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Asset stripping or future building?

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Due to the debts, the release of several players (I wouldn't necessary call them key players), 7 players in the final year of their contracts and the possible (imminent) sale of Kevin Thompson a mindset seems to have appeared within those of us who love this club with our hearts and soul that we are in the throes of total and utter collapse.

But are we?

Let's start with the players who have already left the club and please forgive me if I have forgotten anyone.

Beasley - Even though a talented player how much of his time was he out injured during his stint with us, and when he did play how many times was he criticised for not taking players on etc? Quite a lot I think.

Novo - A man who wears his heart on his sleeve and who loves the club with a passion, and in my eyes a legend, but he was not going to be a first team regular and age was not on his side, a contract was on offer for a years extension and even though it was probably derisory for his services to the club it was a contract never the less, but he, quite rightly, wanted the chance for more first team football and a longer contract and he is replaceable.

Smith - Was apparently offered a contract extension but again he wanted regular first team football and he wouldn't stand a hell's chance of displacing Papac, and even though if injury and illness hadn't plagued his early career maybe he could have been a great, but he had to move on to further his career and get his career back on track for his own sake.

Boyd - Ahh, the infamous Mr Boyd, so many times on so many forums he has had the fans split down the middle, the furor of him being allowed to leave for free, but remember HE had an offer on the table since about January, he said this and he said that, it could be argued that he strung us along and always had the intentions of running down his contract and leaving!

Now let's have a look at those in the final year of their contracts.

KT - Out of those players listed I would definitely want to try and keep him, but is he irreplaceable, the answer to that is simply a yes, currently Edu or McCulloch as player classed as senior can give that bit of grit in midfield and again how long had KT been out injured and we're getting the exact same money as we paid for him that isn't too bad in the grand scheme of things.

Webster - Does he deserve to be tied down to a long term contract? He has been plagued by injuries since before joining us, yes he has had a pretty good season on loan at Utd but he needs to prove himself with us this season before he should be offered a new contract.

Alexander - Is a good back up to McGregor, but he could be surplus to requirement, if Gallacher has a good season on loan then he can be No 2 to McGregor from next season with Adam being third choice.

Wilson - He has been offered a contract extension, rumours abound as to the quality, but the question has to be should we be trying to cash in on him this season or try again with a new contract. Remember he refused the contract extension.

Velicka - Err, does anyone want him to be offered a contract extension????

Miller - How old is he now? 31? Age is going to be against him soon, and he has had problems with hamstring injuries in the past, what if they flare up again and he could be more of a hindrance than a help.

McCulloch - How old is he? 32? Again age is going to be against him soon, and there have been so many fans who say he shouldn't be playing for us in the first place but are complaining that he isn't offered a contract extension? <cr>

I'm not denying that we do need to bring in some players, but let's look closer to home, in fact let's look very close to home!

Thomas Kind Bendiksen, Jamie Ness, Jordan McMillan, Danny Wilson, John Fleck, Ross Perry, Andrew Shinnie and Rory Loy, they are now all part of the first team set-up and are training with the first team for pre-season training, and not just that look at the ages of most of them, it has been said in the past that if a younger player hasn't been involved with the first team set up and possibly pushing for a place by the time they are 21 then they will never get a chance and should be released.

Bendiksen - 21 in August

Ness - Now 19

McMillan - 22 in October

Wilson - 18 but we know his position

Fleck - nearly 19? has signed a new contract

Perry - Now 20

Shinnie - 21 on the 17 July

Loy - Now 22

And let's not forget about Wylde and others who should be trying to make a breakthrough and that 18 year old we signed from Man City youth development group.

But those I've listed with the ages should be pushing for first team places now, and now we should find out if they're good enough or not, so to me, of course I'm not happy about the current financial circumstances that we are in, I'm not happy about the smoke and mirrors, but I believe we do have the players (adding in a couple of players) to easily cope with the rigours of the SPL and hopefully not be humiliated in the CL.

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If it's simply building for the future why don't people from the club simply say that?

Everyone knows bringing through youngsters is the only way a club like ourselves will be able to compete at the highest level. This shift in attitude is what's needed. The vast majority of fans know that so why not come out and say it.

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If it's simply building for the future why don't people from the club simply say that?

Everyone knows bringing through youngsters is the only way a club like ourselves will be able to compete at the highest level. This shift in attitude is what's needed. The vast majority of fans know that so why not come out and say it.

(tu) This.

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Excellent thread but it is hard to be positive with all the players leaving. There are lots of youngsters I'd love to see get a go and Wiktorski, K.Hutton, K.Naismith, Hemmings and Campbell could be added as well as the ones you have listed. Walter has to give them a go now, we appear to have no other option.

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Excellent thread but it is hard to be positive with all the players leaving. There are lots of youngsters I'd love to see get a go and Wiktorski, K.Hutton, K.Naismith, Hemmings and Campbell could be added as well as the ones you have listed. Walter has to give them a go now, we appear to have no other option.

Was tempted to add them as possibilities but they can all still feature in the under 19 league that's why I left them out.

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If it's simply building for the future why don't people from the club simply say that?

Everyone knows bringing through youngsters is the only way a club like ourselves will be able to compete at the highest level. This shift in attitude is what's needed. The vast majority of fans know that so why not come out and say it.

(tu) This.

What would the reaction be if that was an official statement?

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If it's simply building for the future why don't people from the club simply say that?

Everyone knows bringing through youngsters is the only way a club like ourselves will be able to compete at the highest level. This shift in attitude is what's needed. The vast majority of fans know that so why not come out and say it.

(tu) This.

What would the reaction be if that was an official statement?

As I can only speak for myself, I'd be surprised at the openness,saddened by the fact that we can no longer compete in the market with our nearest rivals at the moment but resolute that these guys need my support and give it knowing the full picture.

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What would the reaction be if that was an official statement?

It would bring everything out in the open rather than the veil of secrecy that currently hangs over the club.

It would at least show that the club are building for the future rather than the short-termism that has blighted us for the last 10 years. We as a support would have to accept it and get behind the youngsters who will shape the future of the club.

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If it's simply building for the future why don't people from the club simply say that?

Everyone knows bringing through youngsters is the only way a club like ourselves will be able to compete at the highest level. This shift in attitude is what's needed. The vast majority of fans know that so why not come out and say it.

(tu) This.

What would the reaction be if that was an official statement?

Lying cunts! :-D

Seriously, it would be a most welcome move, but not under the current regime, board and management.

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If it's simply building for the future why don't people from the club simply say that?

Everyone knows bringing through youngsters is the only way a club like ourselves will be able to compete at the highest level. This shift in attitude is what's needed. The vast majority of fans know that so why not come out and say it.

(tu) This.

What would the reaction be if that was an official statement?

As I can only speak for myself, I'd be surprised at the openness,saddened by the fact that we can no longer compete in the market with our nearest rivals at the moment but resolute that these guys need my support and give it knowing the full picture.

That's what I would hope would be the general consensus in all honesty, definitely saddening but at least we would all know where we stand.

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A nice try at putting some positive spin on things , but those of us old enough to remember the legacy Smith left us at the end of his previous stint, will maybe see it a little differently.

I am, and the big difference between now and then is the financial restrictions that are upon us, I also don't believe that Smith would leave Ally in the same circumstance.

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Excellent thread but it is hard to be positive with all the players leaving. There are lots of youngsters I'd love to see get a go and Wiktorski, K.Hutton, K.Naismith, Hemmings and Campbell could be added as well as the ones you have listed. Walter has to give them a go now, we appear to have no other option.

Was tempted to add them as possibilities but they can all still feature in the under 19 league that's why I left them out.

That's what I thought (tu) The only other player with his contract running down is Papac, but he is another one who is the wrong side of 30 and we will need to look to replace in the near future.

Recent signings such as the 3 Ulster lads Drummond, Mitchell and Hegarty and the extension given to McMillan suggest that we are sticking to the recent Walter philosophy of having players who are also fans and willing to fight for the club.in this difficult period. Guys such as Davis and Broadfoot fit this and you can see the effort that they put in when on the pitch.

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I would certainly accept it. 1 or 2 seasons of pain in return to the club being back on a firm financial footing and a a crop of young players with the chance to win honours for the next 5 or 6 seasons. Clubs in countries similar to ourselves in Holland, Portugal and others have to do it. We must do the same.

The doesn't mean we couldn't compete at the highest level as clubs like Ajax, PSV, Porto, Benfica and others have proved in the not to distant past.

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Excellent thread but it is hard to be positive with all the players leaving. There are lots of youngsters I'd love to see get a go and Wiktorski, K.Hutton, K.Naismith, Hemmings and Campbell could be added as well as the ones you have listed. Walter has to give them a go now, we appear to have no other option.

Was tempted to add them as possibilities but they can all still feature in the under 19 league that's why I left them out.

That's what I thought (tu) The only other player with his contract running down is Papac, but he is another one who is the wrong side of 30 and we will need to look to replace in the near future.

Recent signings such as the 3 Ulster lads Drummond, Mitchell and Hegarty and the extension given to McMillan suggest that we are sticking to the recent Walter philosophy of havig players who are also fans and willing to fight for the club.

Damn! I knew I had missed someone!

If we do sign Concalves then possibly him or Wylde (if he steps up to the mark) could be a future replacement for Papac should he be allowed to leave end of next season.

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I would rather we were told we were selling everyone, and getting our youngsters in the 1st Team and building for the future.

2/3 years of no trophies would be hard, and yes the glory hunters would no doubt go, but personally, being told the truth about how much in the crapper we are would be better, and having a proper plan in place would help.

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A nice try at putting some positive spin on things , but those of us old enough to remember the legacy Smith left us at the end of his previous stint, will maybe see it a little differently.

I am, and the big difference between now and then is the financial restrictions that are upon us, I also don't believe that Smith would leave Ally in the same circumstance.

Smith should have been putting the future of the club first, then and now. There has been no intimation that he would be looking to give more first team berths to our younger players. We can expect more of the same reliance on players he knows and trusts. It's the only way he knows.

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So how would everyone feel if these guys are all sold, no money spent and our reserves promoted straight away and come Xmas we are in 3rd place, 20 points behind Celtic?

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So how would everyone feel if these guys are all sold, no money spent and our reserves promoted straight away and come Xmas we are in 3rd place, 20 points behind Celtic?

If it was a structured policy of improvement, with defined goals and if the everything was explained to the support beforehand, unhappy but I would accept it. Thousands upon thousands wouldn't.

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So how would everyone feel if these guys are all sold, no money spent and our reserves promoted straight away and come Xmas we are in 3rd place, 20 points behind Celtic?

If it was a structured policy of improvement, with defined goals and if the everything was explained to the support beforehand, unhappy but I would accept it. Thousands upon thousands wouldn't.

(tu) Count me in as well,for too long the plan has been just to finish above them,short term mentality and lack of ambition IMO.

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If it's simply building for the future why don't people from the club simply say that?

Everyone knows bringing through youngsters is the only way a club like ourselves will be able to compete at the highest level. This shift in attitude is what's needed. The vast majority of fans know that so why not come out and say it.

(tu) This.

What would the reaction be if that was an official statement?

By most fans I would hope it would be greeted with reflection and a sense of hope. I would much rather see youngsters being given a chance to develop into a unit that would serve us for a few years than the patchwork filling of gaps we have seen all too often at Rangers. Unfortunately Scottish football being the goldfish bowl that it is it's highly unlikely that a manager would be given that luxury due to the pressure constantly being on to compete with Celtic. Even though we keep being told that youth would indeed be given a chance on many occasions.

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I do see a hint that Walter and Ally are planning for the future but with this atmosphere of stadium negligence, club downsizing, continual re-budgeting non renewal of contracts, player selling. This does not give the rank and file Bear much enthusiasm for a prosperous future, Why cant the hierarchy come clean and say "our policy is to concentrate on our young squad of players, we will use the monies made on the sale of 1st team players to lay the foundations of our future success. We also will concentrate finances on maintaining our great stadium and keeping the club on a good financial footing. We could as an result of this policy experience several years of famine in our domestic trophy endeavours but ultimately we will regain our rightful place as Scotland foremost successful club again" (or words to that effect)

Instead of the usual spin of 'smoke and mirrors' misinformation, half truths, enigmas, read between the line statements. I want my information clear, precise and to the point the "RANGERS WAY.

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Im quite happy for us to future build - however that is much easier when you properly manage your exisiting assets. Extend Thomson's contract for a year or so, his value is closer to £4 or 5m. Give Boyd £20k per week - sell him for £3 or 4m.

That in turn gives us more revenue to secure the likes of Wilson on a longer term contract as there is no point rearing them and then allowing them to slip through our fingers for next to nothing because we can't manage the contract process.

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