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Rangers, are we becoming a Woolworths?


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I posted this on VB earlier:

So Rangers FC at the moment, a headless chicken without feet to run around in. We are at a pivotal point in the clubs history, a point which would have all its forefathers turningg in their graves. We are being lead to believe that 'chasing the dream' has lead to this. Bollocks, only 3 years ago our debt was almost reduced completely, yet it was allowed to creep back up to the point where we have an alledged member of Lloyds on the board at Ibrox telling our newly installed chairman what he can and can't do. It must be noted that this new appointment has NO formal links to Lloyds yet has many with MIH. So what the truth behind all this is I don't know.

There's speculation that we may be sold by next week? Where is this coming from? No-one has stuck there head above the parapet to say, hey I'm going to buy Rangers. Dave King has been mention, a guy who albeit a much lesser fortune than we'd like to take over seems to be pretty ruthless in how he deals in businesss, however this ruthlessness has caused him problems that pretty much make it impossible to buy Rangers in the next few years nevermind next week. So it must be a consortium? Who? Graham Souness? The Northern Ireland Guy? Disney and Coca-Cola? Again all rumour and speculation, no substance to anything that's been said and told over the past couple of days.

So where are we just now, on the park at best we have a team akin to Aberdeen, Dundee Utd, Hearts, etc, we do not have superstars, we are not any better than the other teams no matter how we kid ourselves on. We are not a dominant force, we've lost that accolade, it started dwindling when SDM started the downsizing when McLeish was here, it'll take major investment to regain that and considering the above paragraph that isn't going to happen anytime soon. So where do we stand against our rivals, well their manager has stated he needs money in January, if he gets it and spends wisely an already bad Celtic team could be in a position to dominate Scottish football for a while to come. Are our players really that bad that we struggle to the unknowns in Europe and the well-knowns in the SPL? Yes, we can't get the basics right, we can't pass, shoot, cross, defend or even hold the ball. Why is this happening? We have a £14m state of the art training facility envied the world over. How long are the players training each day? What are they doing at training each day? What coaching is going on each day? What is the point of having such a facility if it isn't working? It obviously doesn't work where the first team are concerned and most definitely doesn't work where the youngsters are concerned. Oh wait, we do have a crop of youngsters, why aren't they playing, what can they offer, why aren't they being given the chance? Questions, questions, questions, but no answers. For a club so much in debt we spent money on hotel bills in Perth when it's only an hour drive from Glasgow. We continually pay substandard players thousands each week and allow them to drive Bentleys and remain in high spirits even though we've just been gubbed in Europe by people more akin to human-trafficking. Where did the pride of playing for Rangers go? Where was the point that playing for Rangers became a wage and not a priviledge? Currently the most passionate players I see at Ibrox are actually foreign, sad isn't it?

So where did all our assets go? Didn't we own almost the entire area around Ibrox at one point? Well that all got soaked up into MIH somewhere along the line in the name of repaying debt for buying Mr Flo. Or so we are lead to believe. Rangers FC however did invest in some real estate. Portakabins! Yes, we own some portakabins. When you buy your tickets now you can goto a very nice looking portakabin to collect them. Not an inexpensive breezeblock building or flatpack building, but a feckin portakabin. Ah well, if we can't have a decent ticket office then sure as God Almighty is it any wonder that the super casino idea got panned, could you imagine how that would have been build, a garden shed with 3 tables to play poker on. However I hear the Ibrox Regeneration scheme is still in the pipeline, but wait a minute, who is going to pay for that now? How will this plan fit into the whole scheme of things now Mister Muir will be slashing everything to death?

Just as well we have the merchandise to fall back on eh! What do you mean what merchandise? We had a ground-breaking deal with JJB that means they advertise our rivals merchandise more than ours, such a deal was so good that we gave up all our own shops and let them degenerate and further tarnish our image just to do so. The ineptitude of this deal was clear from the outset, how any businessman of any stature couldn't forsee the problems is beyond belief, even the layman could tell it was folly. So what about our global brand then, surely we have fans across the world, we could make new alliances, etc. Well fact is, no-one wants to touch us with a bargepole, we allowed a mhedia campaign to destroy us without even a single word of fightback. We capitulated so much so that even our own fans believe that we are nasty people. So nasty that they will pick up the phone to inform on us. We continue to allow the reptiles that instigated this campaign against us into Ibrox to peddle their wares. Even when we do something positive like offering tickets to soldiers it gets turned against us. So yeah, merchandising, it's going to take a marketing genius to get us back on the up from where we are at present. Wait a minute, it doesn't require a genius, all it requires is someone with balls and the energy to go out there and do it. Sitting at home we could all spin off ideas on how to make money, it's not rocket science.

Maybe in a couple of years this will all have passed by and we'll be back to where we belong. But by that time I think Ibrox Stadium may have fallen down, we don't even give it a lick of paint these days to freshen it up between seasons. In fact was it last year or the year before the litter hadn't been picked up from the last game of the season to the first pre-season friendly, shameful and indicative of how low the standards have dropped. Standards whereby the most prestigious club in Europe now cares not for it's home, not for its team, not for its business and most certainly not for its fans.

I fear the worst for our club, we can, should and could become a force and this is the only endearing quality we have at the moment because other than that we are the Woolworths of the footballing world. A big name brand that in the end became a victim of someone else's ineptitude.

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Comparing a high street shop that was fucking terrible to a Football Club? :lol:

Did you read the article? No, you didn't, my only comparison was at the last paragraph.

No like every woolworths article I read the first 2 lines and the last 2.

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Comparing a high street shop that was fucking terrible to a Football Club? :lol:

Did you read the article? No, you didn't, my only comparison was at the last paragraph.

No like every woolworths article I read the first 2 lines and the last 2.

Sometimes it pays to take the time.

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