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Do you find you hate Celtic less the older you get?

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Get this - I hate cunts like you far more than most Celtic fans I've met...

Take that any way you want you loathsome, hate-filled bore.

Now the real you is starting to come out.


you see what i mean about hating the majority of the support.

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It is pretty bloody obvious from this thread that not all Rangers fans are the same. Some are Loyalist to the core and others only care about Rangers FC. With others falling in between the 2.

Based on this, is it not logical to assume that there are Republican IRA loving Celtic fans and others who just support the club?

Or are we stereotyping ALL Celtic fans as Bigoted, IRA loving, anti British fenians?

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It is pretty bloody obvious from this thread that not all Rangers fans are the same. Some are Loyalist to the core and others only care about Rangers FC. With others falling in between the 2.

Based on this, is it not logical to assume that there are Republican IRA loving Celtic fans and others who just support the club?

Or are we stereotyping ALL Celtic fans as Bigoted, IRA loving, anti British fenians?

They know what side of the bread they are buttered on so to speak even the friendly ones when it comes down to it.

And even the club itself is involved as you can see wheres these banning orders for the poppy banner and

just last night a republican song was broadcast on the PA system in the paedodome.

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They know what side of the bread they are buttered on so to speak even the friendly ones when it down comes to it.

And even the club itself is involved as you can see wheres these banning orders for the poppy banner and

just last night a republican song was broadcast on the PA system in the paedodome.

Well I too know what side my breads buttered on.. doesn't make me a bigot though!

i fully understand and also feel the same hatred as you towards Celtic fans who boo British soldiers etc

but... they are not all like that!

I know many who support our troops , don't support the IRA and even some who don't want a united Ireland.

So no... they are not all the same, definitely not!

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In my house I grew up hating the scum as that's just how it was..with my parents, grandparents and great grandparents! I remember when I was VERY young..my great grandpa told me never to trust the catholic/scum fans...wacko.gif it actually got me paranoid from a young age... and even now living in Canada where religion isn't that big of deal and celtic/rangers not that big a deal..I still get so worked up at the thought of them. Just hearing if they won or watching a game I feel so disgusted. I hate the way they demand penalties every time something goes in the box and the way they complain/attract media attention...and blaim their loss on rangers/rangers fans... :angry:

I'm getting angered just thinking about it. So I had better stop. :happy:

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A handwringer is someone who believes the club could do better if it removed the religious overtones & undercurrents from it. Someone who is still a supporter, many are season book holder (or used to be) and to be described as "The Enemy Within" is an insult to ALL Rangers fans (shame on you ABOD).

Rangers, much like RangersMedia, is a broad church, open to all faiths & beliefs .... a place to go to show your support for the Greatest Team in the World.</div>

I could live with your definition of handwringer and well said as well.

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Well I too know what side my breads buttered on.. doesn't make me a bigot though!

i fully understand and also feel the same hatred as you towards Celtic fans who boo British soldiers etc

but... they are not all like that!

I know many who support our troops , don't support the IRA and even some who don't want a united Ireland.

So no... they are not all the same, definitely not!

I know some who actually are troops....

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People like him and his pals are in no way the majority.

The vast majority of Rangers fans I know personally are like him.

I'm not daft enough to think every Rangers fan has the same way of thinking, but there's a lot more than you think.

I don't mind Rangers fans that are uber-Loyalist, uber Bigoted or just like Rangers and nothing else (politics and religion doesn't bother them) - just aslong as they don't try and tell me and the more uber-Loyalists and bigots to toe their line - then it's all good. Free country and that.

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I believe this video answers your question http://sharing.theflip.com/session/42a8f34c2453963ca5f775e8b915d880/video/40632641 Dallas was sacked for being a Protestant, no more, no less and the Romanist church helped their friends in green to finish the poor man off. Anyone who thinks Bheast FC and the Romanist church are not in communication about certain issues, are either lying or a mentalist.

3 or 4 priests in their Pedo uniform in that video? Looks like it.

CSA, getting the Burns suite "blessed" by a Catholic priest, why? doh:lol:

The holy water being thrown around :lol:

Lennon in there too :lol:

And to finsih, "heres to a championship year"! :lol:

Every female, ugly as one could ever imagine. Real tims! :lol:

The guys, fat deluded alcoholic rat catching pedophilic bastards.

Quite simply, scum.

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This thread has certainly outed a few live ones, and some with high post counts too.

Interesting indeed.

If you are talking about handwringers - I doubt many of us need 'outed' I think you will find we are pretty vocal and nothing to be 'outed' about - no one is hiding their 'beliefs' (sic) here - ffs we are all anonomous users anyway! wacko.gif

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The vast majority of Rangers fans I know personally are like him.

I'm not daft enough to think every Rangers fan has the same way of thinking, but there's a lot more than you think.

I don't mind Rangers fans that are uber-Loyalist, uber Bigoted or just like Rangers and nothing else (politics and religion doesn't bother them) - just aslong as they don't try and tell me and the more uber-Loyalists and bigots to toe their line - then it's all good. Free country and that.

Bollocks, even on the faceless World of the Internet forum they are considered 'extreme'....

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The vast majority of Rangers fans I know personally are like him.

I'm not daft enough to think every Rangers fan has the same way of thinking, but there's a lot more than you think.

I don't mind Rangers fans that are uber-Loyalist, uber Bigoted or just like Rangers and nothing else (politics and religion doesn't bother them) - just aslong as they don't try and tell me and the more uber-Loyalists and bigots to toe their line - then it's all good. Free country and that.

Im with you on that post brother (tu)

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Bollocks, even on the faceless World of the Internet forum they are considered 'extreme'....

It's not bollocks at all.

You don't even know the company I keep, so how the hell can you say that the majority of Rangers fans I know personally aren't like him? :lol:

The internet represents a very small fraction/proportion of the Rangers supporting world.

Perfect example was Turkey the other week. A core of 600/700, many of whom I could go upto and talk to on a personal level or say hello to in passing. Almost everyone to a man an uber-Loyalist. You just need to listen to the songs, look at the banners and talk to anyone of them in the Turkish pubs at any point to see this.

Again, maybe all the time in Aberdeen, out of the West Of Scotland (as you touched on a few times in this thread) has cut you off from the element you pretend doesn't exist.

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It's not bollocks at all.

You don't even know the company I keep, so how the hell can you say that the majority of Rangers fans I know personally aren't like him? :lol:

The internet represents a very small fraction/proportion of the Rangers supporting world.

Perfect example was Turkey the other week. A core of 600/700, many of whom I could go upto and talk to on a personal level or say hello to in passing. Almost everyone to a man an uber-Loyalist. You just need to listen to the songs, look at the banners and talk to anyone of them in the Turkish pubs at any point to see this.

Again, maybe all the time in Aberdeen, out of the West Of Scotland (as you touched on a few times in this thread) has cut you off from the element you pretend doesn't exist.

I'm not pretending they dont exist, I'm saying they are not the majority.

Rangers have a supprot base of hundreds of thousands all around the World, to claim people like him are the majority based on 6/700 at a European Away game is just silly...

I dont think there is such a thing as a typical Rangers fan, our support is too vast to pidgeon hole...

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I'm not pretending they dont exist, I'm saying they are not the majority.

Rangers have a supprot base of hundreds of thousands all around the World, to claim people like him are the majority based on 6/700 at a European Away game is just silly...

I dont think there is such a thing as a typical Rangers fan, our support is too vast to pidgeon hole...

I never said they are the majority. I said there's more than you may think.

And you've not understood the point of my comparison about the 600/700 in Turkey, it was to re-emphasise about the company I keep and people I know personally because you said bollocks to me claiming the vast majority of Rangers supporters I know personally are on the same wavelength as him. That's all (tu)

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In my house I grew up hating the scum as that's just how it was..with my parents, grandparents and great grandparents! I remember when I was VERY young..my great grandpa told me never to trust the catholic/scum fans...<cr> it actually got me paranoid from a young age... and even now living in Canada where religion isn't that big of deal and celtic/rangers not that big a deal..I still get so worked up at the thought of them. Just hearing if they won or watching a game I feel so disgusted. I hate the way they demand penalties every time something goes in the box and the way they complain/attract media attention...and blaim their loss on rangers/rangers fans... :angry:

I'm getting angered just thinking about it. So I had better stop. :happy:

Yes. My story is similar... but there comes a time in life when you learn to develop your own opinions.

I listen to some of the things my family have said over the years then watch In amazement as they socialize with ' the enemy'.. <cr>

Sure I hate Celtic, always have and always will but I take people as I find them.

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i doubt its a majority of rangers fans or anything like it. most of my mates are bears from larkhall and arent uber loyalist/bigot whatever you want to label them.

ive been to away games recently as well and even there its barely a majority.

even if it was 100% it would be a small minority.

there is something in what john says about not telling people how to conduct themselves. though if its harming the club it has to be addressed. we all know a rangers fan running on the pitch attacking oposition players would be handed over to police for example.

as for taring all celtc fans with one brush thats mental and your not doing yourself any favours if thats your viewpoint.

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The vast majority of Rangers fans I know personally are like him.

I'm not daft enough to think every Rangers fan has the same way of thinking, but there's a lot more than you think.

I don't mind Rangers fans that are uber-Loyalist, uber Bigoted or just like Rangers and nothing else (politics and religion doesn't bother them) - just aslong as they don't try and tell me and the more uber-Loyalists and bigots to toe their line - then it's all good. Free country and that.

As you say, "Free country and all that" - so by your logic (sic) Celtic and their fans et al can do as they please (let's say within the law) as well with out anyone questioning their motives or choices ?? Fly anti-poppy banners, hold pro-rebublican views and sing their rebel songs !!??? as you say "Then its all good" - I doubt it!

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