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Duff and Phelps

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With the tabloids and news stations reporting what they are today.


Are Duff and Phelps working for Rangers Or Craig Shyte, surely the player wages cut would have seen us through until the end of the season?

My heart now hurts as much as my head now with all this pish.

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im not sure the administrators have done much wrong.

they seem to be pretty open with the fans & players. They could easily keep us all in he dark and just start ruthlessly booting employess out the door - if my memory serves me correctly, when pompey went into admin SSN showed some pretty brutal footage of cleaning ladies and so on, in the car park in tears.

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They were court appointed. They're not working for Whyte.

I know people are getting pissed off with the situation but there's little more the administrators could have done, in my opinion.

They've held back laying off players for as long as possible to try and maintain some financial value to potential buyers and now they're accelerating the sale to try and smoke out those with deep pockets. It's show your cards time for The Blue Knights. Otherwise it's just allowing this to drag on and on racking up even more debt. They're being paid hundreds of pounds an hour to deal with this. Surely if they were in it for the money the lengthier the job, the better for them?

They're not releasing as much information as they probably have because the stuff in the public domain is already enough to turn your hair white. If someone is looking to invest they'll be shown the figures. No point in completely putting off investors before they've even picked up the phone.

For me this is the last roll of the dice. A massive gamble to try and get Paul Murray and co. (the only realistic chance I think we have of anyone being interested) to the table.

We just have to sit tight and pray it works.

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Duff& Phelps are legally bound to do 'their job'.

The media, you & I have no idea what juncture they are at this time.

Basically, there is 'F' all we can do about it & I agree with the previous poster ...... it's outta our hands, eeek!

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If they were working for Whyte, why on earth would they be proceeding with todays court case in London?

I don't like conspiracy theories at the best of times, but the one about the Administrators being out to get us is ludicrous.

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If they were working for Whyte, why on earth would they be proceeding with todays court case in London?

I don't like conspiracy theories at the best of times, but the one about the Administrators being out to get us is ludicrous.

Ooft! Answered yourself there my friend...

Ps. No-one knows today's outcome. (both sides)

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If they were working for Whyte, why on earth would they be proceeding with todays court case in London?

I don't like conspiracy theories at the best of times, but the one about the Administrators being out to get us is ludicrous.

Indeed, especially considering that ultimately Duff and Phelps is an American company. I can't see Messrs Whitehouse and Clark doing anything that would damage theirs or the company's reputation going forward.

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the cants have been there 3 weeks and done fuck all .4 people walk out ,told us to save 1 million a month papac heally bartley alexander and big lee should of been out within days ,before lee said he would play for free :praise: this saving £200000-£250000 a month .then wage cuts should of been done with high earners taken a cut and sold for a fixed fee in the summer .

over 4 years up for sale with limmited intrest then craig shite runs up debt hides cash and his crooked pals duff and phelps head us up the garden path :anguish:

if whyte was the best option to buy us for a pound last year why the feck would some cant buy us now with the mess were in

we were doing ok under bain bills being paid debt comming down but would proberly lost the big tax case and addmistration would of been done then .

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A spokesman for Ernst & Young, probably the UKs most reputable firm in this field, has repeatedly stated that Duff & Phelps are doing an unbelievably difficult job with great compassion and dexterity. If we were just another run of the mill football club they would have gutted the place within a couple of days, but we are Rangers, a national institution, and they have done everything they can to preserve our assets so we are a more attractive proposition to prospective buyers. The playing staff are our major assets and without them we would be almost impossible to sell.

All these conspiracy theories make us no better than the taigs, especially at a time when we should be showing the class and dignity that we are so proud of talking about as major parts of our traditions.

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Why was Whyte desperate to make sure Duff & Phelps were the appointed admin? :anguish:

Because it was imperative we had administrators with Rangers interests high on their agenda. If we had waited for HMRC to appoint admins they would have been more interested in getting the money out by selling our assets and leaving us even more fucked than we are now.

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A spokesman for Ernst & Young, probably the UKs most reputable firm in this field, has repeatedly stated that Duff & Phelps are doing an unbelievably difficult job with great compassion and dexterity. If we were just another run of the mill football club they would have gutted the place within a couple of days, but we are Rangers, a national institution, and they have done everything they can to preserve our assets so we are a more attractive proposition to prospective buyers. The playing staff are our major assets and without them we would be almost impossible to sell.

All these conspiracy theories make us no better than the taigs, especially at a time when we should be showing the class and dignity that we are so proud of talking about as major parts of our traditions.

They have stalled on making the decisions which were needed, set a date for indicative bids to be lodged......and then give a dire warning that there are 48 hours to save the club.


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They have stalled on making the decisions which were needed, set a date for indicative bids to be lodged......and then give a dire warning that there are 48 hours to save the club.


Do you need everything spelled out in words of one syllable or what? Haven't you got enough people to blame without adding the court-approved administrators to the list? Murray and Whyte are the major villains in this affair, why don't you try to save your anger for them? <cr>

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Do you need everything spelled out in words of one syllable or what? Haven't you got enough people to blame without adding the court-approved administrators to the list? Murray and Whyte are the major villains in this affair, why don't you try to save your anger for them? <cr>

I think you will find mate that he has been consistent in his anger re the two you have mentioned.

He also has a point re the administrators, my view is that they have tried to reach agreement with the players have failed and have tried to play their last ace in saying unless we get an agreement in the next 48hrs the teas out. To say that 16March for terms was to force talkers into action, and the latest claim that quick sale is needed is in my opinion a jolt to try and get an agreement in place re salary cuts.

Re quick sale , they only happen if it is for a knock down price and there's nothing lurking in the background i.e tax, who owns what, who is responsible for any debt.

The fabled blue knights (timmy name in my opinion) let's not forget already had £25m available last Apr/May. Now if what mini murray has been saying re whyte then he must have been raising funds since then. So it will be very interesting as to what he states in his offer.

Just know as i sad I belief it is serious but a lot of bluffing and gamesmanship is going on., disgusting to think that why but it happens in business.

We are not an appealing prospect at this moment in time , we are only appealing if we have people interested in medium to long term. That should knock out people like whyte you by their nature of business look for the quick kill.

Gordon Gecko if you recall for the movie, in strip , takes profit and runs. This type of guy will not touch us now.

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I agree with you mate, just severely pissed off at the moment by this constant search for more people "out to get us". I'm sure you're right in thinking this is a purposeful strategy by Duff & Phelps to force the players into accepting salary cuts, but there may also be another reason behind last nights statement. Paul Murray has attached conditions to any potential offer from the Blue Knights, conditions which could not be met if there was a year to fuck about with, never mind a week. I think one of the intentions behind the "panic" statement was to flush out others who have already stated an interest, in the hope their conditions might be less stringent?

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Someone needs to clarify how the admins stance can change from; liquidation unlikely, to the prospect of being unable even to complete the rest of the seasons fixtures, in only a few days.

On the strength of what? A few high earners refusing pay cuts? Surely they weren't so confident that a bunch of footballers would really accept 75% wage cuts. So confident in fact, that they were happy to peddle the bullshit of unlikely liquidation.

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Someone needs to clarify how the admins stance can change from; liquidation unlikely, to the prospect of being unable even to complete the rest of the seasons fixtures, in only a few days.

On the strength of what? A few high earners refusing pay cuts? Surely they weren't so confident that a bunch of footballers would really accept 75% wage cuts. So confident in fact, that they were happy to peddle the bullshit of unlikely liquidation.

They actually said that liquidation was unlikely IF the necessary savings could be made. Remember they had already reached agreement with all the players before the agents started attaching strings along the lines of minimum price transfers and so on.

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They actually said that liquidation was unlikely IF the necessary savings could be made. Remember they had already reached agreement with all the players before the agents started attaching strings along the lines of minimum price transfers and so on.

Assurances were being made before talks with players had begun. If it all hinged on the players decisions you'd have thought the admins would have been a little more cautious with their rhetoric.

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Buyers have made it clear, well at least one that they do not want a depleted sqaud, and by the looks of it there is a stumbling block about players taking a wage cut, so all they can do is sell now as they have no other way of cutting the costs.

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