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Message From Jim Hannah


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... RM posters have minds of their own. That's a good thing.

Your comment about Jim Hannah being a traitor was out of order and merely emphasises the point that some folk can't cope with others having a differing opinion.

Is your ban button no working? :sherlock:

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Lets not March against those who have stepped up and saved our Club.

Yes they have ,and have kept it alive ,Let us wait and see .

Spot on. We would all like Walter involved - nobody should even need to ask the question. But why present the anti-Rangers press with another great opportunity to portray us as anti this and anti that. Lets wait and see and as fans be ready to support whoever is prepared to start the hard jobof restoring our great club.

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You could have saved yourself a lot of time and effort by simply typing 'I don't like Mark Dingwall so anything he backs I go against'. That's what it comes down to, let's be honest, Jim.

Anyone looking at it rationally will tell you things aren't quite so straight forward. Date King told us all back in February that liquidation was inevitable and he was correct. HMRC were never going to do a deal. McColl and Park were possibly of the same opinion. Another possibility is they felt TBK's offered the best deal for the club so they took a step back. Only they can answer why but as far as i'm concerned that is irrelevant.

They are here now and this is an opportunity we simply cannot miss. The question now is who would you rather have in charge, Charles Green -- a man with no link to the club who has struggled to scrape together investment and whose main goal is to make money for him and hIs investors or club legend Walter Smith's consortium which guarantees a board who offer both financial security and have the club's best interests at heart. Maybe it is slightly unfair on Charles Green but that's no concern of ours. We have to do what's best for Rangers and not what's fair on Charles Green. Unless you have an agenda (many on here do) then Walter gets the vote. It's a no brainer for 99% of our support.

nothing in my post that you quoted was about dingwall and his chums, so why mention him i dont know

as for park and mccoll, my anger towards them is simply down to their insistence in doing sweet fuck all while ordinary fans were paying through the nose to help keep the club alive

Why should they come riding in now with our unconditional support simply because of the team they support

At least Green's team have went about this the right way, they put up the bidders fee to D&P, they offered the CVA, they took it on the chin when it was kicked into touch, they took the black hole of wages on the chin and covered them this month

they bought the assets in a pre determined deal to stop us as a club being broken up and sold to the highest bidder who might have ended our great club

Not one of Green's investors are apparently Rangers men, but they have done more for our great club in the last 4 weeks than any of the so called "Real" Rangers men have done since we entered administration

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The way Ally is talking tonight, it doesn't seem like a rallying call to march:

“Charles Green’s organisation are now the owners of the club and since we first met I would tell everybody that Charles has done nothing but work his socks off to get Rangers in a position to move forward whether it is meeting with the SPL, the SFA or the lawyers and that is the gospel truth.

“He is of the same opinion as me that communication is a must between all the parties – the SFA, the SPL, Walter Smith, Jim McColl, everyone. The good thing is I think we all realise that. We need to put this disaster behind us and move forward.

I have not met the new chairman Malcolm Murray yet but I had great conversation with him this morning. We are moving in the right direction, I don’t have any doubt about that.

And I want to reassure the fans that I am here for the foreseeable future.“

Now, this is one Guy I trust! this is the man we should all listen too, he have conducted himself like a true Rangers man throughout this sorry mess!!! (tu)

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You could have saved yourself a lot of time and effort by simply typing 'I don't like Mark Dingwall so anything he backs I go against'. That's what it comes down to, let's be honest, Jim.

Anyone looking at it rationally will tell you things aren't quite so straight forward. Date King told us all back in February that liquidation was inevitable and he was correct. HMRC were never going to do a deal. 1.McColl and Park were possibly of the same opinion. Another possibility is they felt TBK's offered the best deal for the club so they took a step back. Only they can answer why but as far as i'm concerned that is irrelevant.

They are here now and this is an opportunity we simply cannot miss. The question now is who would you rather have in charge, Charles Green -- a man with no link to the club who has struggled to scrape together investment and whose main goal is to make money for him and hIs investors or club legend 2. Walter Smith's consortium which guarantees a board who offer both financial security and have the club's best interests at heart. Maybe it is slightly unfair on Charles Green but that's no concern of ours. We have to do what's best for Rangers and not what's fair on Charles Green. Unless you have an agenda (many on here do) then Walter gets the vote. It's a no brainer for 99% of our support.

1. When Millers bid was accepted why did they not step forward?

2. Can you prove this to be the case?

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If McColl, Park and Walter really care about the club, and I think it's pretty obvious they do, then why don't they take up Green's offer to get on board?

Or do they only care and come on board on their terms and conditions?

Doesn't sound to me like people who "only care about the club".

Because they don't want to work with Green. They have their own team which they would like to move forward with. Why would they get involved with someone they don't know whose main aim is to make money for him and his investors?

It's like a game of poker at the moment but Green knows his time is up. A club legend is now involved and this is a battle Green cannot win. It's only a matter of time now.

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nothing in my post that you quoted was about dingwall and his chums, so why mention him i dont know

as for park and mccoll, my anger towards them is simply down to their insistence in doing sweet fuck all while ordinary fans were paying through the nose to help keep the club alive

Why should they come riding in now with our unconditional support simply because of the team they support

At least Green's team have went about this the right way, they put up the bidders fee to D&P, they offered the CVA, they took it on the chin when it was kicked into touch, they took the black hole of wages on the chin and covered them this month

they bought the assets in a pre determined deal to stop us as a club being broken up and sold to the highest bidder who might have ended our great club

Not one of Green's investors are apparently Rangers men, but they have done more for our great club in the last 4 weeks than any of the so called "Real" Rangers men have done since we entered administration

This 100%.

Not one of these "Rangers men" came forward when we really needed them. If they care about the club lets see them buy into the newco which is owned legitimately by Mr Green. He's already said he's welcome talks with them about investment and representation.

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Because they don't want to work with Green. They have their own team which they would like to move forward with. Why would they get involved with someone they don't know whose main aim is to make money for him and his investors?

It's like a game of poker at the moment but Green knows his time is up. A club legend is now involved and this is a battle Green cannot win. It's only a matter of time now.

You're a fucking worm spewing out your FF propaganda as if it's fact.

Why don't you go and look up the meaning of the word "investors". For them to get their money back Rangers need to be successful or do these pesky facts not fit in with your fat messiah's message ?

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You could have saved yourself a lot of time and effort by simply typing 'I don't like Mark Dingwall so anything he backs I go against'. That's what it comes down to, let's be honest, Jim.

Anyone looking at it rationally will tell you things aren't quite so straight forward. Date King told us all back in February that liquidation was inevitable and he was correct. HMRC were never going to do a deal. McColl and Park were possibly of the same opinion. Another possibility is they felt TBK's offered the best deal for the club so they took a step back. Only they can answer why but as far as i'm concerned that is irrelevant.

They are here now and this is an opportunity we simply cannot miss. The question now is who would you rather have in charge, Charles Green -- a man with no link to the club who has struggled to scrape together investment and whose main goal is to make money for him and hIs investors or club legend Walter Smith's consortium which guarantees a board who offer both financial security and have the club's best interests at heart. Maybe it is slightly unfair on Charles Green but that's no concern of ours. We have to do what's best for Rangers and not what's fair on Charles Green. Unless you have an agenda (many on here do) then Walter gets the vote. It's a no brainer for 99% of our support.

Walter has no consortium mate I am afraid.

A consortium is using Walter's name and fans loyalty to him to sway opinion.

Walter has said on record he will play no part at Ibrox whatever occurs.

Wish he would get involved in some capacity but we must respect his wishes.

I say all the time as long as rangers are fixed I don't care who does it.

I don't take sides at all but I don't know yet what is best for Rangers and neither do you.

There is no bid in yet anyway so how can you?

Lets see all sides views then make a decision on what ones best.

Doing that without seeing a bid is blind stupidity and I can't let my heart rule this time.

This time it HAS to be right for the club and for no individual.

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nothing in my post that you quoted was about dingwall and his chums, so why mention him i dont know

as for park and mccoll, my anger towards them is simply down to their insistence in doing sweet fuck all while ordinary fans were paying through the nose to help keep the club alive

Why should they come riding in now with our unconditional support simply because of the team they support

At least Green's team have went about this the right way, they put up the bidders fee to D&P, they offered the CVA, they took it on the chin when it was kicked into touch, they took the black hole of wages on the chin and covered them this month

they bought the assets in a pre determined deal to stop us as a club being broken up and sold to the highest bidder who might have ended our great club

Not one of Green's investors are apparently Rangers men, but they have done more for our great club in the last 4 weeks than any of the so called "Real" Rangers men have done since we entered administration

I'm not interested in what's right for Charles Green. My only interest is what's best for Rangers Football Club. What has or hasn't happened in the past is irrelevant now. It's a simple question - who would you rather have running our club, Walter Smith's consortium or Charles Green's consortium? As I said, it's a no brainer for 99% of our support, and I think you know that, Jim.

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Because they don't want to work with Green. They have their own team which they would like to move forward with. Why would they get involved with someone they don't know whose main aim is to make money for him and his investors?

It's like a game of poker at the moment but Green knows his time is up. A club legend is now involved and this is a battle Green cannot win. It's only a matter of time now.

Then if they don't want to work with Green, I'd say he'd be within his rights to tell them where tae go.

It's his club (and ours) so he holds all the aces.

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I'm not interested in what's right for Charles Green. My only interest is what's best for Rangers Football Club. What has or hasn't happened in the past is irrelevant now. It's a simple question - who would you rather have running our club, Walter Smith's consortium or Charles Green's consortium? As I said, it's a no brainer for 99% of our support, and I think you know that, Jim.

Walter doesn't have a consortium.

Walter is not in a consortium.

Walter doesn't want to play any part at Ibrox.

Walter is only the consortium's figure head to get the fans on board.

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I think if Green can get Walter & co on board, that would be his best investors!

i am warming to Green i think he is great in the media, but i would be reassured if Walter was working with him. If he trusts him am sure every one of us would!

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You're a fucking worm spewing out your FF propaganda as if it's fact.

Why don't you go and look up the meaning of the word "investors". For them to get their money back Rangers need to be successful or do these pesky facts not fit in with your fat messiah's message ?

Again, your issue is with Mark Dingwall and FF, that much is obvious. Until you can get over this obsessive hatred you will be unable to look at things rationally. Forget about forum politics and consider what is best for our football club.

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Again, your issue is with Mark Dingwall and FF, that much is obvious. Until you can get over this obsessive hatred you will be unable to look at things rationally. Forget about forum politics and consider what is best for our football club.

What's best for our club is total fuckwits not telling season ticket holders not to renew.

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I think if Green can get Walter & co on board, that would be his best investors!

i am warming to Green i think he is great in the media, but i would be reassured if Walter was working with him. If he trusts him am sure every one of us would!

Far too sensible for some of the hot heads here. (tu)

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Again, your issue is with Mark Dingwall and FF, that much is obvious. Until you can get over this obsessive hatred you will be unable to look at things rationally. Forget about forum politics and consider what is best for our football club.

Answer post 111 please.

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Again, your issue is with Mark Dingwall and FF, that much is obvious. Until you can get over this obsessive hatred you will be unable to look at things rationally. Forget about forum politics and consider what is best for our football club.

You didnt awnser my question. You seem to think your in the know about this so, What role will Walter Smith play at Rangers if this new bid takes over?

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Because they don't want to work with Green. They have their own team which they would like to move forward with. Why would they get involved with someone they don't know whose main aim is to make money for him and his investors?

It's like a game of poker at the moment but Green knows his time is up. A club legend is now involved and this is a battle Green cannot win. It's only a matter of time now.

Your posts remind me of the Ed Zachary Disease joke. :sleep1:

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I'm sure Jim Hannah is speaking from the heart but that doesn't mean he is right. There are parts of that I agree with and parts that are quite naive. I think it would be wise to see what the next few days bring. There may be no need for a rally anyway.

Even tonight Ally is refusing to back Green. "Working his socks off" is the most positive thing he says. Reads to me like " get round the fucking table and get the club sold to Walter". I bear Green no ill will but he's short of money and has some questionable backers. He should take the opportunity to make some money and let McColl and Walter in I think.

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Why would they get involved with someone they don't know whose main aim is to make money for him and his investors?

The best way for anyone to make money at any club is for that club to be massively successful. Do that and the value will be there. Green, Zeus, (Boris) Murray et al know that, so if they do remain it's in their best interests and ours for us to be successful.

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I'm sure Jim Hannah is speaking from the heart but that doesn't mean he is right. There are parts of that I agree with and parts that are quite naive. I think it would be wise to see what the next few days bring. There may be no need for a rally anyway.

Even tonight Ally is refusing to back Green. "Working his socks off" is the most positive thing he says. Reads to me like " get round the fucking table and get the club sold to Walter". I bear Green no ill will but he's short of money and has some questionable backers. He should take the opportunity to make some money and let McColl and Walter in I think.

Walters is not coming in though or do you know different?

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