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Sick of all the PC brigade


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Indeed they are, the Orange Order are unrepresentative of the Protestant population of Scotland, be them nominal or active, fact. They are now a minority interest group, fact. To suggest they should have anything to do with Rangers these days is a denial of reality, fact.

Is this really dealing in facts and details Brissybear ?

The Orange Order are one of the most visible representations of Protestanism in Scotland. What other Protestant institution manages to gather over 50,000 people in Glasgow every July ? Perhaps you could be good enough to enlighten us......

Perhaps its worth reminding ourselves that membership of the Orange Order requires active church membership. Throughout this thread there has been a determination to seperate Orangeism from Protestantism which is impossible to do - as the former insists on membership of the latter.

Brissybear and AM.what you have failed to grasp throughout this thread is that Orange Order members are part of the Protestant community in Scotland..... for example the curent Grand Master of the Orange Lodge in Scotland. Ian Wilson.is the organist in his local church.

Perhaps Brissy or Am you would be good enought to cite some examples of events (apart from normal Sunday worship) which is representative of the Protestant community in Scotland.

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Perhaps its worth reminding ourselves that membership of the Orange Order requires active church membership. Throughout this thread there has been a determination to seperate Orangeism from Protestantism which is impossible to do - as the former insists on membership of the latter.

While I'm not disputing membership, I am disputing actual attendance? If these orangemen were that proud and dedicated to their membership of their church then why are church attendances not much higher?

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I am not for or against the Orange Order. The truth is I know very little about them. They have never been part of my experience as a Rangers fan.

I started going to Ibrox with my Dad in 1974 as a 8 year old kid. I fell in love with Rangers and have followed them ever since. Football has been a major part of my life from that time on, a constant source of joy and frustration, a roller coaster of highs and lows etc, a rewarding emotional and mental involvment.. And it is something that I have passed onto my own son in the same way my own father passed it onto me.

Now, I was brought up in an ordinary Renfrewshire town and all through Primary and Secondary school most of the other kids were fellow Gers with a sprinkling of St Mirren fans and the odd Celtic fan. We were almost all from a Scottish Protestant background.

We all spoke about Rangers and football every day. We would play football in the playgrounds of school and on the streets or parks of the town afterwards.

Now, the truth is, even at High School, I never knew anybody who was in the Orange Order. If anyone was in it they kept it to themselves. It simply never came up. I knew hundreds of kids and hundreds of Rangers fans and whilst Rangers were everything to us that was never connected to the Orange Order (as far as I could see).

So my experience - speaking only for myself of course - is one of being a committed and passionate Rangers fan without any reference to the Orange Order at all. They were irrelevant to me and always have been, simply because they were never in my life, nor, it seemed, the lives of the other kids at school who were supporting Rangers too.

For me it is being a Rangers fan that matters - we all have different lives and backgrounds and influences etc and for some of us that includes being in the Orange Order I suppose and for others of us it doesn't but so what - we should live and let live - and just give the team/club our full support without this constant squabbling amongst ourselves about identity etc. That is really all I am trying to say.

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Ah Minstral, still spinning I see. Read it again and look at the tense please. Your opening post Minstral, that's where you suggest it.

Read it again and tell me where i said we still are connected. :)

Ach Minstral your just at it now. Are you not suggesting the orange Order should hold a service at Ibrox and that flute bands should play at half time? Wasn't that what you suggested?

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Just agree to disagree.

This is never going to be solved here.

Probably not, but if it can remain civil there seems little harm in discussing it, no?

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Indeed they are, the Orange Order are unrepresentative of the Protestant population of Scotland, be them nominal or active, fact. They are now a minority interest group, fact. To suggest they should have anything to do with Rangers these days is a denial of reality, fact.

Is this really dealing in facts and details Brissybear ?

The Orange Order are one of the most visible representations of Protestanism in Scotland. What other Protestant institution manages to gather over 50,000 people in Glasgow every July ? Perhaps you could be good enough to enlighten us......

Perhaps its worth reminding ourselves that membership of the Orange Order requires active church membership. Throughout this thread there has been a determination to seperate Orangeism from Protestantism which is impossible to do - as the former insists on membership of the latter.

Brissybear and AM.what you have failed to grasp throughout this thread is that Orange Order members are part of the Protestant community in Scotland..... for example the curent Grand Master of the Orange Lodge in Scotland. Ian Wilson.is the organist in his local church.

Perhaps Brissy or Am you would be good enought to cite some examples of events (apart from normal Sunday worship) which is representative of the Protestant community in Scotland.

Whats an event got to do with it??

No-one is having a pop at the OO, just stating that it does not represent the majority of protestants, not by a country mile.

Yes, they hold the most visible event celebrating protestantism, but do they not also celebrate loyalist paramilatries (im sure some bands do, but correct me if im wrong).

I'm sorry D'art im at a loss as to what point you are making here, I dont think anyone would disagree with them being the most visible arm of protestantism and I am well aware that the majority of members are deeply religious christians.

Could the same be said for the majority of folk who follow it? And lets be honest there is usually a % of pond life hell bent on fighting with folk from other parts of the city, not the fault of the OO, I hasten to add, but something that I beleive has contributed to its demise.

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Ah Minstral, still spinning I see. Read it again and look at the tense please. Your opening post Minstral, that's where you suggest it.

Read it again and tell me where i said we still are connected. :)

Ach Minstral your just at it now. Are you not suggesting the orange Order should hold a service at Ibrox and that flute bands should play at half time? Wasn't that what you suggested?

What i suggested was that i would like the OO to be allowed to have their Sunday Parade back again at Ibrox, and the flute band at half time was said tongue in cheek as most poster know. For a start no way would Murray allow that to happen as he cares nothing about any of our traditions never mind our Protestant traditions. :)

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Indeed they are, the Orange Order are unrepresentative of the Protestant population of Scotland, be them nominal or active, fact. They are now a minority interest group, fact. To suggest they should have anything to do with Rangers these days is a denial of reality, fact.

Is this really dealing in facts and details Brissybear ?

The Orange Order are one of the most visible representations of Protestanism in Scotland. What other Protestant institution manages to gather over 50,000 people in Glasgow every July ? Perhaps you could be good enough to enlighten us......

Perhaps its worth reminding ourselves that membership of the Orange Order requires active church membership. Throughout this thread there has been a determination to seperate Orangeism from Protestantism which is impossible to do - as the former insists on membership of the latter.

Brissybear and AM.what you have failed to grasp throughout this thread is that Orange Order members are part of the Protestant community in Scotland..... for example the curent Grand Master of the Orange Lodge in Scotland. Ian Wilson.is the organist in his local church.

Perhaps Brissy or Am you would be good enought to cite some examples of events (apart from normal Sunday worship) which is representative of the Protestant community in Scotland.

I replied to your last post point by point at least have the courtesy of addressing that one before you post another batch.

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Ah Minstral, still spinning I see. Read it again and look at the tense please. Your opening post Minstral, that's where you suggest it.

Read it again and tell me where i said we still are connected. :)

Ach Minstral your just at it now. Are you not suggesting the orange Order should hold a service at Ibrox and that flute bands should play at half time? Wasn't that what you suggested?

What i suggested was that i would like the OO to be allowed to have their Sunday Parade back again at Ibrox, and the flute band at half time was said tongue in cheek as most poster know. For a start no way would Murray allow that to happen as he cares nothing about any of our traditions never mind our Protestant traditions. :)

Good, at least you now accept you did suggest it cause for a while there you weren't keen on admitting it.

Maybe Murray is more in tune with the bulk of our support on this than you are, most simply don't care mate. To most the orange order are an anachronism. Each to their own, and if quasi-military/religious marching organisations are what rocks your boat then good luck to you, but let's not pretend they are in any way representative of the majority.

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Ah Minstral, still spinning I see. Read it again and look at the tense please. Your opening post Minstral, that's where you suggest it.

Read it again and tell me where i said we still are connected. :)

Ach Minstral your just at it now. Are you not suggesting the orange Order should hold a service at Ibrox and that flute bands should play at half time? Wasn't that what you suggested?

What i suggested was that i would like the OO to be allowed to have their Sunday Parade back again at Ibrox, and the flute band at half time was said tongue in cheek as most poster know. For a start no way would Murray allow that to happen as he cares nothing about any of our traditions never mind our Protestant traditions. :)

Good, at least you now accept you did suggest it cause for a while there you weren't keen on admitting it.

Maybe Murray is more in tune with the bulk of our support on this than you are, most simply don't care mate. To most the orange order are an anachronism. Each to their own, and if quasi-military/religious marching organisations are what rocks your boat then good luck to you, but let's not pretend they are in any way representative of the majority.

I have never suggested they represent the majority. All i said was the parade should be allowed back at Ibrox. As for Murray being in tune with the fans i have to laugh at that. He knows nothing about our history and traditions, and was not even a fan of our club. As i have said he wants nothing to do with the Protestant part of our history as he wants to loved by the media and not accused of being a bigot.

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let's not pretend they are in any way representative of the majority.

I'm not going to pretend that anybody knows what this elusive 'majority' think.

But as for the OP I'd go along with it 100%. I'd be happy to see the OO Service reinstated, it being a highlight of the year for many bears.

And a flute band at the 'Brox?

The Sash being played?

Come on the place would be rocking. And it would pissing on our enemies.

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Ah Minstral, still spinning I see. Read it again and look at the tense please. Your opening post Minstral, that's where you suggest it.

Read it again and tell me where i said we still are connected. :)

Ach Minstral your just at it now. Are you not suggesting the orange Order should hold a service at Ibrox and that flute bands should play at half time? Wasn't that what you suggested?

What i suggested was that i would like the OO to be allowed to have their Sunday Parade back again at Ibrox, and the flute band at half time was said tongue in cheek as most poster know. For a start no way would Murray allow that to happen as he cares nothing about any of our traditions never mind our Protestant traditions. :)

Good, at least you now accept you did suggest it cause for a while there you weren't keen on admitting it.

Maybe Murray is more in tune with the bulk of our support on this than you are, most simply don't care mate. To most the orange order are an anachronism. Each to their own, and if quasi-military/religious marching organisations are what rocks your boat then good luck to you, but let's not pretend they are in any way representative of the majority.

Of all the nonsense I've read over the years, this post takes top prize. Straight from the Bheastly handbook of attacking all things Protestant/Unionist. Can you tell me how you know what the majority think? Have you conducted a poll? Have you sent out a questionaire? I really do despair at this self loathing, love me, love me phish.

Quasi military? Are you for real mate?

Anyone else noticed how much these people hate everything connected with the Orange Institutions, Protestant religion and decent Rangers supporters who care about the past? Please don't tell me the 100,000 people on Saturday in Glasgow and Ayrshire are a minority or involved in a quasi military organisation, it really is extremely patronising and some would say very ignorant of what it's really about.

I really do despair at the gum bleeders and Bheasts on this thread.

free country after all.. we are all allowed our opinions..even if they dont match yours

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Ah Minstral, still spinning I see. Read it again and look at the tense please. Your opening post Minstral, that's where you suggest it.

Read it again and tell me where i said we still are connected. :)

Ach Minstral your just at it now. Are you not suggesting the orange Order should hold a service at Ibrox and that flute bands should play at half time? Wasn't that what you suggested?

What i suggested was that i would like the OO to be allowed to have their Sunday Parade back again at Ibrox, and the flute band at half time was said tongue in cheek as most poster know. For a start no way would Murray allow that to happen as he cares nothing about any of our traditions never mind our Protestant traditions. :)

Good, at least you now accept you did suggest it cause for a while there you weren't keen on admitting it.

Maybe Murray is more in tune with the bulk of our support on this than you are, most simply don't care mate. To most the orange order are an anachronism. Each to their own, and if quasi-military/religious marching organisations are what rocks your boat then good luck to you, but let's not pretend they are in any way representative of the majority.

Of all the nonsense I've read over the years, this post takes top prize.

Thank-you, cause I get the impression you've read a lot of nonsense in your time...

Straight from the Bheastly handbook of attacking all things Protestant/Unionist.

Go on then show me where I do that, please, just once?

Can you tell me how you know what the majority think? Have you conducted a poll? Have you sent out a questionaire?

Well it isn't that hard you just need to look at what they do and what they don't do. What they do is watch and support Rangers, what they don't seem to do is join the Orange Order. Maybe thousands are meaning to get round to it but just haven't found the time yet but, you know, I don't think so. So until they do I make the assumption that it isn't a huge priority in their lives.

I really do despair at this self loathing, love me, love me phish.

Ha ha, you've got to read more of my posts I'm positively in love with myself, I couldn't be any less self-loathing.

Quasi military? Are you for real mate?

Yeah, fair point, all that marching and those, ahem, military style band uniforms, it's just coincidence isn't it.

Anyone else noticed how much these people hate everything connected with the Orange Institutions, Protestant religion and decent Rangers supporters who care about the past?

I don't hate the OO, I just have no interest in joining it, like most Rangers fans. I have no interest in joining the local cycling club, the Take That fan club or Women's Guild either in case you want to accuse me of hating them too. You'll point out where I hate Protestant religion and decent Rangers supporters too if you've time.

Please don't tell me the 100,000 people on Saturday in Glasgow and Ayrshire are a minority or involved in a quasi military organisation, it really is extremely patronising and some would say very ignorant of what it's really about.

Oh dear, now turn it over and look at the label on the back, does it happen to say 'Seville Calculator' perchance? 100,000, really? I've a fair grasp of what the OO are about but I claim no expertise.

I really do despair at the gum bleeders and Bheasts on this thread.

I saw 'gum bleeders' earlier in the thread, it's a new one on me, is it a typo on the first letter maybe or are you like pioneering a new line in orthodontic insults, what next, bad flosser perhaps, plaque merchant, the list is endless, you've struck insult gold there Wilhelm, give yourself a pat on the back and a wee rinse with that pink liquid.

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Oh Wilhelm, you kidder, you're still here, I can see you peeking in, thumbing the great book of dental insults, your name appears at the bottom of the page you know!!

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I think its time to let the world know that we are a Protestant club and not ashamed of it. For a start we should bring back the annual Orange parade to Ibrox where it belongs and dont worry what the PC brigade think. If it was good enough for our fathers and grandfathers to be proud of our protestant traditions, then we should all be proud and stop trying to appease the Pc brigade. I think the club should have a flute band at every home game to entertain our fans and play the Sash before every home game. We should welcome all religions to Ibrox but stop being scared to tell the whole world that we are a protestant club and not ashamed of our past. :uk:

Sorry mate, don't agree. A protestant club? don't think so in this day and age, although I recognise our foundation. We have had just about every religion under the world play for us, especially in the last 20 years ala MoJo, but think who's played since, Cohen, Namuchi, Albertz, and FFS one of our captains big Lorenzo. I support Rangers through thick and thin and was brought up in the 60's where it wouldn't be heard of signing anyone other than a WASP so I know where you're coming from, however even like Yorkshire cricket team you have to realise what your missing out on by only picking one section of the population, I would love to see Rangers win something significant in Europe, but to put people off signing for us and help to achieve my dream because we are a Protestant club, would surely be a backward step on our behalf.

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I think its time to let the world know that we are a Protestant club and not ashamed of it. For a start we should bring back the annual Orange parade to Ibrox where it belongs and dont worry what the PC brigade think. If it was good enough for our fathers and grandfathers to be proud of our protestant traditions, then we should all be proud and stop trying to appease the Pc brigade. I think the club should have a flute band at every home game to entertain our fans and play the Sash before every home game. We should welcome all religions to Ibrox but stop being scared to tell the whole world that we are a protestant club and not ashamed of our past. :uk:

Sorry mate, don't agree. A protestant club? don't think so in this day and age, although I recognise our foundation. We have had just about every religion under the world play for us, especially in the last 20 years ala MoJo, but think who's played since, Cohen, Namuchi, Albertz, and FFS one of our captains big Lorenzo. I support Rangers through thick and thin and was brought up in the 60's where it wouldn't be heard of signing anyone other than a WASP so I know where you're coming from, however even like Yorkshire cricket team you have to realise what your missing out on by only picking one section of the population, I would love to see Rangers win something significant in Europe, but to put people off signing for us and help to achieve my dream because we are a Protestant club, would surely be a backward step on our behalf.

Sorry mate but we are a Protestant club and known all over the world and in all the Rangers history books. Why some fans wont accept that fact i just dont know, plus it was 11 Protestants who won us our only European Trophy, now thats something to be proud of.

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any player who pulls on the gers top becomes us anyway we are still proud of our foundation and roots regardless?

Amo loved us , even got the bouncy going after the shame game 99

2003 - done a rehersal of tbb by pulling the red socks to his knees.

we must have the only supporters in the world of Football to deny what we stand for in society


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Ah Minstral, still spinning I see. Read it again and look at the tense please. Your opening post Minstral, that's where you suggest it.

Read it again and tell me where i said we still are connected. :)

Ach Minstral your just at it now. Are you not suggesting the orange Order should hold a service at Ibrox and that flute bands should play at half time? Wasn't that what you suggested?

What i suggested was that i would like the OO to be allowed to have their Sunday Parade back again at Ibrox, and the flute band at half time was said tongue in cheek as most poster know. For a start no way would Murray allow that to happen as he cares nothing about any of our traditions never mind our Protestant traditions. :)

Good, at least you now accept you did suggest it cause for a while there you weren't keen on admitting it.

Maybe Murray is more in tune with the bulk of our support on this than you are, most simply don't care mate. To most the orange order are an anachronism. Each to their own, and if quasi-military/religious marching organisations are what rocks your boat then good luck to you, but let's not pretend they are in any way representative of the majority.

Of all the nonsense I've read over the years, this post takes top prize.

Thank-you, cause I get the impression you've read a lot of nonsense in your time...

Straight from the Bheastly handbook of attacking all things Protestant/Unionist.

Go on then show me where I do that, please, just once?

Can you tell me how you know what the majority think? Have you conducted a poll? Have you sent out a questionaire?

Well it isn't that hard you just need to look at what they do and what they don't do. What they do is watch and support Rangers, what they don't seem to do is join the Orange Order. Maybe thousands are meaning to get round to it but just haven't found the time yet but, you know, I don't think so. So until they do I make the assumption that it isn't a huge priority in their lives.

I really do despair at this self loathing, love me, love me phish.

Ha ha, you've got to read more of my posts I'm positively in love with myself, I couldn't be any less self-loathing.

Quasi military? Are you for real mate?

Yeah, fair point, all that marching and those, ahem, military style band uniforms, it's just coincidence isn't it.

Anyone else noticed how much these people hate everything connected with the Orange Institutions, Protestant religion and decent Rangers supporters who care about the past?

I don't hate the OO, I just have no interest in joining it, like most Rangers fans. I have no interest in joining the local cycling club, the Take That fan club or Women's Guild either in case you want to accuse me of hating them too. You'll point out where I hate Protestant religion and decent Rangers supporters too if you've time.

Please don't tell me the 100,000 people on Saturday in Glasgow and Ayrshire are a minority or involved in a quasi military organisation, it really is extremely patronising and some would say very ignorant of what it's really about.

Oh dear, now turn it over and look at the label on the back, does it happen to say 'Seville Calculator' perchance? 100,000, really? I've a fair grasp of what the OO are about but I claim no expertise.

I really do despair at the gum bleeders and Bheasts on this thread.

I saw 'gum bleeders' earlier in the thread, it's a new one on me, is it a typo on the first letter maybe or are you like pioneering a new line in orthodontic insults, what next, bad flosser perhaps, plaque merchant, the list is endless, you've struck insult gold there Wilhelm, give yourself a pat on the back and a wee rinse with that pink liquid.

Good god! Has there ever been a more boring person to frequent a message board? Must dash chaps, off to practice self loathing, patronising posters and seeing how much handwringing I can do in one post.

Night lads, keep up the gum bleeding, it suits each and every one of you just fine.

AMMS, sorry I'm not answering your long winded phish, no other reason other than you bore me to death. Anyone still believe these gum bleeders support Rangers?

Thats because you cant. You are now hiding behind tedious cliches, putting the 'h' in pish, hoping to snare the less secure posters desperate to be loved by the forum characters like BD and MacWoody.

Look Willhelm, in all seriousness, why can youreslf and others accept that, for arguments sake, some bears, do not make the transaction from "escapism" to "reality".

What I mean here, is that the person they are when watching the Gers is not the person they are back in the real world. Jesus, I am propbably the most "handwringing, gumbleeder" on here, but I am honest enough to admit when it comes to the games, especially in the pubs, anything goes for me.

The night of the UEFA cup final I was in the Louden in KP, trying to impress these 2 Muslim bearettes, both draped in the UJ. When I say they were Muslim, they were asian, but were drinking and smoking so obviously not practicing.

I took it upon myself to burst into "bought a flute for 50 pence" thinking everyone would join on. I was told to shut up as I was outside and not to even bother back inside. I was pished and felt a bit sheepish afterwards and more importantly the 2 birds looked at me completely different, they werent impressed.

I am only giving an example of how through a mixture of alcohol, emotions etc you get caught up with everything following us, its what happens. When I sobred up, I had no qualm with the pope, not his biggest fan, but certainly wouldnt ever feel the need to "fucK' him, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, boss is in, cut short.

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Ah Minstral, still spinning I see. Read it again and look at the tense please. Your opening post Minstral, that's where you suggest it.

Read it again and tell me where i said we still are connected. :)

Ach Minstral your just at it now. Are you not suggesting the orange Order should hold a service at Ibrox and that flute bands should play at half time? Wasn't that what you suggested?

What i suggested was that i would like the OO to be allowed to have their Sunday Parade back again at Ibrox, and the flute band at half time was said tongue in cheek as most poster know. For a start no way would Murray allow that to happen as he cares nothing about any of our traditions never mind our Protestant traditions. :)

Good, at least you now accept you did suggest it cause for a while there you weren't keen on admitting it.

Maybe Murray is more in tune with the bulk of our support on this than you are, most simply don't care mate. To most the orange order are an anachronism. Each to their own, and if quasi-military/religious marching organisations are what rocks your boat then good luck to you, but let's not pretend they are in any way representative of the majority.

Of all the nonsense I've read over the years, this post takes top prize.

Thank-you, cause I get the impression you've read a lot of nonsense in your time...

Straight from the Bheastly handbook of attacking all things Protestant/Unionist.

Go on then show me where I do that, please, just once?

Can you tell me how you know what the majority think? Have you conducted a poll? Have you sent out a questionaire?

Well it isn't that hard you just need to look at what they do and what they don't do. What they do is watch and support Rangers, what they don't seem to do is join the Orange Order. Maybe thousands are meaning to get round to it but just haven't found the time yet but, you know, I don't think so. So until they do I make the assumption that it isn't a huge priority in their lives.

I really do despair at this self loathing, love me, love me phish.

Ha ha, you've got to read more of my posts I'm positively in love with myself, I couldn't be any less self-loathing.

Quasi military? Are you for real mate?

Yeah, fair point, all that marching and those, ahem, military style band uniforms, it's just coincidence isn't it.

Anyone else noticed how much these people hate everything connected with the Orange Institutions, Protestant religion and decent Rangers supporters who care about the past?

I don't hate the OO, I just have no interest in joining it, like most Rangers fans. I have no interest in joining the local cycling club, the Take That fan club or Women's Guild either in case you want to accuse me of hating them too. You'll point out where I hate Protestant religion and decent Rangers supporters too if you've time.

Please don't tell me the 100,000 people on Saturday in Glasgow and Ayrshire are a minority or involved in a quasi military organisation, it really is extremely patronising and some would say very ignorant of what it's really about.

Oh dear, now turn it over and look at the label on the back, does it happen to say 'Seville Calculator' perchance? 100,000, really? I've a fair grasp of what the OO are about but I claim no expertise.

I really do despair at the gum bleeders and Bheasts on this thread.

I saw 'gum bleeders' earlier in the thread, it's a new one on me, is it a typo on the first letter maybe or are you like pioneering a new line in orthodontic insults, what next, bad flosser perhaps, plaque merchant, the list is endless, you've struck insult gold there Wilhelm, give yourself a pat on the back and a wee rinse with that pink liquid.

Good god! Has there ever been a more boring person to frequent a message board? Must dash chaps, off to practice self loathing, patronising posters and seeing how much handwringing I can do in one post.

Night lads, keep up the gum bleeding, it suits each and every one of you just fine.

AMMS, sorry I'm not answering your long winded phish, no other reason other than you bore me to death. Anyone still believe these gum bleeders support Rangers?

Thats because you cant. You are now hiding behind tedious cliches, putting the 'h' in pish, hoping to snare the less secure posters desperate to be loved by the forum characters like BD and MacWoody.

Look Willhelm, in all seriousness, why can youreslf and others accept that, for arguments sake, some bears, do not make the transaction from "escapism" to "reality".

What I mean here, is that the person they are when watching the Gers is not the person they are back in the real world. Jesus, I am propbably the most "handwringing, gumbleeder" on here, but I am honest enough to admit when it comes to the games, especially in the pubs, anything goes for me.

The night of the UEFA cup final I was in the Louden in KP, trying to impress these 2 Muslim bearettes, both draped in the UJ. When I say they were Muslim, they were asian, but were drinking and smoking so obviously not practicing.

I took it upon myself to burst into "bought a flute for 50 pence" thinking everyone would join on. I was told to shut up as I was outside and not to even bother back inside. I was pished and felt a bit sheepish afterwards and more importantly the 2 birds looked at me completely different, they werent impressed.

I am only giving an example of how through a mixture of alcohol, emotions etc you get caught up with everything following us, its what happens. When I sobred up, I had no qualm with the pope, not his biggest fan, but certainly wouldnt ever feel the need to "fucK' him, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, boss is in, cut short.

What has this got to do with anything? Also if you are being stopped from singing "Flute for 50 pence" at the Louden then things have went downhill from when my Uncles stopped drinking there.

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