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Some opinions of our songs


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I looked on the sheep board for their opinions on our "song sheet" as they are not known to be overly affectionate when it comes to us and our club, and could not be accused of missing out at taking a wee dig at us when the opportunity arose.

I only went with the OP and the next 2 posts, but ALL of the posts were in the same vain and I'd venture a guess that the rest of the SPL (bheggars aside) do not feel overly traumatized by our " horrendous sectarian repertoire ".

Could this merely mean that c...ic are the only club in the SPL (OK, I never checked the hibs site) with any sizeable number of RCs in their support, or could it mean that the overly offended are not really as offended as they make out ?

#1 08 Apr 2011 14:40 Complain | Prev | Next | Quote and reply to userReply to user

Signed: January 2011 Do I offend - yeah? ...

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There has been a lot of talk recently about offensive songs which are sung at SPL matches (or by SPL teams abroad).

I’d like you all to list the songs which you find offensive and the reasons why.

Here’s my list of the songs that I find offensive and unacceptable.

Ok, now your turn. What are your choices?

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#2 08 Apr 2011 14:42 Complain | Quote and reply to userReply to user

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#3 08 Apr 2011 14:42 Complain | Quote and reply to userReply to user

Signed: September 2010 re: Do I offend - yeah? ...

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Rebecca Black - Friday

Here's a line from a post on another of our sites that hit me big time.....

The hoohaa wi TBB has always been ludicrous, dont kid yourself that it has anything to do with the words involved, its purely because it was the most riproaring anthem in football,

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The majority of Celtic fans couldn't give a fuck what we sing, and vice versa. There are however a small number, from both teams, who insist on having a wee battle to see who can cause the other side most damage. Pathetic behaviour.

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The majority of Celtic fans couldn't give a fuck what we sing, and vice versa. There are however a small number, from both teams, who insist on having a wee battle to see who can cause the other side most damage. Pathetic behaviour.

I can almost accept it from them but it's the platform the media give them to spout their false indignation that I find truly pathetic, when they know that the rest of the country could not give a rats ass.

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"Here's a line from a post on another of our sites that hit me big time.....

The hoohaa wi TBB has always been ludicrous, dont kid yourself that it has anything to do with the words involved, its purely because it was the most riproaring anthem in football."

That statement brings tears to a glass eye. The loudest song ever in football.

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I can almost accept it from them but it's the platform the media give them to spout their false indignation that I find truly pathetic, when they know that the rest of the country could not give a rats ass.

The media have a lot to answer for, without a doubt, but some innocuous stuff is blown out of proportion, meaning that when serious accusations are made, any response is put down to the ramblings of 'crackpots', 'bigots' etc.

I'd rather just sing our songs and batter them if the chance arrives! :D

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"Here's a line from a post on another of our sites that hit me big time.....

The hoohaa wi TBB has always been ludicrous, dont kid yourself that it has anything to do with the words involved, its purely because it was the most riproaring anthem in football."

That statement brings tears to a glass eye. The loudest song ever in football.

They have nothing that has or will come close and they know it, so the devious arseholes try their best to get it eliminated.

I have never even been close to hating those pricks in the past, as I do now.

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Aberdeen fans are the worst for singing, believe me I've grown up with it. They aren't an authority on anything.

the only song I think that should be completely banned from football grounds is the Ibrox Disaster yet you still hear it.

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Aberdeen fans are the worst for singing, believe me I've grown up with it. They aren't an authority on anything.

the only song I think that should be completely banned from football grounds is the Ibrox Disaster yet you still hear it.

Songs about Tommy Burns, Johnny Doyle? The child abuse at Parkhead?

Distasteful songs have been a part of the game for decades and there will be people who are hurt by them. We can't decide what's acceptable, or not.

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The media have a lot to answer for, without a doubt, but some innocuous stuff is blown out of proportion, meaning that when serious accusations are made, any response is put down to the ramblings of 'crackpots', 'bigots' etc.

I'd rather just sing our songs and batter them if the chance arrives! :D

I am praying that our club takes a rigorous stance this time with EUFA and wins our case, then hopefully any future complaints from those bastards (or their enablers) on this issue, will be dismissed as the vindictive mischief makings they truly are.

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I have heard Aberdeen fans giving 'Could you go a chicken supper?' laldy when the Bheasts are playing them.

Nobody else (apart from the hardcore Rhebels in the East end) gives a fuck. Even UEFA weren't arsed about TBB originally.

It's driven entirely by certain members of the press who see it as their mission to attack this club relentlessly.

The police are quite happy blaming us (rather than, you know, doing their job) for every arsehole in the country who commits a crime the day an Old Firm game is on. "Football related. Probably sectarian. Did you no hear the songs? Blah blah blah"

And it's a bandwagon that the politicians are more than happy to clamber aboard.

Why not blame the link between social deprivation and low education levels in the West coast of Scotland?

Why not blame seperate schools?

Why not blame Scotland's disgraceful drinking culture?


Blame the songs with the bad words sung at the football match.

Fucking shameful.

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Aberdeen fans are the worst for singing, believe me I've grown up with it. They aren't an authority on anything.

the only song I think that should be completely banned from football grounds is the Ibrox Disaster yet you still hear it.

Can't disagree, but at least they are not asking for 1 rule them and another for everyone else, they dish it out and they get it back.

I was just surprised that they did not jump on the "lets put the boot into h#ns" bandwagon, and that they see the tramps for what they are.

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The majority of Celtic fans couldn't give a fuck what we sing, and vice versa. There are however a small number, from both teams, who insist on having a wee battle to see who can cause the other side most damage. Pathetic behaviour.

I touched on this yesterday mate - I'm sure the majority enjoy the singing contests at the games.

It's the small minded minority, backed up by some people in high up places who are causing the trouble.

As I said yesterday, singing TBB is nothing near as offensive as singing about people who have lost their lives in the most unfortunate of circumstances, as some of our support have been known to do.

It's songs like this we need to ban, and I'm sure 99% of the Rangers fans would be pro-active in making sure they never get sung at our games.

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I have heard Aberdeen fans giving 'Could you go a chicken supper?' laldy when the Bheasts are playing them.

Nobody else (apart from the hardcore Rhebels in the East end) gives a fuck. Even UEFA weren't arsed about TBB originally.

It's driven entirely by certain members of the press who see it as their mission to attack this club relentlessly.

The police are quite happy blaming us (rather than, you know, doing their job) for every arsehole in the country who commits a crime the day an Old Firm game is on. "Football related. Probably sectarian. Did you no hear the songs? Blah blah blah"

And it's a bandwagon that the politicians are more than happy to clamber aboard.

Why not blame the link between social deprivation and low education levels in the West coast of Scotland?

Why not blame seperate schools?

Why not blame Scotland's disgraceful drinking culture?


Blame the songs with the bad words sung at the football match.

Fucking shameful.


I think politicians are like water and take the easiest route, so those subjects you mention will be on the taboo list.

Our club has been on the ropes for far too long, and I hope that whoever buys us brings more to Ibrox than just cash (although some cash will be a good start).

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And because we have been an easy target for years now. The club had hardly come out in defence at these attacks with all guns blazing. Hence, the number of times journalists have been able to come up with the most ridiculous stories imaginable (the groundsmen cutting the grass into the shape of a sash being my own personal favourite.)

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I have heard Aberdeen fans giving 'Could you go a chicken supper?' laldy when the Bheasts are playing them.

Nobody else (apart from the hardcore Rhebels in the East end) gives a fuck. Even UEFA weren't arsed about TBB originally.

It's driven entirely by certain members of the press who see it as their mission to attack this club relentlessly.

The police are quite happy blaming us (rather than, you know, doing their job) for every arsehole in the country who commits a crime the day an Old Firm game is on. "Football related. Probably sectarian. Did you no hear the songs? Blah blah blah"

And it's a bandwagon that the politicians are more than happy to clamber aboard.

Why not blame the link between social deprivation and low education levels in the West coast of Scotland?

Why not blame seperate schools?

Why not blame Scotland's disgraceful drinking culture?


Blame the songs with the bad words sung at the football match.

Fucking shameful.

hallelujah mate!!

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Still say we change the words and start singing hello hello again. We need the club the rst and supporters groups to put forward an acceptable version. I've seen a few on here. Drop the Billy boys line. Drop the Fenian line and bring back the roar of hello hello.

We must adapt. A small change gets us in the clear. They will have no stick to beat us with. We must remove that stick. I also say we should go through all songs with mention of the child abuse scandal when we play them. After all there favourite line is it was proven to be illegal in court. We so wAs the child abuse.

Those happy chappies cover up child abuse and get an easy life. We sing a dodgy dong they want to bring back hanging.

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I think most of the trouble is caused by confusion'claim and counter claim. i,e TBB some say its from an age gone by 16 hundred and frozen to death, William and the lads etc, other say its celebrating more recent times and incidents in Bridgeton etc. Thier 'Fields' some say it's about being against the crown etc, some say its about the famine etc.... Myth and counter myth, accusation and counter accusation. Like most things it needs clear clarification. Each to their own belief and all that , but a majority of ours and their support with bend each situation and truth to meet their own agenda/argument. All this politics that and religion this is getting nobody anywhere. Some call it banter, some call it sectarian, some call it bigotry, I think its all down to the manner its delivered and the intent behind it. Having said that all the finger pointing doesn't make it right/wrong, but if it damages THE CLUB it should be addressed.....Shoot me now! :(

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Songs about Tommy Burns, Johnny Doyle? The child abuse at Parkhead?

Distasteful songs have been a part of the game for decades and there will be people who are hurt by them. We can't decide what's acceptable, or not.

I get angry at my own supporters, mainly my own mates when they sing the Tommy Burns song, just not the kind of thing i want to hear, just like when they sing about Cooper, these are the only kind of songs that should not be sung!

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I get angry at my own supporters, mainly my own mates when they sing the Tommy Burns song, just not the kind of thing i want to hear, just like when they sing about Cooper, these are the only kind of songs that should not be sung!

I don't see any way that one song can universally be viewed as ok, whilst another isn't. Personal taste can only account for one's own repertoire.

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And because we have been an easy target for years now. The club had hardly come out in defence at these attacks with all guns blazing. Hence, the number of times journalists have been able to come up with the most ridiculous stories imaginable (the groundsmen cutting the grass into the shape of a sash being my own personal favourite.)

You know it really is very worrying that we have the completely apathetic Murray at the helm so we are wide open to whatever is thrown against us ... yet another reason to hope the takeover goes through sooner rather than later

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Still say we change the words and start singing hello hello again. We need the club the rst and supporters groups to put forward an acceptable version. I've seen a few on here. Drop the Billy boys line. Drop the Fenian line and bring back the roar of hello hello.

We must adapt. A small change gets us in the clear. They will have no stick to beat us with. We must remove that stick. I also say we should go through all songs with mention of the child abuse scandal when we play them. After all there favourite line is it was proven to be illegal in court. We so wAs the child abuse.

Those happy chappies cover up child abuse and get an easy life. We sing a dodgy dong they want to bring back hanging.

And why exactly should we have to change what has been sung at Ibrox for decades because the scum are suddenly offended? There's no offense taken and everyone knows it, its a plan to just try to harm our club because they are worried about us dominating them, so they do anything to take the spotlight off their shite performance and try to get us docked money and point, so no, I will continue to sing whatever I want, regardless of whether it is illegal or not

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