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Didnt hear him say that when i was listening this morning, although did hear Chris evans on Radio 2 say Celtic should get into the Premiership cause it would remove them from the problem meaning "Rangers".

Talking about ugly Ginger cunts union!!!!

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bill leckie was on hawksbee and jacobs on talksport today when one of them started going on about Rangers problems and the trouble with the OF, when Leckie cut him off by reminding him it was NOTHING to do with rangers and people should be very careful what they say, "If I was a rangers fan I'd be screaming at the radio right now".. Which ever one it was who said it did apologise and say he (Leckie) was right to pull him up on it.

Don't know if it's just me but it does seam that more people are sticking up for us, not allot more but it's a start

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bill leckie was on hawksbee and jacobs on talksport today when one of them started going on about Rangers problems and the trouble with the OF, when Leckie cut him off by reminding him it was NOTHING to do with rangers and people should be very careful what they say, "If I was a rangers fan I'd be screaming at the radio right now".. Which ever one it was who said it did apologise and say he (Leckie) was right to pull him up on it.

Don't know if it's just me but it does seam that more people are sticking up for us, not allot more but it's a start

A doubt it mate, yes Leckie stuck up for us this time but he is more than willing to stick the boot in whenever he feels like it, not heard many say much about us as I've not been getting the papers or listening to the radio as I've been off work since Tuesday but all their deluded timmy fans have had a lot to say about it on facebook. Had a big arguement with one last night who couldn't take the fact that Lennon isn't just hated by us but just about everyone up here outwith septic.

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A doubt it mate, yes Leckie stuck up for us this time but he is more than willing to stick the boot in whenever he feels like it, not heard many say much about us as I've not been getting the papers or listening to the radio as I've been off work since Tuesday but all their deluded timmy fans have had a lot to say about it on facebook. Had a big arguement with one last night who couldn't take the fact that Lennon isn't just hated by us but just about everyone up here outwith septic.

not really concerned about what timmy has to say, we all know they are deluded.

It's not that long ago that Leckie would have had a dig so whats changed? Could it be anything to do with us not being involved last night that there is a realisation that the rest of the league despise the we rat just as much as we do so there has to be something else other than OF hatred to blame?

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not really concerned about what timmy has to say, we all know they are deluded.

It's not that long ago that Leckie would have had a dig so whats changed? Could it be anything to do with us not being involved last night that there is a realisation that the rest of the league despise the we rat just as much as we do so there has to be something else other than OF hatred to blame?

I'm not really concerned about them either mate just hate us being portrayed as the bad guys for fuck all.

You could be correct mate and who knows maybe the journos have realised what a horrible cunt he is, won't be surprised but if it all comes back to us being the bad guys.

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I take it nobody listened to the drivetime show with Goughy and Durham both of whom were tearing into Lennon and saying he brings this all on himself.... a good listen.

I heard it, i couldn't believe what I was hearing! Good show today...although missed keys & gray

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I'm not really concerned about them either mate just hate us being portrayed as the bad guys for fuck all.

You could be correct mate and who knows maybe the journos have realised what a horrible cunt he is, won't be surprised but if it all comes back to us being the bad guys.

didn't mean to come across like a dick with the timmy comment (tu)

They have to realise he is the common denominator in this with all clubs, or do they really believe the whole of Scotland has an agenda

lets hope Whyte takes no nonsense if/when the shit starts flying in our direction

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a lot more journalists will stick up for us for a while now because of the new owner, they will wait and see how whyte plays it with the press

We won't get the bad press when we sew up the title. You need to take the season as a whole and look back at how the whole SPL agenda was hijacked by one manager, supported and defended by an unprincipled board. Yes Bill Leckie and others will speak out. They're journos but also support SPL sides outwith the Old Firm. They can see referees, assistants and 4th officials shying away from giving decisions against c****c, for fear of the inevitable tongue lashing from the b***t and the "We wiz robbed" brigade. I, for one, will be glad to see this season fizzle out with the cup final. I only hope that Stuart McColl has the trophy sitting on his lap on the bus back to Motherwell :crabflute:

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Caught a bit of tslksport tonite, a Scottish guy called Douglas somebody was on nod he gave Rangers a he'll of a slsgging, he went on about the famine song and us not signing Irish Catholics - it was fukin shocking

This guy has written s book about derby rivalry throughout the uk - fuk knows what he has written about us if that's his attitude

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didn't mean to come across like a dick with the timmy comment (tu)

They have to realise he is the common denominator in this with all clubs, or do they really believe the whole of Scotland has an agenda

lets hope Whyte takes no nonsense if/when the shit starts flying in our direction

Your fine with the timmy comment mate.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure what/who the denominator has been in all of the bad press this season for Scotland and finally it looks like they have came to their sense's.

if it starts coming back lets hope Whyte takes no BS and either bans them or speaks out against the people who have tryed to tarnish another great season for the bears.

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I heard the Drive show it was very good and Goughie and Durham have realised that there is more than meets the eye with this little troublemaker.

I think at last people are begining to see throught all of this and certainly did say that the man himself is upsetting an awfull lot of people with his aggresive and abnoctiouse antics, and is coming across like the thug he is.

Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves.

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I take it nobody listened to the drivetime show with Goughy and Durham both of whom were tearing into Lennon and saying he brings this all on himself.... a good listen.

YEAh. I heard it. There were fans from all over England phoning in to say he brings it all on himself. It was great to hear. Rangers getting some good back up for a change.

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I heard the Drive show it was very good and Goughie and Durham have realised that there is more than meets the eye with this little troublemaker.

I think at last people are begining to see throught all of this and certainly did say that the man himself is upsetting an awfull lot of people with his aggresive and abnoctiouse antics, and is coming across like the thug he is.

Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves.

Yeah i thought the drive show was pretty good and it was refreshing to hear them not jump on the "poor Lennon Bandwagon".

As for Alan Brazil i'd be surprised if he said that, to be fair the guy is normally fairly decent towards Rangers despite his roots, infact only a few weeks back he was quite openly defending Rangers choice of Hym sheet following the UEFA debacle.

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