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Vanguard Bears statement


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i always usally agree with vb but that is a very poor statement and position to take, just admit they were wrong about whyte. most fans have.

i also strongly disagree with the part about admin doing a bad job and running up expenses.

administrators are paid from the creditors pot, the pot will be whatever its going to be no matter what the admins fees are.

they get paid in full first (out of the pot - once everyone has pissed in it)

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VanguardBears statement PDF Print E-mail

Written by Steadfast

Friday, 09 March 2012 12:50

VanguardBears today issues the following statement.

VanguardBears acknowledge that we were probably the last Rangers group to refuse to completely condemn Craig Whyte. A campaign of vilification, almost from the start of his tenure, from the press, the ex board and, sadly, other Rangers groups towards Mr Whyte was later accompanied by an attempt to smear the good name of VanguardBears by individuals with an agenda and ulterior motives simply because we maintained our stance of "innocent until proven guilty." Then, and now, we refused to join the bandwagon of hysteria and supposition.

Mr Whyte has not been found guilty of any criminal offence, nor is it certain he will be. No one, not even those screaming from the rooftops, knows if he ever will be. What is clear is that his position as Chairman certainly now looks untenable.

HMRC rejected settlement offers where, previously with other companies, they made compromises. Today, if newspaper reports are to be believed, they will now accept a settlement. Had that decision been made earlier when, we are told several offers were put to them, we need not have had the circus that ensued.

As recently as yesterday, conflicting stories about the state of the Club, our finances, and our future circulated and contradicted each last report. Sir David Murray, whose policies created the mess we are in, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Murray, Mr. Bain, Mr. King et al make or have made statements or decisions which are counter productive and detrimental. Sir David, who until very recently remained silent despite being the originator of our problems, especially should use his private wealth to help if he has an ounce of decency.

Influential fans cried "unity" but their interests were self seeking.

The Administrators have, in our opinion, taken too long to do their job, and their exorbitant fees have added to the clubs problems.

The written press and other media outlets have relished their work of recent weeks, of that there is no doubt. There has been a concerted campaign, led by certain individuals, to "do down" the club at every turn.

Other clubs have lowered themselves beneath dignity with their comments and demands of excessive and precedent breaking penalties. We have, though, come to expect that sort of behaviour from Rangers haters such as Celtic and Dundee United. We urge Rangers fans to consider whether our money should fill the coffers of clubs who need our away support but treat us like dirt.

Let us also mention the SFA. The conduct of Messrs. Regan, Doncaster and Liewell (in his neutral guise) has been over critical and less than supportive of a senior member club throughout. Livingston, Gretna and Dundee got support, advice and, in one case, finance to pay players from the SPL and SFL.

Lastly, Mr Whyte, who has maintained the same rhetoric and statements from the beginning, may yet emerge from this as the most hated man in Rangers history (should all the accusations be proved correct) or the most loved (should he be proved an astute businessman who saved the Club from a mountain of debt that it could not pay, by using whatever means were available to him - no matter how close to the wind he sailed and no matter how many rules he bent). VanguardBears will say we were angered by the sale of the shares in Arsenal FC. Certain items are beyond monetary value.

VanguardBears is sick to the back teeth of spin, counter spin, lies, innuendo, posturing to the fans and basically just taking every Rangers fan for a mug.

For the sake of the Rangers fans, men, women and kids, we demand this circus stop, decisions, however painful, be made and the Club be allowed to regroup, reshape and retake its rightful place in Scottish football.


Last Updated on Friday, 09 March 2012 17:01



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If's been really hard for me with work commitments etc. to even attempt to keep up with what's been going on in the last couple of weeks, but what I'd like to know is why all of a sudden are HMRC willing to do a deal as long as Whyte is out of the picture when they didn't seem willing to cut a deal with anyone beforehand, I've probably missed something recently but I'm just intrigued as to why they are suddenly willing to compromise.

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If's been really hard for me with work commitments etc. to even attempt to keep up with what's been going on in the last couple of weeks, but what I'd like to know is why all of a sudden are HMRC willing to do a deal as long as Whyte is out of the picture when they didn't seem willing to cut a deal with anyone beforehand, I've probably missed something recently but I'm just intrigued as to why they are suddenly willing to compromise.

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yes i know, but there fees dont have an effect on pot size. the pot size is what it is and then they take there fees out, there fees dont mean the pot has to be bigger

the pot is getting smaller by the minute...

600 quid a minute if you read other posts.

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I usually back the VB but some of that I certainly don't agree with

For all we hate whyte, until the truth emerges then I'm still on the fence

As much as it looks like he is a crook, he could just turn out to be a daft bastard

I believe the administrators have done a good job so far

Good on them for standing up against Dundee utd etc about where our ticket money goes

I back the boycott

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