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A subtle reminder for any Rangers-hating bastard


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It's been a truly dark day today. Personally, I never thought this day would come. A day when the severity of our Club's financial mismanagement has truly been laid clear for all to see, with the men to blame in certain hiding, and the Rangers Family suffering around the world. The anti-Rangers mob of this country however have not been hard to seek out. It's an unhealthy obsession but an unrepentant one at that.

I've been approached several times today by vermin with this "cheating" nonsense. According to these self-acclaimed warriors of Scottish football, Rangers "cheated" every other club in the SPL and that's why attendances are at an all time low all around the country; Rangers "cheated" themselves to titles and gained an unfair advantage over other teams; Rangers "cheated" the tax man and should be dead and buried. You'll hear a cry for a just punishment from some more moderate fans of other clubs in the SPL, but very few mean punishment. They want our club dead.

Let me remind those horrible little celtic men who vomit this poison across forums, on buses and in the pub: where lies your corinthian spirit and siege for sporting integrity surrounding the funding of the wages paid to Robbie Keane, Roy Keane, Ljungberg and several players of the O'Neill era? These wages came straight from the pocket of Dermot Desmond. Last time I checked the St. Mirrens, Motherwells and Kilmarnocks of this country don't have billionaires behind their club's funding £60,000-a-week loan signings to score penalties against bottom half sides and to appease the masses within the filthy festering east of Glasgow. One would consider such outside investment cheating by all standards - so how dare you take the moral high ground over the football finances of other clubs. Don't you fucking dare.

Let me also remind those at Tannadice, Pittodrie and McDiarmid Park that those grounds aren't going to fill themselves any time soon without the Bears. Biting the hand that feeds you is never a good business plan for any football club wishing to progress. The likes of Kilmarnock, without Rangers Football Club, would have been plunged into administration themselves years ago had the Club not received the £2m transfer fee for a certain Steven Naismith. I wonder how that will pan out over the next few years should a similar scenario arise. Let's sit back and watch, shall we?

When you sleep in yet again for that kick-off down at the match in that new-look SPL because "there was no point", and when you begin to realise how great a mistake it was to present an SPL without the premier team in the land to the country and to an uninterested Sky, listen closely and be fearful for you own little club's existence. You are orchestrating the demise of not only your own club but the future of Scottish football. And for those clubs who want us dead? The Rangers Football Club has been on its knees fighting for its every last breath over the past 6 months. The Rangers support has kept it living with unmatched love, loyalty and charity. As the saga continues to develop, the Club may in fact be playing its football in the Third Division as of 2012, away from those who harmed it and laughed at it, whilst Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs targets the men who plundered the Club into disrepair. We're willing to take the punishment all around us wish for. No newco Rangers in the SPL is what you want and that's fine by us. We'll rise again. The Club is just going for a little sleep just now.

But just you fucking remember: that sleeping giant at the bottom of the Scottish football leagues is going to wake up, and its going to be very fucking angry. It won't ever forget those who kicked it when it was down, and when Rangers return stronger, louder and more powerful, don't expect any favours when the big boys come back to town. We'll have the last laugh, when you'll be taking your last breath.

No Surrender.

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This "cheating" stuff is fucking bullshit. Get to fuck. Look at the debts of major Club's in England and Spain.

In Spain, the only reason Valencia haven't been liquidated is because of the protection afforded to football clubs there. Barca / Real cannot sustain their current levels of spending according to lead economists - is everybody going to say they cheated their way to their current status as 'one of the greatest teams of all time' ?

These muck-racking bastards are scraping the barrel.

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This "cheating" stuff is fucking bullshit. Get to fuck. Look at the debts of major Club's in England and Spain.

In Spain, the only reason Valencia haven't been liquidated is because of the protection afforded to football clubs there. Barca / Real cannot sustain their current levels of spending according to lead economists - is everybody going to say they cheated their way to their current status as 'one of the greatest teams of all time' ?

These muck-racking bastards are scraping the barrel.

Don't hold back, express yourself. :sherlock:

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It's been a truly dark day today. Personally, I never thought this day would come. A day when the severity of our Club's financial mismanagement has truly been laid clear for all to see, with the men to blame in certain hiding, and the Rangers Family suffering around the world. The anti-Rangers mob of this country however have not been hard to seek out. It's an unhealthy obsession but an unrepentant one at that.

I've been approached several times today by vermin with this "cheating" nonsense. According to these self-acclaimed warriors of Scottish football, Rangers "cheated" every other club in the SPL and that's why attendances are at an all time low all around the country; Rangers "cheated" themselves to titles and gained an unfair advantage over other teams; Rangers "cheated" the tax man and should be dead and buried. You'll hear a cry for a just punishment from some more moderate fans of other clubs in the SPL, but very few mean punishment. They want our club dead.

Let me remind those horrible little celtic men who vomit this poison across forums, on buses and in the pub: where lies your corinthian spirit and siege for sporting integrity surrounding the funding of the wages paid to Robbie Keane, Roy Keane, Ljungberg and several players of the O'Neill era? These wages came straight from the pocket of Dermot Desmond. Last time I checked the St. Mirrens, Motherwells and Kilmarnocks of this country don't have billionaires behind their club's funding £60,000-a-week loan signings to score penalties against bottom half sides and to appease the masses within the filthy festering east of Glasgow. One would consider such outside investment cheating by all standards - so how dare you take the moral high ground over the football finances of other clubs. Don't you fucking dare.

Let me also remind those at Tannadice, Pittodrie and McDiarmid Park that those grounds aren't going to fill themselves any time soon without the Bears. Biting the hand that feeds you is never a good business plan for any football club wishing to progress. The likes of Kilmarnock, without Rangers Football Club, would have been plunged into administration themselves years ago had the Club not received the £2m transfer fee for a certain Steven Naismith. I wonder how that will pan out over the next few years should a similar scenario arise. Let's sit back and watch, shall we?

When you sleep in yet again for that kick-off down at the match in that new-look SPL because "there was no point", and when you begin to realise how great a mistake it was to present an SPL without the premier team in the land to the country and to an uninterested Sky, listen closely and be fearful for you own little club's existence. You are orchestrating the demise of not only your own club but the future of Scottish football. And for those clubs who want us dead? The Rangers Football Club has been on its knees fighting for its every last breath over the past 6 months. The Rangers support has kept it living with unmatched love, loyalty and charity. As the saga continues to develop, the Club may in fact be playing its football in the Third Division as of 2012, away from those who harmed it and laughed at it, whilst Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs targets the men who plundered the Club into disrepair. We're willing to take the punishment all around us wish for. No newco Rangers in the SPL is what you want and that's fine by us. We'll rise again. The Club is just going for a little sleep just now.

But just you fucking remember: that sleeping giant at the bottom of the Scottish football leagues is going to wake up, and its going to be very fucking angry. It won't ever forget those who kicked it when it was down, and when Rangers return stronger, louder and more powerful, don't expect any favours when the big boys come back to town. We'll have the last laugh, when you'll be taking your last breath.

No Surrender.

fkin great that was ,it was like something out of braveheart really got me going,well put sir. :praise: :praise: :praise:

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Don't care at this point where we play next season as long as we are playing, Dont want to be in the Scottish Cup no matter what, and I wonder how much the Sky deal is worth without Rangers being there, and Mr.Green please if the SPL are wanting us to stay but with ridiculous sanctions then tell them to GRTF. Can a youthful team rise from the 3rd division back to the SPL (or what ever the top league is in 2-3 yrs)? Believe so, spend the money on studying the Ajax, Barcelona, PSV youth training methods, go after the hammer throwers in the Scottish game and GTTF as well. And remember there was a Rangers F.C. long before the Rangers plc was formed there will be a Rangers F.C. long after the death of Rangers plc. Oh the other thing I would quietly do is keep ANY and ALL Scottish players we develop out of the SFA teams.

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A wee word for your uneducated kind(the mhanks), not that you will understand anyway .... that would require a brain which you are clearly lacking !!! First, the most basic universal human right is innocent till proven guilty, as far as I am aware no EBT case has been decided on yet, so we DID NOT CHEAT, of course your kind are true to form in the way you act like a lynch mob, you've been doing that since the dawn of time.... we put you in your place before and we will do it again .... that's why we cry NO SURRENDER because we ALWAYS come out on top not matter how long and hard the battle, we get the last laugh, always, and I for one will be singing the sash on the 12th of July because REMEMBER it is political not religious so you CAN'T call me a bigot ..... AND secondly, it's the COMPANY that dies not the CLUB,the oldest most successful club in Scotland will always be just that..... so please get your facts straight, say it all you like nananana your company died, HAHAHA , doesn't have quite the same ring to it does it LMAO at you bunch of SCUM

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A wee word for your uneducated kind(the mhanks), not that you will understand anyway .... that would require a brain which you are clearly lacking !!! First, the most basic universal human right is innocent till proven guilty, as far as I am aware no EBT case has been decided on yet, so we DID NOT CHEAT, of course your kind are true to form in the way you act like a lynch mob, you've been doing that since the dawn of time.... we put you in your place before and we will do it again .... that's why we cry NO SURRENDER because we ALWAYS come out on top not matter how long and hard the battle, we get the last laugh, always, and I for one will be singing the sash on the 12th of July because REMEMBER it is political not religious so you CAN'T call me a bigot ..... AND secondly, it's the COMPANY that dies not the CLUB,the oldest most successful club in Scotland will always be just that..... so please get your facts straight, say it all you like nananana your company died, HAHAHA , doesn't have quite the same ring to it does it LMAO at you bunch of SCUM

Just a message for any unwanted ghuests who may be browsing ........

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A wee word for your uneducated kind(the mhanks), not that you will understand anyway .... that would require a brain which you are clearly lacking !!! First, the most basic universal human right is innocent till proven guilty, as far as I am aware no EBT case has been decided on yet, so we DID NOT CHEAT, of course your kind are true to form in the way you act like a lynch mob, you've been doing that since the dawn of time.... we put you in your place before and we will do it again .... that's why we cry NO SURRENDER because we ALWAYS come out on top not matter how long and hard the battle, we get the last laugh, always, and I for one will be singing the sash on the 12th of July because REMEMBER it is political not religious so you CAN'T call me a bigot ..... AND secondly, it's the COMPANY that dies not the CLUB,the oldest most successful club in Scotland will always be just that..... so please get your facts straight, say it all you like nananana your company died, HAHAHA , doesn't have quite the same ring to it does it LMAO at you bunch of SCUM

Just sums it up nicely

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It's when i read things like this that make me proud to be a Rangers supporter. A lot of us feel the same but are unable to express this verbally. And its people like yourself that prove the Rangers family will be strong for generations to come. Well played sir - WATP!!!!

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When you sleep in yet again for that kick-off down at the match in that new-look SPL because "there was no point",

Firstly let me congratulate you on a great article. The point I have highlighted above is so true.

Many years ago when I used to take my son to the games he suddenly developed an interest in WWE or WWF as it was back then. These programmes were on TV on around Saturday lunchtime period just as it would be time for us to get ready to go to the match at Ibrox.

Occasionally my son would ask "who is we're playing today again dad?" When I told him it was e.g St Johnstone or Falkirk etc he would look at me and ask "do you really mind if I miss this one? I'll definitely go to the next game!"

The point you make about sleeping in or not going to games because they don't matter is very valid. Fans of our bitterest rival will come to know this feeling in abundance over the next few years and it won't be long before they will struggle to get crowds in the five figure mark.

I think we should use the next few years very wisely. Let us get a proper youth development policy in place so that by the time we do come back, we have a strong squad of Rangers' minded players who know exactly what it means to play for our club and who will have the talent and desire to help us attain greatness once again.

Pretty soon we will be restored to our proper place in football by which time our enemies - or what is left of them will be there for the taking!

Sad times now admittedly but in the years to come our future successes will taste so much sweeter after the bitterness of our todays!

PS, My son cannot believe he didn't want to attend games and now goes to every one he can! Truly an elightened soul! :21:

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