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BNP - at Ibrox

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I don't like the BNP but at least I have a consistent reason to support my argument.

You have nothing other than back copies of The Guardian.

You are clever, aren't you. I didn't catch your consistent reasons - probably far too high-brow for the likes of me.

I did see your risible Tatchell comment and something about how other parties were just like the BNP. Other than that...

My reason is that I don't like mainstream politicians. Any of them.

I fail to see how my 'Tatchell comment' was risible. It was the LibDems that campaigned against him because of his sexuality, not the BNP.

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the BNP hanging around ibrox is the reason that I dont go to the matches

You must be a right delicate fucker.

not at all delicate but 3 cunts booting you up and down a street because of the colour of your skin does make you a bit cautious :)

Nothing to worry about any more mate - Ruddie has been outlining just how cuddly and friendly the BNP are these days. To all and sundry.

We can look forward to next BNP leader being black, gay and jewish. Seems inevitable really.

Not inevitable, but legally possible. How many of the other mainstream parties have black, gay and/or Jewish leaders? Even the Chief Rabbi of Great Britain only fulfils one of those categories.

Well done on staggeringly missing my points though.

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Griffin is a political pragmatist. He knows that he coul dnever bee too 'extreme'

This is comedy gold!

Griffin once said of the uber-nazi Hitler: "Yes, Adolf went a bit too far. His legacy is the biggest problem that the British nationalist movement has to deal with. It just creates a bad image."

You must be right - Griffin is a pragmatist.

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the BNP hanging around ibrox is the reason that I dont go to the matches

You must be a right delicate fucker.

not at all delicate but 3 cunts booting you up and down a street because of the colour of your skin does make you a bit cautious :)

Avoid the subway then. Apparently it's where they hang about. Get the bus up Paisley Road West.

You're making out Ibrox is surrounded by BNP folk looking for 'darkies' to attack. It's not.

Poor excuse to miss matches.

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Ruddie, can you actually empathise with people at all? I take it you can't.

Can you try to imagine what it might be like to be a minority that politicised mobs of thugs wish to see persecuted, and how if you were in such a minority you might wish to avoid them where you can?

I agree that he should just get to games anyway mind, I've certainly never seen anyone in the stadium like this and lots of Asians go these days without seemingly any problem.

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Griffin is a political pragmatist. He knows that he coul dnever bee too 'extreme'

This is comedy gold!

Griffin once said of the uber-nazi Hitler: "Yes, Adolf went a bit too far. His legacy is the biggest problem that the British nationalist movement has to deal with. It just creates a bad image."

You must be right - Griffin is a pragmatist.

He has also since distanced himself from these sorts of comments.

He wouldn't be the first politician to have flirted with extremist views in the past. How many of New Labour were avowed Stalinists, a man responsible for more deaths than Hitler?

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Griffin is a political pragmatist. He knows that he coul dnever bee too 'extreme'

This is comedy gold!

Griffin once said of the uber-nazi Hitler: "Yes, Adolf went a bit too far. His legacy is the biggest problem that the British nationalist movement has to deal with. It just creates a bad image."

You must be right - Griffin is a pragmatist.

He has also since distanced himself from these sorts of comments.

He wouldn't be the first politician to have flirted with extremist views in the past. How many of New Labour were avowed Stalinists, a man responsible for more deaths than Hitler?

Tony blair! :sherlock:
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Griffin is a political pragmatist. He knows that he coul dnever bee too 'extreme'

This is comedy gold!

Griffin once said of the uber-nazi Hitler: "Yes, Adolf went a bit too far. His legacy is the biggest problem that the British nationalist movement has to deal with. It just creates a bad image."

You must be right - Griffin is a pragmatist.

He has also since distanced himself from these sorts of comments.

He wouldn't be the first politician to have flirted with extremist views in the past. How many of New Labour were avowed Stalinists, a man responsible for more deaths than Hitler?

Dr john reid.
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Ruddie, can you actually empathise with people at all? I take it you can't.

Can you try to imagine what it might be like to be a minority that politicised mobs of thugs wish to see persecuted?

I can sympathise with anyone under persecution - I'm being persecuted here!

In all seriousness, yes I can. I hate bullies. I don't support the BNP. I've made that clear. Like I said, I'm merely exposing the flaws in shite arguments that have little or no foundational basis.

As for your second point, you are talking about scenarios that exist largely in the imagination. There are no hordes of racists running about Britain Looking to lynch people.

I'm not white anyway, so I am part of an 'ethnic minority' officially.

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Can someone tell me why it is okay for blacks to have black history month, dedicated forums, unions, awards, mens groups. But when whites have these sort of things it it deemed as extreme-right-wing, racist, neo-nazi or fascist?

Its probably, at least in our Western world, got something to do with there never having been a black only drinking fountain, black only seats on the bus or rules excluding white males from voting.

So that excuses 'positive discrimination'?

It is either racist or it is not.

Who's excusing anything? someone said "why can't I have a union dedicated to white men" and I told him why he can't.

If two men want something to the detriment of others, one of whom after a life of priviledge and one of whom after a life of struggle then public perception will favour one over the other because a sense of fairness and equality exists in the natural unpredudiced mind.

And public perception or its conscience, for all its faults, keeps a lot of the things that keep society sane ticking over.

I wasn't talking about the past, I was talking about the present in my later post. If it is the case that blacks can have these privileges because of there past then can we get a white pride month in Zimbabwe for those white farmers forced out of there own land and on occasions killed for simply being white? No we can't.

I am fed up of ethnic minorities raising the racism flag at every chance, the past is the past, it shouldn't be a excuse for them to have there shot at being racist.

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Can someone tell me why it is okay for blacks to have black history month, dedicated forums, unions, awards, mens groups. But when whites have these sort of things it it deemed as extreme-right-wing, racist, neo-nazi or fascist?

Its probably, at least in our Western world, got something to do with there never having been a black only drinking fountain, black only seats on the bus or rules excluding white males from voting.

So that excuses 'positive discrimination'?

It is either racist or it is not.

Who's excusing anything? someone said "why can't I have a union dedicated to white men" and I told him why he can't.

If two men want something to the detriment of others, one of whom after a life of priviledge and one of whom after a life of struggle then public perception will favour one over the other because a sense of fairness and equality exists in the natural unpredudiced mind.

And public perception or its conscience, for all its faults, keeps a lot of the things that keep society sane ticking over.

I wasn't talking about the past, I was talking about the present in my later post. If it is the case that blacks can have these privileges because of there past then can we get a white pride month in Zimbabwe for those white farmers forced out of there own land and on occasions killed for simply being white? No we can't.

I am fed up of ethnic minorities raising the racism flag at every chance, the past is the past, it shouldn't be a excuse for them to have there shot at being racist.

Why do YOU want a white pride month for Zimbabwean farmers?

Do you want to live in a society as intolerant as Zimbabwe seems to be?

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Ruddie, can you actually empathise with people at all? I take it you can't.

Can you try to imagine what it might be like to be a minority that politicised mobs of thugs wish to see persecuted?

I can sympathise with anyone under persecution - I'm being persecuted here!

In all seriousness, yes I can. I hate bullies. I don't support the BNP. I've made that clear. Like I said, I'm merely exposing the flaws in shite arguments that have little or no foundational basis.

As for your second point, you are talking about scenarios that exist largely in the imagination. There are no hordes of racists running about Britain Looking to lynch people.

I'm not white anyway, so I am part of an 'ethnic minority' officially.

good! I think the notion that immigration is eroding some sort of any sort of bullshit 'culture' we have here is a lot more imaginative that the notion we have politicised groups of racist thugs though :)

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the BNP hanging around ibrox is the reason that I dont go to the matches

You must be a right delicate fucker.

not at all delicate but 3 cunts booting you up and down a street because of the colour of your skin does make you a bit cautious :)

Avoid the subway then. Apparently it's where they hang about. Get the bus up Paisley Road West.

You're making out Ibrox is surrounded by BNP folk looking for 'darkies' to attack. It's not.

Poor excuse to miss matches.

and what happens if i do bump in to your BNP buddies? Do I get a BNP badge and a Lucky Bag?

might seem to you to be an excuse but i´ve got my own reasons to not get myself in any bother and sadly going to matches could put me in such a position.

btw m8 - "Darkies" prefer being called "coloured" :)

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Its probably, at least in our Western world, got something to do with there never having been a black only drinking fountain, black only seats on the bus or rules excluding white males from voting.

So that excuses 'positive discrimination'?

It is either racist or it is not.

Who's excusing anything? someone said "why can't I have a union dedicated to white men" and I told him why he can't.

If two men want something to the detriment of others, one of whom after a life of priviledge and one of whom after a life of struggle then public perception will favour one over the other because a sense of fairness and equality exists in the natural unpredudiced mind.

And public perception or its conscience, for all its faults, keeps a lot of the things that keep society sane ticking over.

I wasn't talking about the past, I was talking about the present in my later post. If it is the case that blacks can have these privileges because of there past then can we get a white pride month in Zimbabwe for those white farmers forced out of there own land and on occasions killed for simply being white? No we can't.

I am fed up of ethnic minorities raising the racism flag at every chance, the past is the past, it shouldn't be a excuse for them to have there shot at being racist.

Why do YOU want a white pride month for Zimbabwean farmers?

Do you want to live in a society as intolerant as Zimbabwe seems to be?

I am trying to convey a thought not a opinion.

And to quote TheRuleOfCool: "a black only drinking fountain, black only seats on the bus or rules excluding white males from voting".

This is the reason he gave for blacks to have the right of a black history month.

"white farmers forced out of there own land and on occasions killed"

Is the reason I gave for there being a white pride month if I was using his logic.

Does this seem fare? No, it's not.

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the BNP hanging around ibrox is the reason that I dont go to the matches

You must be a right delicate fucker.

not at all delicate but 3 cunts booting you up and down a street because of the colour of your skin does make you a bit cautious :)

Avoid the subway then. Apparently it's where they hang about. Get the bus up Paisley Road West.

You're making out Ibrox is surrounded by BNP folk looking for 'darkies' to attack. It's not.

Poor excuse to miss matches.

and what happens if i do bump in to your BNP buddies? Do I get a BNP badge and a Lucky Bag?

might seem to you to be an excuse but i´ve got my own reasons to not get myself in any bother and sadly going to matches could put me in such a position.

btw m8 - "Darkies" prefer being called "coloured" :)

You won't bump into 'my' BNP buddies as I have none, so that's that fear quashed.

I don't care if you go to matches or not, I'm just stating that you shouldn't be in fear of something that doesn't exist.

I'm glad you told me. I was going to go for 'niggers'.

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Ruddie, can you actually empathise with people at all? I take it you can't.

Can you try to imagine what it might be like to be a minority that politicised mobs of thugs wish to see persecuted?

I can sympathise with anyone under persecution - I'm being persecuted here!

In all seriousness, yes I can. I hate bullies. I don't support the BNP. I've made that clear. Like I said, I'm merely exposing the flaws in shite arguments that have little or no foundational basis.

As for your second point, you are talking about scenarios that exist largely in the imagination. There are no hordes of racists running about Britain Looking to lynch people.

I'm not white anyway, so I am part of an 'ethnic minority' officially.

good! I think the notion that immigration is eroding some sort of any sort of bullshit 'culture' we have here is a lot more imaginative that the notion we have politicised groups of racist thugs though :)

I didn't say I was pro-immigration across the board. There has to be a limit.

I happen to like British culture and I wouldn't like to see it marginalised. This country has been good to me.

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the BNP hanging around ibrox is the reason that I dont go to the matches

You must be a right delicate fucker.

not at all delicate but 3 cunts booting you up and down a street because of the colour of your skin does make you a bit cautious :)

Avoid the subway then. Apparently it's where they hang about. Get the bus up Paisley Road West.

You're making out Ibrox is surrounded by BNP folk looking for 'darkies' to attack. It's not.

Poor excuse to miss matches.

and what happens if i do bump in to your BNP buddies? Do I get a BNP badge and a Lucky Bag?

might seem to you to be an excuse but i´ve got my own reasons to not get myself in any bother and sadly going to matches could put me in such a position.

btw m8 - "Darkies" prefer being called "coloured" :)

So what your saying is,you have already been lifted for going a head with 1 of the BNP members? :sherlock:
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I wasn't talking about the past, I was talking about the present in my later post. If it is the case that blacks can have these privileges because of there past then can we get a white pride month in Zimbabwe for those white farmers forced out of there own land and on occasions killed for simply being white? No we can't.

I am fed up of ethnic minorities raising the racism flag at every chance, the past is the past, it shouldn't be a excuse for them to have there shot at being racist.

That doesn't make any sense, you can't have the present without the past. As for how long needs to pass before these things become acceptable, its a case of waiting and seeing, the BNP and similar organisations gaining popularity makes it less likely.

Its completely possible there'll be a white farmers union if Zimbabwe returns to some kind of normality, there will definately be groups which act for they're rights and correctly so.

You ain't making the world a better place by having your white-rights clubs mate and that's because of the last few hundred years of history. Had they been different maybe you would have been - if you try and claim "life isn't fair" because you can't then let yourself be judged by that and so be it.

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I am trying to convey a thought not a opinion.

And to quote TheRuleOfCool: "a black only drinking fountain, black only seats on the bus or rules excluding white males from voting".

This is the reason he gave for blacks to have the right of a black history month.

"white farmers forced out of there own land and on occasions killed"

Is the reason I gave for there being a white pride month if I was using his logic.

Does this seem fare? No, it's not.

Just to set the record straight - I didn't actually say that.

It was someone else.

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You have no idea what BNP policies would be should they attain power. None. Neither do I.

I can't tell for certain but I can make my judgements based on relative risks.

Don't be intentionally obtuse (unless this is just trolling? is it?) - the risk of a guy with Griffin's past who has to excuse many indiscretions by saying "I've changed my mind" getting to power and following a hard-right anti civil rights agenda and the risk of the mainstream parties promising x and delivering y are very different. I know that and most of the public know that, hence they won't get our votes.

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I am trying to convey a thought not a opinion.

And to quote TheRuleOfCool: "a black only drinking fountain, black only seats on the bus or rules excluding white males from voting".

This is the reason he gave for blacks to have the right of a black history month.

"white farmers forced out of there own land and on occasions killed"

Is the reason I gave for there being a white pride month if I was using his logic.

Does this seem fare? No, it's not.

Just to set the record straight - I didn't actually say that.

It was someone else.

sorry mate, must have got the quote tags mixed up.

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And to quote TheRuleOfCool: "a black only drinking fountain, black only seats on the bus or rules excluding white males from voting".

This is the reason he gave for blacks to have the right of a black history month.

"white farmers forced out of there own land and on occasions killed"

Is the reason I gave for there being a white pride month if I was using his logic.

Does this seem fare? No, it's not.

I said that and I happily stand by it. What white farmers campaign for and get in a free Zimbabwe is something that we can only judge if and when it happens. I'd be less worried about having pride in my skin colour and more about the land I owned but maybe that's just me.

And its not for me to say whether "blacks" can "have the right of a black history month" or not, I was trying to explain why one thing might be judged differently by the general public than another. Its a free country, have a month for whatever you want??

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