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Neil Lennon the liar

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Celtic move to clarify Neil Lennon directors box advice

The Parkhead club say their own security staff advised the Hoops boss on where to sit during the second half of the derby match at Ibrox.

Celtic FC have clarified the circumstances surrounding Neil Lennon’s dismissal to the stands during Sunday’s Old Firm derby defeat.

The Hoops boss watched the second half of the match at Ibrox in the media room after being told he couldn't return to the touchline by referee Callum Murray.

Lennon said he was advised against viewing the game from the directors boss, a move which he claimed left him feeling unable to do his job.

In a statement released on Monday, the Parkhead club said that it was their own security personnel who advised Lennon.

It read: "Further to certain media reports today, for clarification, Neil was advised by Celtic's own security and operations staff not to enter the stand or directors box area at Ibrox at yesterday's match.

“He was then provided another area by Rangers in which to watch the match".

Speaking immediately after the game an angry Lennon said: "I would have sat in the directors' box but I was told for my own safety that it wasn't a good idea.

"I watched the second half in here (the media room).

"I can't sit in the stand for my own safety, that sums things up in this country.”

a public apology will do lawwell after all the media have been running with this "LIE" all day

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Well we all knew that anyway, because he sat in the stands at Ibrox for a game last season when all the death threats were happening and he was perfectly fine and, furthermore, Peter Lawwell was sat in the director's box yesterday.

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he didn't actually say it was us that advised him. He just said he was advised

while i hate the wee cunt. He didn't actually lie this time

The way he made it out was that Rangers staff wouldn't let him in the directors box.When it was actually Rangers that offered him to sit in there.

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As far as I recall, it is fine for him to lie as frequently as he wishes, but if a referee tells a white lie when talking to him, just to shut him up, then he has to resign.

Anyone remember earlier in the season:

TLB: "Kris Commons isn't playing because he is injured"

Kris Commons tweets: "I'm not injured, just not being selected"

Media outrage at the lying.... no, sorry, didn't bother mentioning it, except to say that Commons shouldn't contradict his manager!

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he didn't actually say it was us that advised him. He just said he was advised

while i hate the wee cunt. He didn't actually lie this time

He is quoted in a number of places as stating "I was told by rangers security staff that for my own safety I shouldn't enter the stand" roughly

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We should release a DVD of the CCTV footage from the media room of him watching the 2nd half. Would sell plenty, probably enough to clear the tax bill!! :lol:

I hope Rangers send him the bill for the damage he done to the room when that black boy (not racist, just dunno his name :) ) was sent off.

I couldn't help thinking in the second half when Super Ally :praise: was repeatedly shown playing with a set of keys in his hand, that he had locked the wee cunt in the room :21:

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