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Another perception on recent claims by contacts/boss

Shipyard Blues

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Who are you to tell people what to do? I've PM'ed Willhelm and it's certainly not any pertinent information (no offence) which relates to the takeover/articles but that's fine.

Lay off Phil, he gets a hard enough time on FF without it happening here too :D

He's sitting there mumping about how he can't get the information shared - but he has two options to get it easily.

I'm merely showing him that what he wants is easily available and to stop being a wee hypocrite and moaning about not being able to get info that he can get if he wants.

At least you've Pm'd him and I'm sure he'll share the info he said he would when he gets back.

When you get the info you're after, maybe share it with Phil and he might stop moaning?

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Guest therabbitt
This article and Boss' were a few days in preparation, any suggestion that they were hurried to quash or discredit the protest are simply incorrect.

Can you see how people can jump to that conclusion though?

Absolutely, but I felt that the information that contacts article contained was best in the public sphere before the protest for people to do with what they wished.

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I've pm'd Willhelm and believe his version of events. Many moons ago I suffered similar bullying and intimidation at the hands of ££'s Chairman Mark.

As a result of him releasing my details to an Earl Haig website my family and I had death threats and suffered other Timmy intimidations.

He is like Ronnie Kray in more ways than one.

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Sorry i've lost the plot with this

Who is on who's side and at what site :(

It seems to a mere normal fan like myself that there are splits on the inside at the club and these splits are mirrored in the wider support.

FF seems to be Anti Murray/Muir while RM seems to stand behind the Muir/Murray - or am i wrong ?

The old FF poster "Contacts" has revealed information from an alleged "secret meeting" between himself and some other people - he is accused of leaking this info but in a way which takes the heat off Muir ? FF's GS has countered this account and accused "contacts" of breaking confidentiality agreement and mis-leading the wider support.

Now i have no idea who is or is not telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, but i do know that the situation gets darker and darker by the hour to us mere mortals looking in for some sort of clarity and even guidance on the near and long term future of our club.

Sad and dark days for us as a support

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Are you for real?The entire thread was chopped but not before Amo was congratulating the wrong committee for the efforts

An own goal by myself :blush:

Was informed via PM who had undertaken the project and amended my post accordingly.

Ok at least you are man enough to admit it didnt see the amendment cos by the time I looked in again the whole thing had disappeared ,as if by magic

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Who are you to tell people what to do? I've PM'ed Willhelm and it's certainly not any pertinent information (no offence) which relates to the takeover/articles but that's fine.

Lay off Phil, he gets a hard enough time on FF without it happening here too :D

He's sitting there mumping about how he can't get the information shared - but he has two options to get it easily.

I'm merely showing him that what he wants is easily available and to stop being a wee hypocrite and moaning about not being able to get info that he can get if he wants.

At least you've Pm'd him and I'm sure he'll share the info he said he would when he gets back.

When you get the info you're after, maybe share it with Phil and he might stop moaning?

Actually, Willhelm first said if he was pushed he would post the information. When pushed he aid he would impart it via PM. when asked to do that he changed it for a third time by saying he would do it over the phone.

again, if you want to accuse someone of something, they NEED a right of reply. Willhelm has accused without specifics, meaning anyone looking in will see that 'there is something going on'. The accused has no way to refute that claim because the accuser is refusing to expand on his claims in public.

It is a very easy way to muddy a name without saying a single thing.

Again (again) If you want to accuse someone of wrong-doing, accuse him. If you want to play games, do what Willhelm has done.

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Have never thought that Mark Dingwall started FF purely to make money, but as soon as the site took off and those clicks generated pennies which in turn generated pounds then that was the beginning of the end as far as FF was concerned. Ever wondered about his absolute reluctance to ban posters with a zero post count - lurkers, who click earn him more. A membership of around 30k or so with the majority of posts coming from the same people - speaks volumes.

Now, I don't know why there is such a high tolerance of bheasts on FF (possibly to do with a certain member of admin and his sisters leanings), but...when I was a member of FF I pm'd Dingwall on a few occasions asking why he was allowing several posters to run up post counts in to the thousands despite them being outed as bheasts - he never responded. So I put up a post mentioning the same, naming said posters and asking for them to be vouched for by admin or other members of the board.

Surprise surprise - the named posters vouched for each other, with FF admin actually vouching for two of them - admin then locked the thread, signing off with something along the lines of 'does that answer your question?'.

One of the bheasts, obviously a thick cunt then fucked up and took a screenshot of the thread before posting on one of their boards, but he included his FF username in the screenshot. I posted a picture of his thread on FF asking admin to explain themselves - life ban then followed. Doesn't like being put on the spot and asked to justify his actions does our Mark.

As for FF not pretending that it speaks for the people - that's exactly what it claims to do. Nice wee cosy love in with the RST (some would say a conflict of interest there)....chop posts/ban people who ask questions.

It's no small coincidence that the people who are behind VB are the very same people who made FF what it was (and no longer is)......as for the censorship of anything VB related - just what is Dingwall afraid off - peope asking questions....being exposed to the truth perhaps...

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I've pm'd Willhelm and believe his version of events. Many moons ago I suffered similar bullying and intimidation at the hands of ££'s Chairman Mark.

As a result of him releasing my details to an Earl Haig website my family and I had death threats and suffered other Timmy intimidations.

He is like Ronnie Kray in more ways than one.

This is the behaviour of scum. I hope the karma idea is true and that what goes around comes around.

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Sorry i've lost the plot with this

Who is on who's side and at what site :(

It seems to a mere normal fan like myself that there are splits on the inside at the club and these splits are mirrored in the wider support.

FF seems to be Anti Murray/Muir while RM seems to stand behind the Muir/Murray - or am i wrong ?

The old FF poster "Contacts" has revealed information from an alleged "secret meeting" between himself and some other people - he is accused of leaking this info but in a way which takes the heat off Muir ? FF's GS has countered this account and accused "contacts" of breaking confidentiality agreement and mis-leading the wider support.

Now i have no idea who is or is not telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, but i do know that the situation gets darker and darker by the hour to us mere mortals looking in for some sort of clarity and even guidance on the near and long term future of our club.

Sad and dark days for us as a support

yes....you are wrong. Their isn't a blanket opinion on RM..........

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I've pm'd Willhelm and believe his version of events. Many moons ago I suffered similar bullying and intimidation at the hands of ££'s Chairman Mark.

As a result of him releasing my details to an Earl Haig website my family and I had death threats and suffered other Timmy intimidations.

He is like Ronnie Kray in more ways than one.

This is the behaviour of scum. I hope the karma idea is true and that what goes around comes around.


Agreed. That is the lowest of the fucking low - that someone would intentionally put someone and their family in harm's way because Suck is a bully?

Trash of the highest order.

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OMFG !!!

Can't you folk just agree to disagree, i cannot wait until this topic sinks into the archive oblivion.

Would rather discuss the fact that we are currently 10 points clear with a goal difference of +21 and seeing signs of a ressurgence to form.

If you all agree, give me a .......... WATP

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Who are you to tell people what to do? I've PM'ed Willhelm and it's certainly not any pertinent information (no offence) which relates to the takeover/articles but that's fine.

Lay off Phil, he gets a hard enough time on FF without it happening here too :D

He's sitting there mumping about how he can't get the information shared - but he has two options to get it easily.

I'm merely showing him that what he wants is easily available and to stop being a wee hypocrite and moaning about not being able to get info that he can get if he wants.

At least you've Pm'd him and I'm sure he'll share the info he said he would when he gets back.

When you get the info you're after, maybe share it with Phil and he might stop moaning?

Actually, Willhelm first said if he was pushed he would post the information. When pushed he aid he would impart it via PM. when asked to do that he changed it for a third time by saying he would do it over the phone.

again, if you want to accuse someone of something, they NEED a right of reply. Willhelm has accused without specifics, meaning anyone looking in will see that 'there is something going on'. The accused has no way to refute that claim because the accuser is refusing to expand on his claims in public.

It is a very easy way to muddy a name without saying a single thing.

Again (again) If you want to accuse someone of wrong-doing, accuse him. If you want to play games, do what Willhelm has done.

Where do you start with this lickspittle of poster? Your master will be pleased at your defiant defence, but the game's up son. Everyone and their granny is aware of the bully boy tactics and profiteering in certain quarters.

use your intelligence mate. If I was trying to 'defend' anyone, why would I be asking for your claims to be made public? Surely it would behove me to try and ensure that they remained secret?

Your continued use of insults does you no service at all.

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OMFG !!!

Can't you folk just agree to disagree, i cannot wait until this topic sinks into the archive oblivion.

Would rather discuss the fact that we are currently 10 points clear with a goal difference of +21 and seeing signs of a ressurgence to form.

If you all agree, give me a .......... WATP

WAT ................ Na fuck it, this is good :craphead:

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Who are you to tell people what to do? I've PM'ed Willhelm and it's certainly not any pertinent information (no offence) which relates to the takeover/articles but that's fine.

Lay off Phil, he gets a hard enough time on FF without it happening here too :D

He's sitting there mumping about how he can't get the information shared - but he has two options to get it easily.

I'm merely showing him that what he wants is easily available and to stop being a wee hypocrite and moaning about not being able to get info that he can get if he wants.

At least you've Pm'd him and I'm sure he'll share the info he said he would when he gets back.

When you get the info you're after, maybe share it with Phil and he might stop moaning?

Actually, Willhelm first said if he was pushed he would post the information. When pushed he aid he would impart it via PM. when asked to do that he changed it for a third time by saying he would do it over the phone.

again, if you want to accuse someone of something, they NEED a right of reply. Willhelm has accused without specifics, meaning anyone looking in will see that 'there is something going on'. The accused has no way to refute that claim because the accuser is refusing to expand on his claims in public.

It is a very easy way to muddy a name without saying a single thing.

Again (again) If you want to accuse someone of wrong-doing, accuse him. If you want to play games, do what Willhelm has done.

Where do you start with this lickspittle of poster? Your master will be pleased at your defiant defence, but the game's up son. Everyone and their granny is aware of the bully boy tactics and profiteering in certain quarters.

you call people a lot of names, and intimate a lot of juicy tidbits, but little else. You're right - the game is up.

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You didn't honestly expect me to tell you everything did you? You write for FF, you defend the tout to the hilt and you expect me to be daft enough to go with all guns blazing.

If what I told you is true, is Dingwall worthy of beIng on the RST OR NOT?

Much the same as you surely didn't expect me to believe you 100% after only speaking to you for a few hours.

None of my business mate.

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You didn't honestly expect me to tell you everything did you? You write for FF, you defend the tout to the hilt and you expect me to be daft enough to go with all guns blazing.

If what I told you is true, is Dingwall worthy of beIng on the RST OR NOT?

Much the same as you surely didn't expect me to believe you 100% after only speaking to you for a few hours.

None of my business mate.


If what I told you is true, should he remain in a position of power or not? You've been making it you business all day, now I give you some snippets, it's none of your business.

Fucking saw that coming.

As soon as the info they wanted, they've gotten, it suddenly becomes of no importance and irrelevant - why?

Because it fucking blows up their point of view.

What a surprise.

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Speaking as someone that really couldn't give an airborne intercourse about 'pissing the highest up a wall' competitions and, yes, I very VERY rarely post/ look in here and spend obscene amounts of time on FF, and as one that's not read the whole thread, it's plainly clear to see that there ARE divisions within our support, to suggest otherwise would just be fkn insane.

None the less, accusations have been made, they may be groundless, they may not be, I don't know.

However, if what we want from all concerned is Clarity on Rangers position, then it has to be total and complete, from ALL parties.

Let me be the first to say that I expect a level of grief for this post, I just hope folk can see the point I'm probably failing to make. This isn't to be read as an attack on any certain individual(s) as I happen to know both posters mentioned in the original posting.

Welcome brother. :D

I haven't read through the thread yet but I sincerely hope you did not get any grief. You post a lot of sense (sometimes) and a lot of drivel the rest of the time. :P

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You didn't honestly expect me to tell you everything did you? You write for FF, you defend the tout to the hilt and you expect me to be daft enough to go with all guns blazing.

If what I told you is true, is Dingwall worthy of beIng on the RST OR NOT?

Much the same as you surely didn't expect me to believe you 100% after only speaking to you for a few hours.

None of my business mate.


If what I told you is true, should he remain in a position of power or not? You've been making it you business all day, now I give you some snippets, it's none of your business.

Why not post it so everyone knows? Fuck me everyones got a secret club.

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Boss, Contacts, did you sit down with Mr. Muir this week?

I am happy to confirm that I have never met, spoken to, had email or any other contact with Donald Muir ever, or indeed Martin Bain for that matter. I neither move in these cirlces nor wish to.

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Stop being a patronising little sod and I may stop insulting you. Read the above posts about bullying and you may get a little inkling of what people are talking about. Bullies eventually get what they deserve and the chickens are coming home to roost now.

You can only get away with bullying for so long and eventually someone bigger will sort you out. Threats and intimidation are the name of the game and you know very well what everyone is talking about.

You defend it all you want, but I'm sure the people who are threatened and bullied would disagree with your support for a TYRANT.

If you feel patronised I appologise. You are making 'half-claims', posting innuendo and refusing to expand in public. THAT is what I take issue with. I write, occasionally, for FF. It might be wise for you at this juncture to read a few of my articles. If you do you will clearly see that I am not in line with a good few of what are seen as FF party lines. I use the biggest Rangers site out there and have done for 10 years. If there are things everyone should know about the man at the top, you need to tell us. You are expressing concern at bullies but all you have done is accuse people without adding substance. Why would they take LESS umbrage with that than with you posting specifics? either way you have successfully muddied waters. You have publically claimed that there are some serious goings on that paint people in a bad light, why would that sit ok with them while specifics wouldnt? surely if they/he are/is (a) bully(s) they/he would be after you now for what you have already said?

The fact you are happy to dismiss someone who is simply asking you to provide substance for your claims as a 'lickspitle' tells me all I need to know. You are not interested in furnishing people with truths, you are interested in scoring points. Good luck to you. If you decide to expand on your claims, great, if not, well, that is up to you.

oh, and as a ps

You can only get away with bullying for so long and eventually someone bigger will sort you out

could easily be construed as a threat.

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You didn't honestly expect me to tell you everything did you? You write for FF, you defend the tout to the hilt and you expect me to be daft enough to go with all guns blazing.

If what I told you is true, is Dingwall worthy of beIng on the RST OR NOT?

Much the same as you surely didn't expect me to believe you 100% after only speaking to you for a few hours.

None of my business mate.


If what I told you is true, should he remain in a position of power or not? You've been making it you business all day, now I give you some snippets, it's none of your business.

Why not post it so everyone knows? Fuck me everyones got a secret club.

Why not pm and find out so you can stop moaning about the fact that you don't know?

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