celtic fans, Because they think If you support Rangers you're a Protestant.

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alot of ppl mite not believe in god but say there protestent cus they were christened in a protestant church or watever.

Well, if they don't believe in it, why would they keep the title? Because it's the opposite to Catholic Celtic fans, Because they think If you support Rangers you're a Protestant.

What's your point here anyway? Is this just some campaign to get people to church? What are you, a preacher? What does it matter to you anyway?

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alot of ppl mite not believe in god but say there protestent cus they were christened in a protestant church or watever.

Well, if they don't believe in it, why would they keep the title? Because it's the opposite to Catholic Celtic fans, Because they think If you support Rangers you're a Protestant.

cus if ur christened a protestant then u wud call urself a protestant lol, i dnt think its anything to do with rangers or celtic wether ppl decide to call themselves protestant or catholic tbh

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alot of ppl mite not believe in god but say there protestent cus they were christened in a protestant church or watever.

Well, if they don't believe in it, why would they keep the title? Because it's the opposite to Catholic Celtic fans, Because they think If you support Rangers you're a Protestant.

cus if ur christened a protestant then u wud call urself a protestant lol, i dnt think its anything to do with rangers or celtic wether ppl decide to call themselves protestant or catholic tbh

Oh it is. Not always. But it happens. A lot. Especially my generation.

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alot of ppl mite not believe in god but say there protestent cus they were christened in a protestant church or watever.

Well, if they don't believe in it, why would they keep the title? Because it's the opposite to Catholic Celtic fans, Because they think If you support Rangers you're a Protestant.

What's your point here anyway? Is this just some campaign to get people to church? What are you, a preacher? What does it matter to you anyway?

I've never said anyone has to go to Church. In fact, if you look up, i said they didn't. If you haven't gotten my point by now you never will. I've said it about 3 times in this thread.

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alot of ppl mite not believe in god but say there protestent cus they were christened in a protestant church or watever.

Well, if they don't believe in it, why would they keep the title? Because it's the opposite to Catholic Celtic fans, Because they think If you support Rangers you're a Protestant.

cus if ur christened a protestant then u wud call urself a protestant lol, i dnt think its anything to do with rangers or celtic wether ppl decide to call themselves protestant or catholic tbh

No, if you follow the beliefs of a Protestant, you would call yourself a Protestant. If you were Christened by you parents as a child, well, I'm guessing they never had much say in the matter, and you should call yourself based on what you believe now, rather than what your parents decided for you. If you still believe in it, fair enough.

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You can not be a protestant until you have been baptised into the Presbyterian church. If you are not baptised then you do not belong to any specific religeous group. This is a fact. You also cant be if you dont believe in god. The protestantism is a way of worship. It is a religeon. It is not a limb that you grow. It is not being a loyalist, a unionist or a Ger.

If your born into a protestant family it just means that your mum and dad are protestant.

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I wonder how many "Protestants" actually know what their religion is all about. Most just see it as another opposite to Catholic Celtic fans.

very true

takes nothing away from the true protestants though :clap:

Of course. I don't think I've ever met one though.

You've never met a church goer? <cr>

I've never met an actual Protestant Rangers fan.

Then you should meet me then or others like me, i am and always have been a Rangers fan. I am also an elder in the Church of Scotland, and i for one, at

times take offence to certain fellow Rangers fans who use "our" religion to beat the so called kafflics over the head with, they then freak out when they find

that the religion they "love" and would "die" to defend includes such kafflick practices as communion. If you do not go to church, want to understand

your own religion, or even believe in God, then please do not pretend to be a Protestant as you know this may upset a member of the Roman Catholic faith.

We are Christians as are Catholics, if you want to scream abuse at someone because he or she is a celtic fan, then be my guest. But the use of my Church

must stop, if the celtic fans want to do it, let them. We are above that, and them, and always will be.

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I wonder how many "Protestants" actually know what their religion is all about. Most just see it as another opposite to Catholic Celtic fans.

very true

takes nothing away from the true protestants though :clap:

Of course. I don't think I've ever met one though.

You've never met a church goer? <cr>

I've never met an actual Protestant Rangers fan.

Then you should meet me then or others like me, i am and always have been a Rangers fan. I am also an elder in the Church of Scotland, and i for one, at

times take offence to certain fellow Rangers fans who use "our" religion to beat the so called kafflics over the head with, they then freak out when they find

that the religion they "love" and would "die" to defend includes such kafflick practices as communion. If you do not go to church, want to understand

your own religion, or even believe in God, then please do not pretend to be a Protestant as you know this may upset a member of the Roman Catholic faith.

We are Christians as are Catholics, if you want to scream abuse at someone because he or she is a celtic fan, then be my guest. But the use of my Church

must stop, if the celtic fans want to do it, let them. We are above that, and them, and always will be.

you talk some pish

you claim to be a church elder and if you are why would you believe we are above them

does your god not teach you that we are all the same no man is better than another

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