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The Question Is

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Regardless what you make of the information that has been released in the last 30mins. The question remains...who do you want to control our club? I have read many a time that BK and TBK are the people we want in charge.

It is Reasonable and workable bid both financially and in football terms. We have more power than you think. We can vote with out voices and our wallets. I say every rangers fan should back this bid in any way they can.

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My opinion is - TBK = a potential wonderous group to lead our club. Great strategy, great motives, great intentions.

The REALITY is - Admin CANNOT accept a bid that doesn't give much to the creditors. The creditors are #1 here, and no voice, protest, movement or group can change this.

If someone was to phone BK and PM and say "look mate, I like your bid and I like what you're doing for Rangers, here's £3-4 million to chuck in the CVA pot - then magic. Boom. We have TBK. Until then, admin cannot guarantee the creditors a safe return from TBK bid.

If the creditors aren't happy - hello liquidators.

The reality is shit, it sucks, and I am gutted about it. But that's the way it has to be.

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anyone but tbk.

they are a fucking joke and i am disgusted at their media whoring when in reality there offer is fucking rediculous.

1.5mil doesnt even cover the admin costs. never mind a cva.

creditors would end up owing money never mind recieving any

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Its clear TBK are relying on this supposed share issue if they get in control, but what if it doesnt work out and they dont sell enough

We firstly need guys that will dump enough cash in to save us and keep us going, then they can try and get their money back from a share issue, but for a group of supposed rangers fans they seem to look after number 1 first and then the club

I bet that some donations to the RFFF have been a bigger % of a persons wealth than what TBKL are offering to buy the fucking club

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Agree with you though. Fan power could get TBK in. We would all have to part with SERIOUS cash though. We're talking millions.

Have to disagree re fan power that is bunkum.............the bid is if this happens and this happens you will get this and that..............also the offer dated 28th April and section 8.4 states their newco.......yet on national tv last night they still claimed time and time again cva, can someone answer that one?

Fan power can not sway an offer, we are talking money on the table..that when it comes down to it, si how simple it is, you people look at the problem, advise as to the best way to tackle it and the money required ....then you look at their advise and say....yip we can do that or no we can't do that.

But to offer wishful thinking......................how many times as a club have we got through the qualifying stages? they still mention Europe season 12/13 yet decree others for going on about Europe 13/14 as they are using a newco that will mean 3 years out...yet sec 8'4 they themselves mention into the newco yet they give the Euro 13/14 for maybe paying money from CL

Help me with the above someone please.

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Regardless what you make of the information that has been released in the last 30mins. The question remains...who do you want to control our club? I have read many a time that BK and TBK are the people we want in charge.

It is Reasonable and workable bid both financially and in football terms. We have more power than you think. We can vote with out voices and our wallets. I say every rangers fan should back this bid in any way they can.

I am sure that we can force every bidder to turn tail and run, but trust me on this one, if the Administrators think they can get more from a Asset Sale, that is what they will do, the TBK/BK need to up the bid or get to fuck.

It really is that simple.

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Have to disagree re fan power that is bunkum.............the bid is if this happens and this happens you will get this and that..............also the offer dated 28th April and section 8.4 states their newco.......yet on national tv last night they still claimed time and time again cva, can someone answer that one?

Fan power can not sway an offer, we are talking money on the table..that when it comes down to it, si how simple it is, you people look at the problem, advise as to the best way to tackle it and the money required ....then you look at their advise and say....yip we can do that or no we can't do that.

But to offer wishful thinking......................how many times as a club have we got through the qualifying stages? they still mention Europe season 12/13 yet decree others for going on about Europe 13/14 as they are using a newco that will mean 3 years out...yet sec 8'4 they themselves mention into the newco yet they give the Euro 13/14 for maybe paying money from CL

Help me with the above someone please.

Fan power in protest or messaging is pointless - I stated that in my first point and agree with you totally.

I was talking about fans contributing money to the offer, which would be impossible and pointless at this stage of the bidding process, but doable if we all transferred £20 each into PM's bank account :craphead:

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40000 fans x £200 = £8m

Not being funny, and the club means everything to me and I would do what I could to try and help save it - but in the current economical climate how many people can afford £200 at the drop of the hat

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Fan power in protest or messaging is pointless - I stated that in my first point and agree with you totally.

I was talking about fans contributing money to the offer, which would be impossible and pointless at this stage of the bidding process, but doable if we all transferred £20 each into PM's bank account :craphead:

Indeed it would do..alas 5 weeks ago not now00000042.gif

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40000 fans x £200 = £8m

Yes mate, I proposed a solution on another thread today where we the fans top up their bid but it needs BK to front the money. We then legally tie ourselves into a money commitment into the RFFF to pay BK at a later date. but your 8m is an achievable figure.

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Not being funny, and the club means everything to me and I would do what I could to try and help save it - but in the current economical climate how many people can afford £200 at the drop of the hat

Agrees but that is Figure that can be manipulated as much as you like. 300k went Manchester. It is possible.

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You were behind fan ownership group i think....

If only this process could have been pushed on.

40000 fans wanting a piece of our club and to save us from self destruction, The appeal is fantastic.

Fan ownership would be the perfect deal

The Problem we have found is quite a simple one.

Over the last 3 months we have had more people thinking up ideas that are nailed on the same as ours, instead of backing our idea, people seem to want to think up an almost identical effort.

It doesn't happen overnight, but we have worked miracles to get as far as we have and the idea was that 40,000 x £200 was a realistic figure on both sides and it wont be affrodable to everyone, but our core proposal shows a package that is £100 which would suit the above poster who would become a member and still have a vote even at £100.

The Rangers Members Club

40,000 Paying £200 (on average, some more some less, but you have to have a figure) 8m

That is the joing fee for the club to save it.

40,000 paying a membership fee of £20 per month and we have 800,000 which is basically covering the black hole gap.

You can work it on any figures but at the end of the day we had to choose one to put forward




We chose 200 and 40,000.

I was amazed that rather than gather more support people only seem interested in making up their own one.

We had taken advice from Neil Patey, David Hillier, Legal advice and much more as well as advice within the club and football in general.

It is weird they all think our idea is brilliant yet our own fans would rather roadblock us.

We are not even allowed to post on FF

We can't even join VB

We have got so close to the line and we are all now sitting on a cliff and it may well be us or liquidation.

It will take around two weeks to set up a Industrial & Provident Society account to protect the money, but we don't have 2 weeks.

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The Problem we have found is quite a simple one.

Over the last 3 months we have had more people thinking up ideas that are nailed on the same as ours, instead of backing our idea, people seem to want to think up an almost identical effort.

It doesn't happen overnight, but we have worked miracles to get as far as we have and the idea was that 40,000 x £200 was a realistic figure on both sides and it wont be affrodable to everyone, but our core proposal shows a package that is £100 which would suit the above poster who would become a member and still have a vote even at £100.

I would expect it from FF but not VB.

What was their reasoning?

The Rangers Members Club

40,000 Paying £200 (on average, some more some less, but you have to have a figure) 8m

That is the joing fee for the club to save it.

40,000 paying a membership fee of £20 per month and we have 800,000 which is basically covering the black hole gap.

You can work it on any figures but at the end of the day we had to choose one to put forward




We chose 200 and 40,000.

I was amazed that rather than gather more support people only seem interested in making up their own one.

We had taken advice from Neil Patey, David Hillier, Legal advice and much more as well as advice within the club and football in general.

It is weird they all think our idea is brilliant yet our own fans would rather roadblock us.

We are not even allowed to post on FF

We can't even join VB

We have got so close to the line and we are all now sitting on a cliff and it may well be us or liquidation.

It will take around two weeks to set up a Industrial & Provident Society account to protect the money, but we don't have 2 weeks.

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TBK are fuckin us about ,just like fuckin Kennedy hes minted wouldn't miss it hes either in the pot or fuckin massaging his ego on TV we are well an truly fucked all of them are blowing smoke up our arse this guy Greens a hatchet man if he gets us time back him ,its damage limitation need to get a base something to build on ,its 1 step forward 3 steps back the club cant gain any momentum

Duff and fuckin Phelps have rammed us from day one Murray and that scrotum Whyte, cunts the both off them .

The Record who all of a sudden have stories to tell one and all kept that pretty quiet eh ,wee change in their slant today ,if theyre investigative techniques are that good how come no cunt told us months/years ago which beggars the question about Duff and Phelps they had the fuckin books wheres their pitch in all this,they've got to have known the situation months ago ,feelers must have been put out for buyers or is it really unattainable ,or is it lies lies and more fuckin lies ,its a a fuckin carve up IMO ,

You can protest all you want it will change fuck all ,whats all this in fighting FFS , stick together any shite just diminishes the product value of Glasgow Rangers Football Club the clowns having a barney are just putting another nail in , and it only helps to closes more doors ,

the creditors have first dibs nobody can change that ,thats a fact anything else is pish the amount in the pound they settle for is the big question ,thats why Buffalo Bill bolted no enough in the pound once he had a shufti ,dont forget if Green looks and there's fuck all in it for him he will be gone as well .

Come back to Kennedy and they fuckin RayBans if your in your in , dont fuck us about you have the cash what you gonna do get off the pan or take one.

If/when we come through this I think it will take years to sort this out the SPL could well be defunct its not looking good for us or them ,,we are not to big to go down thats a fact.

Another fact is we have to survive or our whole ethos goes down the fuckin tubes if we dont ,when the call comes and it will your looking at years to sort this out no 3 or 4 maybe 10 years IM up for it who else is I maybe not even see it sorted in my lifetime as long as the fight goes on . If its viable for someone to punt in the cash we repay him with our undevided loyalty the next fella up must be in for the long hall and I dont see Green being that Im afraid ,so Kennedy you up for the challenge or are you only interested in your face on the TV having a pop at everybody else , you knew the deadlines ,you knew how much was needed ,you blame Duff and Phelps your expert told you that they were hopeless every cunt and there Auntie could tell you that , that still doesn't stop you making the bid that gets you control of RFC why is that.???

Sorry about the rant dont post much just letting off some steam

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The Problem we have found is quite a simple one.

Over the last 3 months we have had more people thinking up ideas that are nailed on the same as ours, instead of backing our idea, people seem to want to think up an almost identical effort.

It doesn't happen overnight, but we have worked miracles to get as far as we have and the idea was that 40,000 x £200 was a realistic figure on both sides and it wont be affrodable to everyone, but our core proposal shows a package that is £100 which would suit the above poster who would become a member and still have a vote even at £100.

The Rangers Members Club

40,000 Paying £200 (on average, some more some less, but you have to have a figure) 8m

That is the joing fee for the club to save it.

40,000 paying a membership fee of £20 per month and we have 800,000 which is basically covering the black hole gap.

You can work it on any figures but at the end of the day we had to choose one to put forward




We chose 200 and 40,000.

I was amazed that rather than gather more support people only seem interested in making up their own one.

We had taken advice from Neil Patey, David Hillier, Legal advice and much more as well as advice within the club and football in general.

It is weird they all think our idea is brilliant yet our own fans would rather roadblock us.

We are not even allowed to post on FF

We can't even join VB

We have got so close to the line and we are all now sitting on a cliff and it may well be us or liquidation.

It will take around two weeks to set up a Industrial & Provident Society account to protect the money, but we don't have 2 weeks.

To be honest I really didn't think fan ownership was really viable when this 1st came out although thought the idea was fantastic.

I honestly thought the investment needed for the fans to buy the club would have been a lot more than £8m

But seeing the bids from BK in the open now, its perfectly clear that this is a viable solution.

Just a pity we have run out of time on this actually happening.

40000 fans - fuck sake we have more than that through the gates every week!!

£200 to save the club we all love - really gutted this couldn't have took off

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To be honest I really didn't think fan ownership was really viable when this 1st came out although thought the idea was fantastic.

I honestly thought the investment needed for the fans to buy the club would have been a lot more than £8m

But seeing the bids from BK in the open now, its perfectly clear that this is a viable solution.

Just a pity we have run out of time on this actually happening.

40000 fans - fuck sake we have more than that through the gates every week!!

£200 to save the club we all love - really gutted this couldn't have took off

Don't get me wrong, we have had a fantastic response, considering we have little or no exposure, we are just everyday supporters and 2 of the biggest fans boards are not available to us.

But it is nowhere near the amount required.

We are ready to go, if we had the backer/figurehead, we could have went weeks ago.

I will tell you where the biggest problems lay

Lack of Time

Lack of Presence at the club

Uncertainty of who will actually own us

These 3 alone make it difficult for anyone to commit to anything, which is where the frustration comes in.

It's not that they don't want to help, more that they are unsure about everything.

If it hadn't been for the professional advice and help we have had we would be nowhere near ready.

If we had a board to approach then it would be different.

The club has been approached as has the RFFF.

We could literally go looking for 40,000 tomorrow and we would get a right good hit.

Some of the support seem oblivious or unable to deal witht he fact in a few weeks we are rooked.

Our time is now and it is time to stand together and do it ourselves

It is ok demanding meetings and psoturing for self purpose but what we need is 40,000 bears to say i want to save rangers, i will find 200 to do it and i can afford 20 a month.

for 65p a day i want to save the club i love

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Don't get me wrong, we have had a fantastic response, considering we have little or no exposure, we are just everyday supporters and 2 of the biggest fans boards are not available to us.

But it is nowhere near the amount required.

We are ready to go, if we had the backer/figurehead, we could have went weeks ago.

I will tell you where the biggest problems lay

Lack of Time

Lack of Presence at the club

Uncertainty of who will actually own us

These 3 alone make it difficult for anyone to commit to anything, which is where the frustration comes in.

It's not that they don't want to help, more that they are unsure about everything.

If it hadn't been for the professional advice and help we have had we would be nowhere near ready.

If we had a board to approach then it would be different.

The club has been approached as has the RFFF.

We could literally go looking for 40,000 tomorrow and we would get a right good hit.

Some of the support seem oblivious or unable to deal witht he fact in a few weeks we are rooked.

Our time is now and it is time to stand together and do it ourselves

It is ok demanding meetings and psoturing for self purpose but what we need is 40,000 bears to say i want to save rangers, i will find 200 to do it and i can afford 20 a month.

for 65p a day i want to save the club i love

Believe me im going through tough times too, but £200 to save our club.... Id be there without a doubt....

Not only save it but we will all own our own club...

In our hands.... no one to blame if things go wrong!!!

If only we all stood strong together...

For this to happen we would probably need a Brian Kennedy ( or the like of) to lead this sort of deal..

40000 at £200 is certainly viable... fuck id expect double that

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