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Another perception on recent claims by contacts/boss

Shipyard Blues

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Let's stop going round in circles here guys. If FF wants to be a website to make money, then fine, just say so. But please stop the almost Communist cencorship of anything which does meet with President Kim Jong's approval.

Any RST leader, who can threaten to expose other RST leaders to the media if they don't do as they are told, is not worthy of our time and effort. 99% of Bears are very united, the clique are not and being found out for what they are.

Please do not come on here and say the above is nonsense, or I will give exact details of what I'm talking about. You have been warned clique.

Fire away. My breath is bated.

You would be the last person on earth, I would tell anything to. However if anyone who wants to know the truth, wishes to PM me, then I'm up for it. Your obediance is very comendable, care to tell us what your FF role is?

Okay, it's nonsense.

Did you get your email ok from the controller then? Now go back to FF and lie down you snivelling wretch.

Er no, I just want to hear these 'exact details'. :rolleyes:

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Can you answer a question that has been bugging me ? Particually over the last few days. If possible I would like a straight forward answer, please don't deflect on to anything else.

Why do follow follow and it's admin continually try to block any praise for the people on Vanguard Bears ? One poster even got banned with the message " No VanguardBears talk please "

I have no wish to discuss Vanguardbears other than their excellent efforts with regards to William McBeath.

I do not know the inner workings of FF admins.

This is bigger than all of us and the sooner some people (on ALL forums) realise this then the better.

Until then, we plough on with the protests. (and I don't mean FF/RST)

As far as I'm aware VangaurdBears never got the true recoginition they deserve regarding William McBeath. Not on ££ anyway, every other Rangers forum was more than happy to rightly mention the men behind such great work.

Infact I'm sure a good amount of posts got chopped that mentioned the VB name.

Perhaps a PM to an admin on FF might supply you with more information mate. Sorry I can't provide it for you. Sorry also, if thats me capitulating due to lack of knowledge

I wish it was that easy, I would be going round in circles for hours looking for an admin to take the blame.

Deny and Deflect; that's the motto.

Deny and Deflect is something generally flung at Celtc. I trust you're not comparing?

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Follow Follow is bigger than the rest of the Rangers forums combined so to describe it as alienated seems somehow inaccurate.

It doesn't seem inaccurate to me, but that's just my own humble opinion. IMO, FF has a beef with the fact that there's a growing community outwith it's Control and that's control with a capital C!!

In an ideal world there would be one Rangers fans forum where everyone could express their opinion but that won't happen.

It certainly won't happen if the biggest Rangers fans forum constantly ban people for stupid shit that they should never be banned for!! Ever heard of the term Draconian?

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Guest therabbitt

For clarity, RangersMedia takes no stance on any issue with regard to supporter issues. Individual members will have their own views and will discuss them within the forums, that includes staff. We have no "party line" on anything other than we all want the best for the team.

We believe in openness at all times.

A couple of our members (who are also staff), had some information that they wished to share on the forum and to our usual news channels - I/we published them. The exact same goes for every other member of RangersMedia and any other fan that isn't even a member. I really don't care. Write something and we'll publish it.

I've been "in charge" (read: guy that adds articles to Joomla) of our our written content for a few years now and I can't remember an article that I've had to pull for fear of the content.

If there is members of RM off fighting our corner on other sites then I'm not privvy to that.

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Let's stop going round in circles here guys. If FF wants to be a website to make money, then fine, just say so. But please stop the almost Communist cencorship of anything which does meet with President Kim Jong's approval.

Any RST leader, who can threaten to expose other RST leaders to the media if they don't do as they are told, is not worthy of our time and effort. 99% of Bears are very united, the clique are not and being found out for what they are.

Please do not come on here and say the above is nonsense, or I will give exact details of what I'm talking about. You have been warned clique.

Fire away. My breath is bated.

You would be the last person on earth, I would tell anything to. However if anyone who wants to know the truth, wishes to PM me, then I'm up for it. Your obediance is very comendable, care to tell us what your FF role is?

Nothing but a poster and an occasional article writer. Frankie & Bluedell will vouch for this.

Post if you wish, alternatively PM me.

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isnt this site bigger/more members than FF?

RM around 17000

FF around 38000 but do they stll count the banned members :sherlock:

i did a spot of lurking on FF for a while(couldnt navigate round the site as easy as here) and there never seemed the amount of active posters there is on here. But each to there own, although this site will only get stronger

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I have no wish to discuss Vanguardbears other than their excellent efforts with regards to William McBeath.

I do not know the inner workings of FF admins.

This is bigger than all of us and the sooner some people (on ALL forums) realise this then the better.

Until then, we plough on with the protests. (and I don't mean FF/RST)

That's a lot of words for capitulation.


Not really friend. I was only given a couple of days on Vanguard during the summer.

Only a fool would comment fully on things they don't know the ins and outs of. It didn't look like my cup of tea and I have heard some stories but have no concrete opinion either way.

I may be many things but I don't consider myself foolish

You've heard a few stories?? Care to expand?

Let me guess who told you these stories...it wouldn't be the same website owner who tips off Gerry Duffy for dough - would it?

Let's hear what you've heard and we'll discuss it..

Missed this. Apologies. No story I feel worth sharing here. You appear to have all the facts though, not stories. I can't hold my breath much longer.

If you have information which will make me rethink my stance then I'd be delighted to hear it.

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Wee bit of heat for FF and numerous acolytes come out the woodwork and start the defence.

As predictable as it is lamentable.

I'm a user of both sites, and find this behaviour (on both sides) a little depressing.

but willhelm should put-up - this 'oh, all that i know' carry on is indicative of the schism we face as a support.

So, what's stopping you?

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All we've read for months is the terrible financial position and the club's future is under severe threat.

Here's a guy who's offering a bit of reprieve and respite from a very difficult situation with an offering of positivity. For this, he receives castigation from his fellow fans who take the newspaper's and tims spin on the story, even though they claim to hate both. People can choose to believe which side of the story want, I know which one I'll believe.

FF/RM issue....gies peace. RM doesn't care about FF.

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Wee bit of heat for FF and numerous acolytes come out the woodwork and start the defence.

As predictable as it is lamentable.

What heat exactly? Are you saying that Boss and contacts posted their articles to put 'heat' on FF? Pretty baffling if true.

Clearly not.

Im saying within this thread, people state they dont like Follow Follow for whatever reason and as if by magic, a ton of low-posters arrive to defend it.

I at no point mentioned any articles.

Ya mad lapdog.

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Wee bit of heat for FF and numerous acolytes come out the woodwork and start the defence.

As predictable as it is lamentable.

What heat exactly? Are you saying that Boss and contacts posted their articles to put 'heat' on FF? Pretty baffling if true.

There seems to be a "them and us" mentality developing which is unhealthy.

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Wee bit of heat for FF and numerous acolytes come out the woodwork and start the defence.

As predictable as it is lamentable.

What heat exactly? Are you saying that Boss and contacts posted their articles to put 'heat' on FF? Pretty baffling if true.

Clearly not.

Im saying within this thread, people state they dont like Follow Follow for whatever reason and as if by magic, a ton of low-posters arrive to defend it.

I at no point mentioned any articles.

Ya mad lapdog.

But people state they don't like FollowFollow on here every single day. It's almost the single biggest theme of the website :craphead:

Insults won't make me rise to you I'm afraid. Like Willhelm, if you have any facts you wish to share I am all ears.

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Wee bit of heat for FF and numerous acolytes come out the woodwork and start the defence.

As predictable as it is lamentable.

What heat exactly? Are you saying that Boss and contacts posted their articles to put 'heat' on FF? Pretty baffling if true.

There seems to be a "them and us" mentality developing which is unhealthy.

By people like you who have appeared on here to discuss one issue only.

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There seems to be a "them and us" mentality developing which is unhealthy.

You're a member of the site proclaiming such an alienation and a 'them n us' mentality.

Don't go trying to drag RM into the shit you've created for yourselves.

But hey, your t-shirts are nice and new, eh?

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Wee bit of heat for FF and numerous acolytes come out the woodwork and start the defence.

As predictable as it is lamentable.

What heat exactly? Are you saying that Boss and contacts posted their articles to put 'heat' on FF? Pretty baffling if true.

Clearly not.

Im saying within this thread, people state they dont like Follow Follow for whatever reason and as if by magic, a ton of low-posters arrive to defend it.

I at no point mentioned any articles.

Ya mad lapdog.

But people state they don't like FollowFollow on here every single day. It's almost the single biggest theme of the website :craphead:

Insults won't make me rise to you I'm afraid. Like Willhelm, if you have any facts you wish to share I am all ears.

You're really begining to make a tit of yourself here.....

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I have no wish to discuss Vanguardbears other than their excellent efforts with regards to William McBeath.

I do not know the inner workings of FF admins.

This is bigger than all of us and the sooner some people (on ALL forums) realise this then the better.

Until then, we plough on with the protests. (and I don't mean FF/RST)

That's a lot of words for capitulation.


Not really friend. I was only given a couple of days on Vanguard during the summer.

Only a fool would comment fully on things they don't know the ins and outs of. It didn't look like my cup of tea and I have heard some stories but have no concrete opinion either way.

I may be many things but I don't consider myself foolish

You've heard a few stories?? Care to expand?

Let me guess who told you these stories...it wouldn't be the same website owner who tips off Gerry Duffy for dough - would it?

Let's hear what you've heard and we'll discuss it..

Missed this. Apologies. No story I feel worth sharing here. You appear to have all the facts though, not stories. I can't hold my breath much longer.

If you have information which will make me rethink my stance then I'd be delighted to hear it.

Why not PM me and I'll give you my mobile number and we can discuss it. You don't have to hold your breath, just give me a call and I'll tell you man to man. Not sure if you read what I said, you were probably reporting back to Bully HQ at the time.

But like others have done, you only need to PM me and ask any question you want.

Still not mentioned the properties in Bath St have you?

Wonder why?

I'm not interested in talking on the phone Willhelm, if thats an attempt to be intimidating.You're making outlandish claims that a few have asked for clarity on. By all means PM me, resurrect my VB login, whatever you want. I'm more than happy to hear what you have to say.

It would be good if you could post them on the board, I don't see anything to be afraid of?

I did mention the properties. I suggested you checked with The Land Registry before making such foolish claims. I also offered you a little bit of advice. Don't take everything you hear as gospel. It only serves to make you look foolish when you regurgitate it elsewhere.

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