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Who are The Vanguard Bears?


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And this is precisely why I got fed up posting here.

Too many divisions, too many shit stirrers and not enough unity in trying to save our club, support the team and tackle our many enemies.

couldnt agree more mate

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where can i get one of these hymm sheets??

seriously tho, i think VB do good work on behalf of all rangers fans and pick thier battles carefully and go at it whole heartedly and in good faith.

I was also one who backed whyte longer than I should have, but is that a bad thing in any way?? not really, just wishfull thinking on my behalf i suppose, untill it became to obvious.

I like alot of what the VB say and do, think I'll need to be asking about, do the leg work and get on as i think there is alot of like minded bears on there (like minded to me that is). I know a few guys on there, just not sure of usernames.

the system they use is fool proof to an extent and garauntees rangers fans on a rangers site, cant be a bad thing IMO

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Quite sad that fellow Bears are having cheap digs at each other. I'm on VB. It's not a 'secret society' or any such sort, but it keeps the scum out. I got my membership through a mate who was a member and could vouch for my Rangers/Loyalist views. There are no imposters there, a breath of fresh air compared to RM/FF sadly. Some of the comments on this thread are way out of order, though at least there is a debate. Someone started a thread on the article on FF and it was deleted pronto. Childish really.

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Quite sad that fellow Bears are having cheap digs at each other. I'm on VB. It's not a 'secret society' or any such sort, but it keeps the scum out. I got my membership through a mate who was a member and could vouch for my Rangers/Loyalist views. There are no imposters there, a breath of fresh air compared to RM/FF sadly. Some of the comments on this thread are way out of order, though at least there is a debate. Someone started a thread on the article on FF and it was deleted pronto. Childish really.

Why was it deleted mate?

I don't frequent FF, so don't know the politics.

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If it doesnt fit the views of 1 or doesnt earn money then it has no place on FF

You got in before me, ha ha. But you're right. The no of threads that disappear on FF is mindboggling and that can only be because they don't follow MD's party line. I've not been on FF for a couple of days but have seen my post count go down from something like 2,010 to 1,995 in 24/48 hours due to chopped threads.

I didn't even get the chance to read the thread on VB on FF as it was there and gone in double quick time.

At least we're able to debate it here. I just wish the sniping by bear on bear would stop.

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Why was it deleted mate?

I don't frequent FF, so don't know the politics.

Money is the politics of FF unfortunately :(

And don't ask reasonable questions like where the money raised at events like the post scum game party went or you'll get banned.

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Quite sad that fellow Bears are having cheap digs at each other. I'm on VB. It's not a 'secret society' or any such sort, but it keeps the scum out. I got my membership through a mate who was a member and could vouch for my Rangers/Loyalist views. There are no imposters there, a breath of fresh air compared to RM/FF sadly. Some of the comments on this thread are way out of order, though at least there is a debate. Someone started a thread on the article on FF and it was deleted pronto. Childish really.

Oh the irony. So would I be welcomed on there to talk up the RST?

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In honesty , i think the more pressing issue is our club and what the next step is , rather than worrying about who is who in regards to fans groups , we should all be putting daft issues to the side until such time as we have all the answers we seek and our club is secured .

Just my humble opinion though :rolleyes:

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In honesty , i think the more pressing issue is our club and what the next step is , rather than worrying about who is who in regards to fans groups , we should all be putting daft issues to the side until such time as we have all the answers we seek and our club is secured .

Just my humble opinion though :rolleyes:

And mine Reddrock. (tu)

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Always been interested in VB but not sure I qualify being from the states.

It doesn't matter where you live mate. There are bears on it from the US, Canada, Australia, NZ etc on VB, as here and FF. You just need to know someone on it who can vouch for you not being one of the scum and you're in.

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It doesn't matter where you live mate. There are bears on it from the US, Canada, Australia, NZ etc on VB, as here and FF. You just need to know someone on it who can vouch for you not being one of the scum and you're in.

Well, now just to solve that mystery! wink.gif

Have to start tacking up fliers round the town trying to find one I suppose...

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Oh the irony. So would I be welcomed on there to talk up the RST?

You would get a debate, but I doubt it would descend to the level of some of the comments on this thread and others, both on RM and FF. Most of the name calling on there is between guys who know each other and are jesting, unlike other boards.

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You got in before me, ha ha. But you're right. The no of threads that disappear on FF is mindboggling and that can only be because they don't follow MD's party line. I've not been on FF for a couple of days but have seen my post count go down from something like 2,010 to 1,995 in 24/48 hours due to chopped threads.

I didn't even get the chance to read the thread on VB on FF as it was there and gone in double quick time.

At least we're able to debate it here. I just wish the sniping by bear on bear would stop.


edinburgh zoo would do anything to get some bear on bear action lol ( damn pandas wont shag at all, i think the black and white one is gay.....)

its so true and we all know it, the reason we are all posting similar remarks regarding this.

I've not been on FF for years, but the sniping on here is getting to an unhealthy level lately, which alot can be attributed to the position we find ourselves in, but mostly it is uncalled for and cringe worthy

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I've wrote a few articles for them a while back and helped them out on other occasions. I personally get, and like, the fighting back on certain aspects.

I also disagree with them on many things(Craig whyte being the biggest one) and have said so, but other than 1 or 2 comments from less prominent members, I have never had any issues with my disagreements.

Mainly, the guys respond and debate my points well, sometimes by pm.

No issues from me. (tu)

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When you think at one time all our support used to be like the Vanguard bears and would defend our traditions. But the PC mob and the handwringers attached themselves on to our support, plus Murray and Bain who allowed the media and the press to pish all over our club.

People can think what they like about The Vangaurd Bears, but at least they stand up for our club and traditions and take the fight back to our enemies, and deserve great credit.

Sorry to disagree, but im sure I read something about them being Racist, no catholics at Ibrox etc...... this rule is way way in the dark ages and we definately need to move away from that shite.........................

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Sorry to disagree, but im sure I read something about them being Racist, no catholics at Ibrox etc...... this rule is way way in the dark ages and we definately need to move away from that shite.........................

You are SURE you read something about something.........?

Yeah. SURE you did

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Sorry to disagree, but I'm sure I read something about them being Racist, no catholics at Ibrox etc...... this rule is way way in the dark ages and we definitely need to move away from that shite.........................

VB haters wont like this (either) :rolleyes:

(Actually from what I see VB don't like much - they have their view of Rangers, Their view of what it means to be a fan, and its their view or your not a real fan your a 'handwringer' but I am proud of being a 'handwringer' as I see that as progressive and VB are a bit regressive (purely my own humble opinion). I have had a couple of decent debates with a couple of their members and a couple of slanging matches with others - they do get a wee bit highly strung at times especially when criticised)

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Sorry to disagree, but im sure I read something about them being Racist, no catholics at Ibrox etc...... this rule is way way in the dark ages and we definately need to move away from that shite.........................

Still no alram bells ringing with this cretin?

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