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Questions for Charles Green


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I've just posted an article on The Rangers Standard. I think it's important that, whatever your view on today's withdrawal by Walter Smith, we ask these questions and try to get some answers. Green is in charge of our club and we've had no answers at all.


Admin I hope this is ok. Any problems let me know.


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Questions for Charles Green .


With the news that Walter Smith’s consortium have pulled out of the bidding for Rangers, we are now left with the prospect of Charles Green being the “only show in town”. Are we going to make the same mistakes as before, or are we going to learn from the past and understand that there doesn’t have to be an alternative available for us to ask questions of the people in charge of our club?

Charles Green has consistently said that he understands the fans worry over the people taking over the club. Let’s see if that is just more talk. I am a season ticket holder at Ibrox and if Mr Green can answer these questions to my satisfaction then I’ll renew my ticket. If not then I have to seriously ponder the sense in giving my money to a man who has refused to allay the fears of thousands of fans.

I.Blue Pitch Holdings were named as investors by Charles Green. Who are they and who do they represent? I’ve googled them and can’t find a thing. Who is the investor behind them and how much of our club do they own?

II.Zeus Capital is an investment fund - they have invested someone’s money in our club. Whose money? Is it a large group of people or one or two? How much of our club do they own?

III.Chris Morgan is named as an investor “on behalf of a family trust”. Which family trust?

IV.We’ve been told that no one person will own more than 10-15% of our club. At the moment, there are at most 5 investors. I’m no mathematical genius but that doesn’t quite work. Let’s have a breakdown of how much each named investor owns. Who is the majority shareholder calling the shots?

V.How much working capital does Mr Green have to fund our club? It is reasonable for him to expect that season ticket money will be used for the costs of running our club but he has yet to show he is committing any of his own investors’ funds to this. Is he expecting the fans to fund the club alone in order to make a profit for himself and his investors?

VI.There were allegations made in the press last week that a man named Rafat Rizvi, at one point wanted by Interpol, was involved in Charles Green’s consortium. Can he categorically deny that this man is involved in any of the groups investing in the club?

VII.Mr Green provided proof of funding to Duff and Phelps. How many of the people who contributed to this proof of funding are still involved in his consortium? Was it Zeus, Blue Pitch et al who provided the funding shown to D&P?

VIII.Will season ticket holders be told as a matter of urgency what the contingency is for Rangers not being allowed entry to the SPL? A season ticket for Division 3 should be significantly cheaper – will refunds be issued if that happens?

IX.Can Mr Green ensure that his consortium will not accept the removal of titles as a price of entry to the SPL? Will he at least confirm that fan groups and ALL season ticket holders will be consulted if there is any possibility of this being the case? Under those circumstances, the fans deserve to decide if we should accept SPL sanction or apply to the SFL.

X.Can Mr Green give some clarity on why no Rangers’ supporting businessmen will commit funds to his consortium? What is in the business plan that they find so at odds with their wish to see the club on a secure footing again?

I’ve heard fans say Green can’t yet answer these questions. I’ve heard them say that we have to back the club no matter what. We do have to back the club but we can’t hand over millions of pounds to a man who refuses to answer these fundamental questions. Lots of issues are up in the air but Charles Green knows who his current investors are. He knows who is and isn’t involved. He knows how much working capital he has in the bank.

The fans are being bombarded from all sides at the moment. Whether it is the SFA, SPL or the promise of a club legend leading a consortium it’s hard to know where to focus our efforts. It’s understandable that we’ve taken our eye off the ball, but Mr Green promised us answers and he simply hasn’t yet delivered.

We have a week to renewals. I want to buy my season ticket. I want to support my club now more than I maybe ever have before. I will not, however, sleep walk into a situation where I commit money without clarity on these issues. We have to get some answers. I hope Mr Green is no Mr Whyte, but I will not repeat the mistake of believing that “the only show in town” must be backed at all costs.

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IX: Can Mr Green ensure that his consortium will not accept the removal of titles as a price of entry to the SPL? Will he at least confirm that fan groups and ALL season ticket holders will be consulted if there is any possibility of this being the case? Under those circumstances, the fans deserve to decide if we should accept SPL sanction or apply to the SFL.

We can't pick and choose what sanction the SPL dish out... "IF" the SPL have found evidence against us having double contracts. So Charles Green and his consortium can't possibly promise this not to happen.

Also, even if we go to the SFL. The SPL still could strip past titles off us, "IF" they have evidence against us.

All other questions are valid questions to ask.

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I'm happy to wait and see where we'll be playing next season as so much being asked of Green is relevant to this.

Almost none of those questions are relevant to that. Did you read them?

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One small flaw in your ppoint. Ok, its clear you are not an accountant, now 5 investors x 10 percent stake is, now rem I went to a proddy school, 50 percent of the shareholding. Ten to fifteen percent. That is anywhere in between.

SoRry being pedantic, but think when u talk abt investors it is quite an important point.

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I've just posted an article on The Rangers Standard. I think it's important that, whatever your view on today's withdrawal by Walter Smith, we ask these questions and try to get some answers. Green is in charge of our club and we've had no answers at all.


Admin I hope this is ok. Any problems let me know.


My god why did you not pose questions of a similar nature re McColl/Park.............. after all we were told their funding was to attain the assets yet no such questions being asked who these mysterious others are that somehow never received an acknowledgement.

Re Zeus Capital .why should they disclose the number or who their investors are, what if the investors wish to remain anonymous .........your tone re Zeus Capital is leggo like in planting a thought.....Ques, did you in your search find Zeus to be a reputable company? Do you acknowledge that Zeus have under money laundering laws have to make cheks on their investors prior to taking the capital?

You have made it clear in another thread that you are annoyed as to Green and the fact that McColl has failed.

Rafat Rizvi you should have attached the press article I did respond to you before and still await a reply to this chap.

Again I am of the opinion you would not have posed these questions as to where their fnds and how much and what they intend to do if McColl/Park had won the day.

If truth be told from where I sit I could picture this as a leggo blog. As I said with a post you made today on a thread you are annoyed that Green has been given the ownership of our club.

There is absolutely nothing personal in anything I have said ...you published and asked for opinions on your article. This is the thrid time today i have responded to one of your post ....so here's hoping 3rd time lucky re reply.

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Almost none of those questions are relevant to that. Did you read them?

Yes. If we play in the SPL, investment will be higher, and from more people, than if we play in Division 3.

Therefore, Green probably doesn't know himself the level of investment, or who the investors will be.

As for the disclosure of names for some of the investment funds and family funds, these people may not want publicity and they are entitled to remain anonymous if they so wish.

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My god why did you not pose questions of a similar nature re McColl/Park.............. after all we were told their funding was to attain the assets yet no such questions being asked who these mysterious others are that somehow never received an acknowledgement.

Re Zeus Capital .why should they disclose the number or who their investors are, what if the investors wish to remain anonymous .........your tone re Zeus Capital is leggo like in planting a thought.....Ques, did you in your search find Zeus to be a reputable company? Do you acknowledge that Zeus have under money laundering laws have to make cheks on their investors prior to taking the capital?

You have made it clear in another thread that you are annoyed as to Green and the fact that McColl has failed.

Rafat Rizvi you should have attached the press article I did respond to you before and still await a reply to this chap.

Again I am of the opinion you would not have posed these questions as to where their fnds and how much and what they intend to do if McColl/Park had won the day.

If truth be told from where I sit I could picture this as a leggo blog. As I said with a post you made today on a thread you are annoyed that Green has been given the ownership of our club.

There is absolutely nothing personal in anything I have said ...you published and asked for opinions on your article. This is the thrid time today i have responded to one of your post ....so here's hoping 3rd time lucky re reply.

Put it this way, if it was disclosed that it was Craig Whyte, David Murray and Dave King's money that was behind Zeus Capital. Would you be happy about that? I think we should be told who is investing in our club to avoid a repeat of the last few years where we have had less than savoury characters investing in our club.

This article mentions one Rafat Rizvi as an investor in Green's consortium.

What makes you think that McColl/Park wouldn't be subject to the same level of scrutiny, and even if they would not have been, why does that mean we shoudn't ask questions of Green.

It's nothing like a Leggo blog, Leggo rants like a nutter, this is well-measured and thought out questions relevent to the issue.

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My god why did you not pose questions of a similar nature re McColl/Park.............. after all we were told their funding was to attain the assets yet no such questions being asked who these mysterious others are that somehow never received an acknowledgement.

Re Zeus Capital .why should they disclose the number or who their investors are, what if the investors wish to remain anonymous .........your tone re Zeus Capital is leggo like in planting a thought.....Ques, did you in your search find Zeus to be a reputable company? Do you acknowledge that Zeus have under money laundering laws have to make cheks on their investors prior to taking the capital?

You have made it clear in another thread that you are annoyed as to Green and the fact that McColl has failed.

Rafat Rizvi you should have attached the press article I did respond to you before and still await a reply to this chap.

Again I am of the opinion you would not have posed these questions as to where their fnds and how much and what they intend to do if McColl/Park had won the day.

If truth be told from where I sit I could picture this as a leggo blog. As I said with a post you made today on a thread you are annoyed that Green has been given the ownership of our club.

There is absolutely nothing personal in anything I have said ...you published and asked for opinions on your article. This is the thrid time today i have responded to one of your post ....so here's hoping 3rd time lucky re reply.

The people you want to ask questions about don't own the club. Green does. The link to the article about Rizvi is on the orginal article I just posted.

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I think the piece is pretty fair.

OK, as I said the other day, perhaps Green is entitled to be a bit p!ssed off at the lack of support but quite simply he's not been open enough and the fact questions do remain means the fans will struggle to commit to his vision.

This means opening up is for his own good - as much as ours.

Of course, this also applies to other bidders who continue to hang around the fringes. It's all well and good wanting the fans to stand behind a change of owner (again) but if you want us to pressure the existing guy, some quid pro quo would be nice. That criticism applies to fan groups as well.

As always, it really is pretty amazing just how poorly treated our fans are. Yet, we allow ourselves to be quite often!

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Yes. If we play in the SPL, investment will be higher, and from more people, than if we play in Division 3.

Therefore, Green probably doesn't know himself the level of investment, or who the investors will be.

As for the disclosure of names for some of the investment funds and family funds, these people may not want publicity and they are entitled to remain anonymous if they so wish.

Are they? So if Craig Whyte had bought the club through an investment fund that would have been ok? Green knows who he has now. I'm not asking who he's going to get. He also knows if he has a single penny of working capital. If you reckon the blue chip investors are going to pile in if we get into the SPL then fine. I'd like to know who I'm giving my money to. I want to renew. I just want some answers.

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My god why did you not pose questions of a similar nature re McColl/Park.............. after all we were told their funding was to attain the assets yet no such questions being asked who these mysterious others are that somehow never received an acknowledgement.

Re Zeus Capital .why should they disclose the number or who their investors are, what if the investors wish to remain anonymous .........your tone re Zeus Capital is leggo like in planting a thought.....Ques, did you in your search find Zeus to be a reputable company? Do you acknowledge that Zeus have under money laundering laws have to make cheks on their investors prior to taking the capital?

You have made it clear in another thread that you are annoyed as to Green and the fact that McColl has failed.

Rafat Rizvi you should have attached the press article I did respond to you before and still await a reply to this chap.

Again I am of the opinion you would not have posed these questions as to where their fnds and how much and what they intend to do if McColl/Park had won the day.

If truth be told from where I sit I could picture this as a leggo blog. As I said with a post you made today on a thread you are annoyed that Green has been given the ownership of our club.

There is absolutely nothing personal in anything I have said ...you published and asked for opinions on your article. This is the thrid time today i have responded to one of your post ....so here's hoping 3rd time lucky re reply.


Agree with it all except Green bought it and no other fucker did mate.

Thats why he is in pole position, nothing more sinister than that.

He took a punt and they seen too late there was bucks to be made and tried to sneak in the back door with D&P.

No way would the Rangers men have encountered these questions and my ask is why not?

They have fucked off so why annoy the only guy in town as Dave King would say.

And thats the first thing I trust Dave King on as well.

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keep us all updated. Everyones head is all over the place just now. It's getting harder by the day and shows no signs of being anywhere near being a thing of the past. Cant wait till we're all back to slagging poor performances.

I agree and it's somewhat overwhelming. Hopefully there will be news on the answers sooner rather than later.

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Yes we are being bombarded from all sides, so let's just give them more ammo?!

Privacy is now the order of the day until we know our future on the playing field!

Why should there be privacy?

We're about to invest upwards of £15million into the club by way of season tickets.

We're also going to be asked to invest anything up to £30million when Green (or indeed McColl) float the newco.

I think the very least we deserve is a bit of clarity from all sides.

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Fury, have you tried getting these questions to Green?

He would give one answer this week and a different next week , I have a similar feeling in my gut now as I did when whyte took over I hope i am wrong but something is not right IMO

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