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Do you have any ideas on how to make the site better?


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A think the sites really good

but on other sites am a member on like superstars of darts u need to have a certain amount post before u get allowed on to the main site and post threads stuff like that

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A think the sites really good

but on other sites am a member on like superstars of darts u need to have a certain amount post before u get allowed on to the main site and post threads stuff like that

Yep, thats the norm on most places, didnt do down to well as an idea tho ;)

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When you quote the poster you only get there comments in your post.

There's no need for 3 million quotes just for someone to post a :craphead:

It makes some threads literally unbearable to read.

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I'm not sure how to make it better - but I'd say the thing is to keep it as good as it already is...

So what makes the site so good and different from others...?

Well, the thing that has always stood out for me here is the freedom of speech, the diversity of opinions, the general ambience of tolerance, and the quality of posts.... also the fair/sensible moderation of the site.

Note: I see papaguy and others wanting a few posters who it is claimed only post in the unionist/protestant/cultural etc threads banned if they don't contribute elsewhere.. Firstly, I don't know who is being referred to here and am skeptical ("eight" or so members supposedly - who are they..?) - and secondly, it was precisely these types of threads with real debate allowed that made this site such an attractive proposition in the first place for me... So, I am not in favour of banning people who only post in a certain type of thread nor in banning those who have unconventional opinions nor in having subforums where only like minded bears discuss things...

To repeat myself, it was precisly these openly debated cultural threads started by likes of D'Art that attracted me to the site in the first place and it would be a shame (for me) if we were to try and stifle the freedom of speech that has always been encouraged here...

So: I like it as it is and probably wouldn't change much at all...

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Should each player have a permanant thread to discuss their performance (or lack of) to save multiple threads being opened - Boyd, Weir, McCollough, Broadfoot, David, Mendez, Fleck etc. It may just save time and room!

I disagree.

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I think one problem you might be facing is, you seem to be on a one man crusade to romove anything Loyalist/Unionist/Protestant from a RANGERS forum, and, advocating the fact it has nothing to do with the club or the fans, which, in itself does appear odd, and, certainly would to someone looking in. I cant quite fathom why you want this, and, on top of that, its hardly a suggestion that would garnish a lot of support from Bears, given you are trying to do what the majority of the media in Scotland is, which is, essentially, trying to make anyone of the Protestant faith feel unwelcome, only, in this case, in a place where they are/should be most welcomed.

Many people perhaps arent interesting in talking about that kind of thing, but, your main supporting argument was that it has nothing to do with us, and that there is no, or shouldnt be any, link to us, which, in all honesty mate, is barking!

I have no problem with protestantism or unionism, and if people want to discuss loayalism for instance they can, but it actually has zero to do with Rangers. Zero. I agree there should be seperate sections. What does the disruption of marches have to do with Rangers.

You are obviously looking to improve the site for a reason, and perhaps you might claim that there are few others claiming the site needs a seperate section, but there is a reason for that, and its inexorably linked with the need to attract more members.

I have no beef with anyone, or their views, although I may disagree with them, I just think the site needs a little reorganisation.

Another thing I've been thinking about is the user interface of the messageboard. Its needs updating, and needs to be less cluttered looking. I'm no expert in forums, or the means by which you would go about improving the graphical interface of the site, but it is outdated, and there are too many topics on a single page.

The problem with the site seems to be about keeping new members here, so you need to think about maintaining them. I think updating the look of the messageboard would help with that.

I also agree with the shoutbox, would a good idea.

I think the site is good tough don't get me wrong though, the site has good smilies and the like, so it can be a funny and interesting place, and there is quite a wide spread collection of fans from around the country and a few abroad.

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Oh good this debate again.

BP9 does the fact no one ever seems to back you on this arguement not answer your question. a lot of these threads don't interest me so here is what i do, now i know,this may seem a novel idea but stick with me, i don't post on them. Maybe you should try that.

You have been told by the mods they won't be getting moved so why go on and on and on and on about it....... their is a Pretty simple solution if you don't like the moderation on a MB......

He has been asked not to post in those types of thread before, but he relentlessly pursues his agenda of dissociating Rangers from Protestantism/Unionism/Loyalism.

Even guys who don't agree with the association at least accept that there is one, unfortunately BP9's recalcitrant stance on the subject seems to be at the root of these debates falling into arguments and bitching.

Bolton Loyal - I find this strange did I not see a post from YOU just a few minutes ago calling for such a section ?

A totally seperate section for Loyalist/Unionist/Protestant discussion would be superb CR if possible.

The history and traditions of our club are inextricably linked with the aforementioned views/beliefs and a seperate section where like minded folk could discuss these topics would cut down massively on the in-fighting we have at the moment regarding them.

Cheers (tu)

It seems we agree - it should be in a separate section!

Also it seems you (and the mods if what you say is true) dont want to debate this as I disagree - seems that the disagreement is not allowed if I follow your raional - nor am I the only one that thinks Rangers is about the football - and I have never denied the links in the past, I question their role in our future.

However this thread was about what would improve RM and it seeems we both agree that a separate section for Loyalist/Unionist/Protestant is a good idea - lol we are on the same side.

BP9, which part of the mods/admin have dicussed this issue and decided as a whole that it is preferable to have these discussions in the Bear's Den that you don't understand.

Give it a rest will you, if you want to discuss the rights and wrongs then start a thread in the debating chamber and leave your whinging of the board.

I thought this was a thread to discuss how to improve RM and it seems there at least 3 posters on this thread have agreed with me that their should be a separate section (although they have done so with different motivation) but am I not allowed to debate this in this thread ?

Now if these decisions have already been made and are set in stone why have a debate or is this just like a government consultation - we have made the decision and they will consult? Please let me know the list of proscribed suggestion I am allowed to discuss?

I agree, it seemed strange.

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