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Celtic Tax Case update

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So if Celtic had to pay tax and PAYE on the wages swept to film holding companies would they have been able to afford the squad that won trophies?

Plus one of their players had an EBT Ive heard, might have been Robbie Keane.

What the celtic players did had heehaw to do with the club,

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jimbeamjunior - "What the celtic players did had heehaw to do with the club,"

On the surface that is true, however if it were to be proven that none of the players were involved in this type of scheme before their association with c****c there would be good grounds to have an investigation into whether or not an employee of the club was actively pushing these schemes to new members of the playing staff. If there was and they were doing it with the knowledge of the clubs highest office bearers then one would suspect that there as a prima facia case for the club to have to accept responsibility. Now according to the list posted on RM two names present spring out and they are E. Riley and P. Lawwell. Does the club have any higher ranking officials than them? Now I am not accusing anybody of anything here, I am simply laying out a hypothetical situation in the name of Sporting Integrity.

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Ffs that's the spirit (tu)

Just saying it like it is mate. I find it pathetic seeing so many of out support getting into a frenzy over this and expecting them to end up going through all the same shit we had to endure.

It just won't happen. Either it will be found out to be a load of bullshit or if they do get punished it will be a slap on the wrist and nothing more I guarantee it.

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AlbertzLeftPeg - "Just saying it like it is mate. I find it pathetic seeing so many of out support getting into a frenzy over this and expecting them to end up going through all the same shit we had to endure.

It just won't happen. Either it will be found out to be a load of bullshit or if they do get punished it will be a slap on the wrist and nothing more I guarantee it."

(td) Thank f**k the British never took that attitude in 1939.

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AlbertzLeftPeg - "Just saying it like it is mate. I find it pathetic seeing so many of out support getting into a frenzy over this and expecting them to end up going through all the same shit we had to endure.

It just won't happen. Either it will be found out to be a load of bullshit or if they do get punished it will be a slap on the wrist and nothing more I guarantee it."

(td) Thank f**k the British never took that attitude in 1939.

And that's relevant to Celtic in what way?

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AlbertzLeftPeg - "And that's relevant to Celtic in what way?"

Its not aimed at c****c, it's aimed at your attitude to this situation. Nobody expects this to be an easy or even a fair fight, and it certainly won't be a quick one either, but what we don't need is defeatism from within. Thanks to the work of guys like PZJ and the VB's what has been going on will not be allowed to be swept under the carpet. It might take ten months, I might take ten years, but the truth will come out.

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AlbertzLeftPeg - "And that's relevant to Celtic in what way?"

Its not aimed at c****c, it's aimed at your attitude to this situation. Nobody expects this to be an easy or even a fair fight, and it certainly won't be a quick one either, but what we don't need is defeatism from within. Thanks to the work of guys like PZJ and the VB's what has been going on will not be allowed to be swept under the carpet. It might take ten months, I might take ten years, but the truth will come out.

There's a quote button mate, give it a bash.

You're last comment was irrelevant, probably sounded good in your head before you typed it, but completely irrelevant. Guys like PZJ and the VB's as much as I hate to say it are also irrelevant where these "cases" are concerned. All they can do is gather information, they have no input over whether or not a punishment is handed out or how severe that punishment may be so I stand by my previous comment.

Nothing will come of this. And if it does it will result in no more than a slap on the wrist to Celtic. Sorry for the dose of reality.

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AlbertzLeftPeg - "Nothing will come of this. And if it does it will result in no more than a slap on the wrist to Celtic. Sorry for the dose of reality."

I'm sure there were folk with a mind set similar to yours living in France during the occupation, "let's form a resistance group, why bother nothing will come of this". As for a "dose of reality" don't elevate your defeatist attitude to representing anyone other than yourself. The reality is crimes have been committed, and an attempt to destroy the club has been made and there are plenty out there with the view that these actions cannot be allowed to go unpunished. Your reality may be to say "hay ho nothing will come of this", but it's not mine and I'm sure it's not that of the majority of the support.

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AlbertzLeftPeg - "Nothing will come of this. And if it does it will result in no more than a slap on the wrist to Celtic. Sorry for the dose of reality."

I'm sure there were folk with a mind set similar to yours living in France during the occupation, "let's form a resistance group, why bother nothing will come of this". As for a "dose of reality" don't elevate your defeatist attitude to representing anyone other than yourself. The reality is crimes have been committed, and an attempt to destroy the club has been made and there are plenty out there with the view that these actions cannot be allowed to go unpunished. Your reality may be to say "hay ho nothing will come of this", but it's not mine and I'm sure it's not that of the majority of the support.

Another reply filled with more irrelevant nonsense. It's impossible to debate when you can't provide any argument relevant to the topic.

As for an attempt to destroy the club has been made, that may be true but much like the rest of your post it has no relevance to the topic of this thread.

I'll say it again, as far as Celtic's alleged tax fraud, dodgy land deals and everything else goes. No more than a slap on the wrist will be given to them if they even get punished at all. I'd love for something to happen that proves me wrong and I'll be the first one to hold my hands up if it does. But it won't.

Now if you insist on replying to me again try your best to post something relevant. Cheers.

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"No more than a slap on the wrist will be given to them if they even get punished at all. I'd love for something to happen that proves me wrong and I'll be the first one to hold my hands up if it does. But it won't."

Not only a defeatist but a psychic s well. :mad:

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"No more than a slap on the wrist will be given to them if they even get punished at all. I'd love for something to happen that proves me wrong and I'll be the first one to hold my hands up if it does. But it won't."

Not only a defeatist but a psychic s well. :mad:

And a very good one as you'll see when I get proved right ;)

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ALP, if the EC find that sellick were sold the deals at a cut price then sellick will need to pay the full amount back to GCC and anyone else that was involved. This could be millions. Some councillors are shitting themselves regarding this.

Having to pay back a sum that COULD amount to millions isn't exactly a severe punishment though is it? That's my point. I feel that some of our fans, particularly this whopper that keeps quoting my posts without saying anything of any relevance or interest, are deluding themselves into thinking this is something that will cripple their club and I just don't see it happening.

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Having to pay back a sum that COULD amount to millions isn't exactly a severe punishment though is it? That's my point. I feel that some of our fans, particularly this whopper that keeps quoting my posts without saying anything of any relevance or interest, are deluding themselves into thinking this is something that will cripple their club and I just don't see it happening.

The only thing that may cripple their club is if the coop loans are called in but even then I think they have a few billionaires involved in their club.
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The Tax schemes that have attracted so many of the members of staff at c****c are only of interest at present as a means of showing how biased the football authorities and press have been to our club. Having said that if someone breaks ranks and implicates the board of c****c as having been involved in pushing these schemes to their employees there there may well be a case further down the line by the football authorities or even HMRC to take some action.

I would probably guess that there would be more of a chance that it would be a case for the football authorities for possible use of illegal tax schemes as a means of financial doping of the squad. Something along the lines of promoting their use as opposed to setting them up providing the same on field benefit to them. In the case of HMRC I believe they would be more interested in the individuals who had signed up for the schemes.

From a publicity point of view they are of benefit because their use seems to have been ruled as illegal, I personally would love to know if any board members players from other clubs were as heavily involved in these schemes. I don't expect this situation to bring down the walls of c****c park, but it may provide another piece of ammunition to add to that which is being fired in their direction in regards to financial doping via state aid. Remember two of the people mentioned in the list posted on RM are not only members of the c****c board, but hold office within the Scottish football authorities a ted embarrassing to say the least considering the authorities view of Rangers and the EBT's.

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  • 1 year later...
On 5/30/2012 at 0:07 AM, TheLawMan said:

Credit of course goes to the person who found this but i thought this was worthy of an OP. Any new finds, please PM me and i will add to it :sherlock:


Its been 4 years in the Melting Pot and a lot of emails etc, but all good things come to those that wait.  :wink:

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