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Never Give Credit To Anything Celtic


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There are very few forums where saying that WOULDN'T be 'tolerated' actually. It's a pretty tame thing to say compared to some of the stuff in this thread directed at some people.

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Again with the Celtic supporting accusations. It's soooo unimaginative.

Are you really unable to accept that he's a Rangers man who believes and lives his life differently to you? You come across as incredibly insecure to be honest, both of you.

But then I would say that as I support the IRA, regularly rape innocent proddy children and want to suck the pope off.

You're another one, always waiting in the wings ready and eager to jump to their defence.

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Just following on from members picking a Celtic player over a Rangers player. I was brought up to hate everything Celtic, and told never to gave them any praise, and even our poor players you would always say were better than any of their players. They are a evil club who despise our club and everything we stand for even if they tell you different. All i will say is even if you think they have a players that you think is better never admit it, they are scum and always will be. Maybe time moves on but the hatred for them should be from cradle to grave.

I can agree that Henrik Larsson was a comfortably better player Egil Østenstad. There, look. The sky didn't fall down, Ireland didn't become unified, Celtic fans aren't on the streets dancing at getting one over on anyone.

Being brainwashed into hating everything about a particular set of people when you know it isn't true means someone did an incredibly poor job of raising you.

This is way below the belt.....would it be toleratd on any other forum? What more proof is needed before he's banned?

So I should be banned aswell bacause in a round-about way, I agree with him?

Where do you draw the line? everone who has a Celtic supporter mate outside the football be banned aswell?

I had a season ticket for 9 years, been to European away trips, was mascot at Advocaats last game vs Hibs (gets out the tissues :lol:) but I must be one of them because we have different views on this subject....laughable.

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It's these uneducated bigots who are the problem for both sides. People who pic 'n' mix their religious beliefs whilst having the most tepid grasp of theology, politics and history. Put them all together and you have fools like Outlaw thinking Celtic fans all condone paedophilia while wanting all British people dead :rolleyes:

Rangers and Celtic both played in the Navy and Army War Fund Shield. Which was 'a competition contested in the Spring of 1918, the aim of this competition was to raise money for the footballers and their families who fought in World War I'. 117,000 turned out in 1953 to watch Celtic vs Hibernian in the Coronation Cup final (Rangers were beaten off Man Utd in the quarter finals) to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. There's photos of Jock Stein tending to the dead and dying after the second Ibrox disaster.

I'm embarrassed by these bigots blighting my club. The club doesn't want them, the moderate fans don't want them and 21st Century society doesn't want them.

You really do talk some shyte pal. Jock Stein did help dying Rangers fans, of that there is no doubt. However he DID cover up children being sexually abused, which is a henious crime and punishable by imprisonment. As for Celtic fans wanting British people dead? Do you listen to the IRA songs? Or is your head so far under the sand, you need to comb yer arse in the morning?

IRA songs, IRA flags, IRA bands and boozers. An organisation steeped in child abuse, murder and kidnapping. Yet you tell us Celtic fans don't really support them. Can you justify saying that? Or do my ears deceive me when I hear them singing the songs at every game?

The only people blighting any club, are do gooders and handwringers like you, who surrender at the first sight of the enemy. Then again! I do believe, you may well be the enemy. As for the patronising remarks about having only a slight grasp of theology, history and politics. I'll gladly debate the political situation or any historical facts you care to discuss.

Thank god people like you never went to the front line against the Nazi's, the white flag would have been raised on sight.

Oh look what a surprise, Godwin's Law appears. :rolleyes:

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They weren't, but the point of my post shows that all of them are not the same. My mates thought it was disgusting they didn't parade the troops.

You would probably find it hard to beleive there are Celtic supporters out there fighting for queen and country, not all of them share the beliefs of the Celtic fan we all hate, thankfully.

I'd bet good money you're mates don't share those 'disgusted' thoughts with too many of their piggery peers. Not a popular opinion with the sporting wing I'd have thought. In fact - my opinion here should not get in the way of the fact of the matter - rasellik did not host any parades of gratitude for our forces for a very simple reason. Do you need additional explanation?

And, having worked with the forces for nine years - five specifically with The Royal Marines - I know a lot about the misguided amongst them that follow the sporting wing. I'd ask: "How can you sit in a stadium with a support chanting in celebration of terrorists who would kill you as soon as look at you in uniform?"

Answers on a postcard to:

Director of Public Relations

The Sporting Wing

'Ra Piggery



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Just following on from members picking a Celtic player over a Rangers player. I was brought up to hate everything Celtic, and told never to gave them any praise, and even our poor players you would always say were better than any of their players. They are a evil club who despise our club and everything we stand for even if they tell you different. All i will say is even if you think they have a players that you think is better never admit it, they are scum and always will be. Maybe time moves on but the hatred for them should be from cradle to grave.

I can agree that Henrik Larsson was a comfortably better player Egil Østenstad. There, look. The sky didn't fall down, Ireland didn't become unified, Celtic fans aren't on the streets dancing at getting one over on anyone.

Being brainwashed into hating everything about a particular set of people when you know it isn't true means someone did an incredibly poor job of raising you.

This is way below the belt.....would it be toleratd on any other forum? What more proof is needed before he's banned?

So I should be banned aswell bacause in a round-about way, I agree with him?

Where do you draw the line? everone who has a Celtic supporter mate outside the football be banned aswell?

I had a season ticket for 9 years, been to European away trips, was mascot at Advocaats last game vs Hibs (gets out the tissues :lol:) but I must be one of them because we have different views on this subject....laughable.

well said mate :clap:

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Just following on from members picking a Celtic player over a Rangers player. I was brought up to hate everything Celtic, and told never to gave them any praise, and even our poor players you would always say were better than any of their players. They are a evil club who despise our club and everything we stand for even if they tell you different. All i will say is even if you think they have a players that you think is better never admit it, they are scum and always will be. Maybe time moves on but the hatred for them should be from cradle to grave.

I can agree that Henrik Larsson was a comfortably better player Egil Østenstad. There, look. The sky didn't fall down, Ireland didn't become unified, Celtic fans aren't on the streets dancing at getting one over on anyone.

Being brainwashed into hating everything about a particular set of people when you know it isn't true means someone did an incredibly poor job of raising you.

This is way below the belt.....would it be toleratd on any other forum? What more proof is needed before he's banned?

Brainwashing someone to hate something despite it obviously being untrue is why we have such problems today in the middle east and beyond. The ignorant cycle just repeats itself through generations.

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Just following on from members picking a Celtic player over a Rangers player. I was brought up to hate everything Celtic, and told never to gave them any praise, and even our poor players you would always say were better than any of their players. They are a evil club who despise our club and everything we stand for even if they tell you different. All i will say is even if you think they have a players that you think is better never admit it, they are scum and always will be. Maybe time moves on but the hatred for them should be from cradle to grave.

I can agree that Henrik Larsson was a comfortably better player Egil Østenstad. There, look. The sky didn't fall down, Ireland didn't become unified, Celtic fans aren't on the streets dancing at getting one over on anyone.

Being brainwashed into hating everything about a particular set of people when you know it isn't true means someone did an incredibly poor job of raising you.

This is way below the belt.....would it be toleratd on any other forum? What more proof is needed before he's banned?

So I should be banned aswell bacause in a round-about way, I agree with him?

Where do you draw the line? everone who has a Celtic supporter mate outside the football be banned aswell?

I had a season ticket for 9 years, been to European away trips, was mascot at Advocaats last game vs Hibs (gets out the tissues :lol:) but I must be one of them because we have different views on this subject....laughable.

I dont agree with some of your points of view, but, I wouldnt say so mate, you actually come across well most of the time here, and, he doesnt! He is offensive, you arent ;)

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Are you really unable to accept that he's a Rangers man who believes and lives his life differently to you?

I can count on the fingers of my feet how many Rangers supporters I know and have met in near fifty years of following The Rangers who openly attack Rangers fans for being bigots whilst defending rasellik and their support.

Those attempting to defend the indefensible aren't living a different life - they're from a different fucking planet.

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hello moto i took this from another thread, is this the type of older bear you class as a bigot???

Point being there have been clips on of us winning the ECWC IN BARCELONA and the victory parade at Ibrox when we came home. It was bucketing down but in front of the team that night were the Rangers Accordion band unsure if they will show this when they show the year 1972.

I was 11 years of age would it not be great if we could have Flute Bands on before the game and at Half time now. What an atmosphere that would create.

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Just following on from members picking a Celtic player over a Rangers player. I was brought up to hate everything Celtic, and told never to gave them any praise, and even our poor players you would always say were better than any of their players. They are a evil club who despise our club and everything we stand for even if they tell you different. All i will say is even if you think they have a players that you think is better never admit it, they are scum and always will be. Maybe time moves on but the hatred for them should be from cradle to grave.

I can agree that Henrik Larsson was a comfortably better player Egil Østenstad. There, look. The sky didn't fall down, Ireland didn't become unified, Celtic fans aren't on the streets dancing at getting one over on anyone.

Being brainwashed into hating everything about a particular set of people when you know it isn't true means someone did an incredibly poor job of raising you.

This is way below the belt.....would it be toleratd on any other forum? What more proof is needed before he's banned?

So I should be banned aswell bacause in a round-about way, I agree with him?

Where do you draw the line? everone who has a Celtic supporter mate outside the football be banned aswell?

I had a season ticket for 9 years, been to European away trips, was mascot at Advocaats last game vs Hibs (gets out the tissues :lol:) but I must be one of them because we have different views on this subject....laughable.

I dont agree with some of your points of view, but, I wouldnt say so mate, you actually come across well most of the time here, and, he doesnt! He is offensive, you arent ;)

When I was scrolling down there I thought it was going to say "YES" :lol:

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As an adult, I don't go around blindly hating all Celtic fans and Catholics, nor do I tar them all with the same brush - I just wasn't raised that way. One of my best mates at work has a season ticket at park head. I've been down to London for a weekend with the lad (and a few other Bears) and everything.

We have a bit of banter to and thro over results (even the odd light hearted stuff on religion - I slag his Catholic education - "too much time praying not enough time learning" when he says something stupid etc) and its never got out of hand, but in general he takes no interest in Republican issues, and hates politics having a place in football and is embarrassed by those who perpetuate the IRA stuff, and maintains that he is in the majority.

I don't like Celtic but I don't believe they are all terrorist supporting, unwashed bigots. Thats just ignorant. And I would never bring a child in the world and teach him to blindly hate a group because of their affiliation. I fear for the many children who are taught this, on both sides of the OF divide.

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Again with the Celtic supporting accusations. It's soooo unimaginative.

Are you really unable to accept that he's a Rangers man who believes and lives his life differently to you? You come across as incredibly insecure to be honest, both of you.

But then I would say that as I support the IRA, regularly rape innocent proddy children and want to suck the pope off.

Tell you what, you read back through here and find out how many times he has had anything good to say about Rangers or there fans! All he is doing, is defending Celtic and its support, and throwing random offensive accusations at Rangers fans. When asked a direct question, its avoided, usually with the help of another snide little comment.

When someone is attacking Rangers and their fans, and "bigging up" the bheasts, its not REALLY a stretch is it? So, yes, its unimaginative, because you dont need an imagination to see it, unless you dont want to!

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Are you really unable to accept that he's a Rangers man who believes and lives his life differently to you?

I can count on the fingers of my feet how many Rangers supporters I know and have met in near fifty years of following The Rangers who openly attack Rangers fans for being bigots whilst defending rasellik and their support.

Those attempting to defend the indefensible aren't living a different life - they're from a different fucking planet.


I liked this one.

Well said that man :pipe:

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Are you really unable to accept that he's a Rangers man who believes and lives his life differently to you?

I can count on the fingers of my feet how many Rangers supporters I know and have met in near fifty years of following The Rangers who openly attack Rangers fans for being bigots whilst defending rasellik and their support.

Those attempting to defend the indefensible aren't living a different life - they're from a different fucking planet.

I know what you mean, but I can't see that that is what he was doing really.

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hello moto i took this from another thread, is this the type of older bear you class as a bigot???

Point being there have been clips on of us winning the ECWC IN BARCELONA and the victory parade at Ibrox when we came home. It was bucketing down but in front of the team that night were the Rangers Accordion band unsure if they will show this when they show the year 1972.

I was 11 years of age would it not be great if we could have Flute Bands on before the game and at Half time now. What an atmosphere that would create.

I'd prefer the cheerleaders, but if they play some Lady Gaga on the flute then yes I'd allow it. As for older bears, I know more than are not bigots than are bigots. I know more young bears that aren't bigots as well. However you only really hear the opinions of the lunatic fringes, that's the problem. The bigotry problem is nothing what it was like back in the 1920s etc. Being Protestant or Catholic won't affect what job or accomodation you get these days. There is a new pariah the media wants us to fear, a Muslim person.

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hello moto i took this from another thread, is this the type of older bear you class as a bigot???

Point being there have been clips on of us winning the ECWC IN BARCELONA and the victory parade at Ibrox when we came home. It was bucketing down but in front of the team that night were the Rangers Accordion band unsure if they will show this when they show the year 1972.

I was 11 years of age would it not be great if we could have Flute Bands on before the game and at Half time now. What an atmosphere that would create.

I was there! I don't remember the rain though, must have been too ecstatic to care :D

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hello moto i took this from another thread, is this the type of older bear you class as a bigot???

Point being there have been clips on of us winning the ECWC IN BARCELONA and the victory parade at Ibrox when we came home. It was bucketing down but in front of the team that night were the Rangers Accordion band unsure if they will show this when they show the year 1972.

I was 11 years of age would it not be great if we could have Flute Bands on before the game and at Half time now. What an atmosphere that would create.

I'd prefer the cheerleaders, but if they play some Lady Gaga on the flute then yes I'd allow it. As for older bears, I know more than are not bigots than are bigots. I know more young bears that aren't bigots as well. However you only really hear the opinions of the lunatic fringes, that's the problem. The bigotry problem is nothing what it was like back in the 1920s etc. Being Protestant or Catholic won't affect what job or accomodation you get these days. There is a new pariah the media wants us to fear, a Muslim person.

Right enough I forgot how bad it was in the 1920's, it really calmed down in the 60's, 70's etc...

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hello moto i took this from another thread, is this the type of older bear you class as a bigot???

Point being there have been clips on of us winning the ECWC IN BARCELONA and the victory parade at Ibrox when we came home. It was bucketing down but in front of the team that night were the Rangers Accordion band unsure if they will show this when they show the year 1972.

I was 11 years of age would it not be great if we could have Flute Bands on before the game and at Half time now. What an atmosphere that would create.

I'd prefer the cheerleaders, but if they play some Lady Gaga on the flute then yes I'd allow it. As for older bears, I know more than are not bigots than are bigots. I know more young bears that aren't bigots as well. However you only really hear the opinions of the lunatic fringes, that's the problem. The bigotry problem is nothing what it was like back in the 1920s etc. Being Protestant or Catholic won't affect what job or accomodation you get these days. There is a new pariah the media wants us to fear, a Muslim person.

Right enough I forgot how bad it was in the 1920's, it really calmed down in the 60's, 70's etc...

Go look at organisations like the Scottish Protestant League if you don't believe me. Ironically even Protestant churches washed their hands of these folk. That's the most bizarre thing about all of these people spouting about Protestant heritage, all of their hatred and bigotry is at odds with what the church aims to teach. The corruption of religion throughout the ages for despicable reasons by morons is why I wish it would all disappear into a black hole.

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