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Bbc Radio Hate- Rangers Just Can't Help Themselves....


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A bit off topic but that Tam Cowan an that other bell end he does his show wae are horrific. Listened to it for what couldny have been any longer than 3 minutes on Saturday. Funny as a kick in the stanes!

I've listened to off the ball ever since it started when I was a young'un and Pops would have it on, on crackly 810mw. Still subscribe to the podcast now and thoroughly enjoy it.

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I hope fellow posters don't mind me putting up an article I penned for Number One 'Zine a couple of years past? I hope it contributes to the debate.

"David Begg is a National Treasure".

Last week, BBC Scotland's Annie McGuire concluded a list of supportive messages to the on-message 'Beggsy' by broadcasting the following line, "David Begg is a national treasure".

You see, David has come in for some criticism recently due to the increasingly subjective nature of his commentaries. Of course, both the content and discussion of the criticism will not be aired. Bears are well aware of Begg's selective hearing. He has ears like Jodrell Bank when an element of the Rangers support are singing, often interupting a commentary to highlight specific chanting; however, when similar offensive songs are being sung by Aberdeen, Dundee United, ....... Sellik fans, Begg has his earphones firmly clamped over those highly receptive ears. Note, Begg has issued one ASSURANCE that a BBC Scotland trackside reporter(Chick Young) would be dispatched to find the official SPL Observer(Alan Dick) to ENSURE chanting from an element of the Rangers support would be included in his report. This occured at Inverness on the first day of the season two years past. Since then, he has failed to issue a similar assurance to the listenership over other offensive songs emanating from other supports.

Recent criticism may have taken root at the Emirates Stadium back in late August. Arsenal leading 2-0 from the first leg at ra Stydome, are entertaining ra Bhoys in ra Humble Bee hoops. Pre-match optimism is articulated by Beggsy, "it's all dependent upon the first goal". Reality is too much to take when the ref' awards the Gunners a penalty. Begg goes into meltdown, "there was no contact on Eduardo, that was a dive, a total dive .... he stands there a total cheat".

As the game runs to a conclusion with ra Yahoos losing 5-zip on aggregate, Begg opines, "where is the justice for Celtic"? You may gather that David Begg holds dear, an unequivocal principle on simulation. He would apply this same unequivocal stance to similar instances without fear or favour?

Let's move forward four days to Easter Road and those justice seekers are lapping up the sunshine on Leith. As ra brave Bhoys lead 0-1 the storm clouds gather and referee Dougie McDonald issues a second yellow card and subsequent red to Plastic McGeady for diving. David Begg has no hesitation in strongly criticising the ref', "there was no contact on Aiden". As the game moves into it's last several minutes, Begg adopts an oral siege mentality and refers to Yahoo players by their christian names, Hinkle is Andy, Boruc becomes a comforting Artur, and Brown is Scotty.

This Radio Snyde-esque flow is interupted by Presenter, Richard Gordon announcing, "I've seen another angle on TV and it's a definite dive by McGeady, there is no contact". Begg remains barely composed and returns to the incident, "I thought Aiden was unlucky but my studio colleague says not". He concludes his commentary by an ambiguous utterance, "I ask you, justice for Celtic"? The listenership must make up its' own mind; the result, the decision, the performance, ...?

It's fifteen minutes after the game, Begg would normally be packing up and enjoying a cuppa. Richard Gordon reignites David's ire by referring to the incident as, "a dive by McGeady". Begg interupts, "McGeady had to go to ground". Gordon replies, "no, he didn't". Begg raises the ante, "McGeady cannot get out of the way of the tackle". Gordon concludes, "yes he can, TV clearly shows the tackle is to the side of him". You may notice a distinct reticence in Begg to utter the phrase, 'McGeady is a diving cheat' ...... that unequivocal principle appears to be waning.

We move a further five minutes into the show and Richard Gordon wonders aloud, "Reference Eduardo, will McGeady receive parity of treatment"? Begg remains in position still and once again interupts, "it's different, the ref' punished McGeady, he did not punish Eduardo". Gordon punches home, "it's the same thing, they both cheated". Begg loses his discipline entirely and begins shouting, "it's not the same ..... not the same at all".

As the Producer rescues Beggsy and fades him out, co-commentator, Craig Paterson issues the coup-de-grace, "the odds in these cases are wholly with the forward, he goes down, asks the ref' a question, more often than not it's a penalty and the defender red carded. Forwards should be punished for diving and cheating too". An incandescent Begg continues to shout, "not the same at all". Unfazed, Paterson finishes, "if we are all getting forwards' odds at the Bookies, we'd all be in".

I will believe David Begg to be, "a national treasure" when he adheres to that dearly held principle and is able to state, 'Aiden McGeady is a diving cheat'. Meantime, I am of the opinion that Begg is cheating the BBC Radio Scotland listenership.

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Oh right. :blush: Lucky you, my wee ticket master didnt have any left. I will be there on Thu, looking forward to it as is my boy who loves going to watch the Rangers.


Enjoy yourself mate, hope the wee guy has a good night.

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"I don't believe for one minute he favours Selik"!!

Fuck me gently with a branding iron.

I should dive in here - but I'll bite my tongue and hope that Covenanter spots this comment......he'll rip it to pieces.

You shouldn't have bitten your tongue as all we got from Covenanter was a load of crap about a couple of commentaries over a year ago. I stand by what I said and Covenanter is clearly just a paranoid dickhead.

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You shouldn't have bitten your tongue as all we got from Covenanter was a load of crap about a couple of commentaries over a year ago. I stand by what I said and Covenanter is clearly just a paranoid dickhead.

Dear-oh-dear - Covenanter clearly isn't to your taste and may have rattled someone's cage - his expose of the wanton Taig-lover Beggsy could have been written yesterday, not a couple of years ago. Beggsy is a prick - and a Selik-minded one at that - he's in safe company though at BBC Radio Scotland where the ethos is "never give Rangers an even break"!

Meanwhile, you "stand by" Beggsy. Fire in.

I'm sure you'll enjoy his dulcet tones as he waffles onto his next Selik love-in.

Coming soon at a Theatre Of Wet Dreams near you. :sherlock:

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Well all I can say is that I've met the man on several occasions and I've formed my own opinion which I suspect is rather more accurate than yours.

Enjoy your wet dreams about Covenanter - his name alone marks him out as an idiot

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Well all I can say is that I've met the man on several occasions and I've formed my own opinion which I suspect is rather more accurate than yours.

Enjoy your wet dreams about Covenanter - his name alone marks him out as an idiot

A name synonymous with the religious freedom that we enjoy here in Bonnie Scotland is considered 'idiotic' by you, however you, having "met the man on several occasions" (whoop-de-fucking-doo) consider the rampant BBC Radio Scotland Taig-lover Beggsy worthy of your backing?

Did you get Beggy's autograph? Did he introduce you to that other BBC Radio Scotland Rangers-hater, Rheinhart Gordon? Did you three all meet up with and share lunch with the other two Rangers-haters at BBC Radio Scotland - Tossgrope & Coward?

Fuxsake - away and take a long look in the mirror.


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Well all I can say is that I've met the man on several occasions and I've formed my own opinion which I suspect is rather more accurate than yours.

Enjoy your wet dreams about Covenanter - his name alone marks him out as an idiot

Congratulations Michael, wish I could meet him

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I emailed gordon smith after his interview before the caley game , i basically said that i was appaled by the mannerism of bbc scotland towards rangers this was his reply.

Hi Alyn

Thanks for your message. It was typical of Radio Scotland that they decided to speak to me in that fashion. Have you ever heard them question anyone from Celtic in that manner?

Last night was a major disappointment as Maribor are ordinary. We're bringing in two midfielders in Bedoya and McKay. They're both Internationals so hopefully they'll improve the team. A striker is also a priority so we're working on that.



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I emailed gordon smith after his interview before the caley game , i basically said that i was appaled by the mannerism of bbc scotland towards rangers this was his reply.

Hi Alyn

Thanks for your message. It was typical of Radio Scotland that they decided to speak to me in that fashion. Have you ever heard them question anyone from Celtic in that manner?

Last night was a major disappointment as Maribor are ordinary. We're bringing in two midfielders in Bedoya and McKay. They're both Internationals so hopefully they'll improve the team. A striker is also a priority so we're working on that.



Nice Smith replied to your e-mail mate, that sounds as though Smith half expected what he got before he gave that interview maybe next time he will tell them to fuck off.

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Unless obligated contractually i am of the mind that Rangers FC should tell all the media to fuck off.

All information should be released via the Official Site and Facebook from now on.

They hate us and treat us with contempt so why bother dealing with them in the first place.

Not as if we have anything to lose or their attitude towards us could get any worse could it?

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Unless obligated contractually i am of the mind that Rangers FC should tell all the media to fuck off.

All information should be released via the Official Site and Facebook from now on.

They hate us and treat us with contempt so why bother dealing with them in the first place.

Not as if we have anything to lose or their attitude towards us could get any worse could it?

Totally agree with you mate (tu)

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Unless obligated contractually i am of the mind that Rangers FC should tell all the media to fuck off.

All information should be released via the Official Site and Facebook from now on.

They hate us and treat us with contempt so why bother dealing with them in the first place.

Not as if we have anything to lose or their attitude towards us could get any worse could it?

This. :clap:

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